A super long Sunday
Babah was at it again! He crept out of the house very early on Sunday morning still in search of a good view of the sunrise. He shot the above photo at blue ribbon roundabout.
Around 9am, Sarah and I went out to get our weekly groceries. She chose her own outfit and put on her own shoes. (They were the wrong way round initially)

And insisted to bring along her Barbie Doll and her Koala Bear bag.

Sarah complained that her cheeks sored a little bit when I applied the white base cream. So I quickly gave her face a wash. But after that, she said it wasn't painful at all and wanted her face painted.
So, the above was the final 'make over'. She went quite shy when we asked her to look in the mirror. She had her face washed almost immediately after the photo sessions.

She still had not enough of the face painting. She was looking for models for her skills and her victim was Babah. She wanted to paint Amar too. But she was not allowed to, of course.

They served kurma and bubur lambuk for starters. Ayam masak merah and kurma daging for main dish.

Sarah was so happy to meet children her age. She played along with them.

Even Amar enjoyed the open space. He ran non stop around the hall. He fell (dived purposely) a few times. He went 'missing' a few times too,which got me worried of course because the main door was open and he could have gone out to the carpark. But we found him lurking around the hall where people eat, he was just enjoying the extra space.
We went home around 8.30 pm and Sarah has already asked us, "Bila Sarah nak jumpa kawan Sarah lagi?" (Poor kids, they desperately need friends their age!)
We went home around 8.30 pm and Sarah has already asked us, "Bila Sarah nak jumpa kawan Sarah lagi?" (Poor kids, they desperately need friends their age!)
MS, syoknya Sarah dah pandai pilih outfit sendiri. Rissa pun sama. Dia siap pilih my outfit lagi. :)
Sarah pandai bergaul dgn budak-budak lain walaupun jarang jumpa kan? that's very good. Amar nampak handsome pakai baju melayu. :)
I love looking at Sarah in that pic with the cap and holding Barbie. But I can t really see that red dress she wore for the iftar. A kurung I suppose? More apt than frocks kan?
Btw Babah make a good looking clown!
The black and white pic of Babah and Mamar is a good composition. Better if Amar was made to hug him.
K'ron, after looking at muka Sarah several times, baru I teringat you yg mana satu... you mmg rapat dgn Yus kan.. she's kat UK ye? Last time I was in touch with her, she was in Australia, keja kat sana.. then she came back, kawin, pastu tak dengar apa2 dah.. Dia keja kat sana pulak ke? Kirim salam kat dia ok.
hey we remember that ribbon roundabout!!!
nice car sarah! complete with personalised number plate. can't wait to go for a ride.
The car caught my eye. Siap dengan plate number sekali tu. New car ye? ;)
hehe..dah jd anak dara dah si Sarah ni..
hai..kalaulah anak2 saya nampak makeup kit tu..mesti depa merengek nak mintak beli gak.
rajin tul babah layan kerenah anak2nya..
eh, cantiklah painting muka sarah tu :D
dah duduk jauh2 ni, dpt berkumpul beramai2 ngan kawan2 senegara mmg menyeronokkan..kan? blhlah dengar org cakap BM sana sini..hehe
Wah! For a moment there, I thought I was looking at a Maori girl. Bapaknye pon. Tapi ade sikit macam baker yang cake exploded in his face. Hehe! :D
Bagusnye camera Mynn tu eh? Boleh hilangkan jerawat? Camera ajaib kot?
kesian babahnye kena conteng hehe
seronok kan tengok anak2 main ngan kawan sebaya.. sbb tu saya kalo ada apa2 gathering mesti nak pergi..
nice number plate..
the picts reborn in coventry. do you know alot about this ancient dwellers of scotland?
anyway nice family activity. ;)
mynn.... lupa nak jawab... polarizer and a good stable tripod. ;)
good=minimum standard is that it can mount and dismount al kamera with ease.
Mau si Sarah tu duduk diam jer masa org lukis muka dia tu...kalau anak saya tak menjadi rasanya..hehe
sama juga macam Alya, selalu tanya bila boleh jumpa kawan2 dia. Kesian juga tp nak buat macam mana kan. Facing Painting, anak dara I pun minat you. selalu minta jadi princess sabar aje lah. Kalau Sarah & Alya jumpa sure boleh jadi geng kan. Ammar dan Amar plak emmm suka main lari2 dan jatuh2 eik..emmmm sepesen ler..
Sarah tak nak paint muka mama dia ke?
Is that a real plate number I see?
Sarah & her chosen outfit: Adorable!
Audi's Plate Number: Kewl!
Face painting: Wicked!
Camera yg hilangkan jerawat: Biar betul!!!
Finally: Selamat membuat persiapan utk hari raya! :)
sarah looked super cute with the face paint!!
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