Paris: 16 Oct 2006

Sarah and Amar slept late the night before. We could tell Sarah was very puzzled when I asked them to wear day-clothes to sleep. Of course she has been informed the whole week that we were going to go on an aeroplane to Paris. She was ecstatic everytime we mentioned the word aeroplane or Paris.

We brought along just one 25 kg suitcase, two hand luggages and a push chair. At inspection point, we had to throw away a carton of unopened 500ml milk and the kids' almost finished vicks vaporub bottle was confiscated.
On board, Amar played with his magnet-sticker book for a while and fell asleep two minutes before take off. While Sarah was busy reading her activity magazine and occupied with the sticker booklet. Babah was also quick to take out his camera trying to shoot the sunrise.

Before our departure, we did a brief research on the transportation provided to get us to the city. Our choices were bus, train or taxi. We planned to go by train but if necessary came, we will take a taxi.
Hating the thought of changing a train to get to Gare du Nord (the nearest station to where we were staying), with our baggage and kids AND bulan puasa some more, we decided to take a taxi. The fare was only a slight more expensive anyway and we hope to arrive right infront of the hotel's entrance.
There was a short queue for the taxi. We saw a lot of 'luxury' taxis coming too. Audis, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, and they all looked like new taxis. And another 'was-was' came in my heart, if these taxis would charge extra - but at the same time praying that we could get a ride in a Kompressor.
The person queuing infront of us got a Kompressor. And we only got an old Peugeot. The taxi driver was friendly and spoke very good English. Our half an hour- 40 minutes ride in an almost KL traffic situation was very informative. He suggested we should take the underground (Metro) to get around the city and to watch for pickpockets(!) (We have been warned by our Paris guidebook about that too).
There was a short queue for the taxi. We saw a lot of 'luxury' taxis coming too. Audis, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, and they all looked like new taxis. And another 'was-was' came in my heart, if these taxis would charge extra - but at the same time praying that we could get a ride in a Kompressor.
The person queuing infront of us got a Kompressor. And we only got an old Peugeot. The taxi driver was friendly and spoke very good English. Our half an hour- 40 minutes ride in an almost KL traffic situation was very informative. He suggested we should take the underground (Metro) to get around the city and to watch for pickpockets(!) (We have been warned by our Paris guidebook about that too).

When we reached Gare du Nord area, we saw there were plenty of 'Halal' take-away restaurants. So you may imagine us surviving on fried chicken with chips for 3 days. (Only to Sarah's delight)
Just to let you all know, the taxi driver used to work in Malaysia for 3 years as a Chemical Engineer. He knew so much about Malaysia and lots of other things as well. That made us thankful that our journey to the hotel was bearable.

We (I, rather) decided on this particular hotel called The New Hotel. They had a special discount when I booked a triple room. Only after confirming and paying through the net that I was quite doubtful of the condition of the hotel. (My family had bad experience with internet booking hotel in London last year)
Babah said, we only need the room to sleep and most of the time will be spent outdoors anyway. So, I held on to his words should he complained later on.

Babah was very excited to go out again almost immediately. But I had something else in mind. (Tidur lah apa lagi) We agreed that Babah will get some time on his own and he could try out the Metro system first. Also, to familiarise where to buy food and milk for the kiddies. So off he went alone that afternoon, while the kids and I had a peaceful nap.
I intended to write the whole account of our day 1 in Paris. But I think this alone is too much for any normal being to digest. Therefore, I will continue next time.
As I've written at Mynn's, I am booking you as my guide if ever I go on Europe tour! You are so meticulous in your internet booking etc and look at the orange room! it's so lovely! With Halal restaurant all around, what more can one ask for eh?
Alhamdulillah for the lovely Paris trip!
Yeahhhh mmg ditunggu2 nak dgr citer frm mamasarah pasal trip to Paris. Insyallah before balik Msia pun kami akan ke Paris..hihi. Nanti boleh kasi tips and hotel name lah.
Ps. kena tanya Yus jugak nih..hihihi
Dith: MS mmg sgt organise, she would be an excellent secretary :D
I've written a very long comment about pickpocket but then decided to post it in my blog because it was too long to post it as a comment. Check out my blog [tumpang lalu MS ;)]
Macam mana from being a chemical engineer boleh jadi taxi driver?
top photo tu kena pakai polarizer.
nice family photo. as babah did, i will also scout the area with or without a camera once i arrive at a new place.
hi...mama sarah...
too little about the Paris's trip...waiting more update from u...:p
orang yang ada qualifications dari luar negeri mana diorang terima utk kerja kat sini...
kelakarlah comment panjang sangat sampai terpaksa jadikan entry!
heh heh heh, masa tu tak ada polarizer, sekarang dah ada -- a hoya pro 1 circular polarizer. 77mm filter size, tapi i attach it to my 58mm lens with a step up ring. im glad to find out that a 70mm-300mm lens also has a 58mm filter size and my dream lens - the 24mm-105mm L USM IS lens is a 77mm filter size.
ps. ikelah, tak reti lah nak guna polarizer, hari tu i was turning the wheel around, sekali terjatuh my filter!. masa tu ambik gambar canal, nasib baik filter tu tak jadi dalam air!
wow... well organised trip to Faris. Pasti seronok.
mamasarah pernah ke New Zealand? saje ye tanya kot2 boleh dptkan tips, cox we are going there soon.
hahahahahahahaha 'Paris' not Faris, sori for mistyping
mama, berkat doa tak putus tu, alhamdulillah segalanya berjalan lancarkan bermula ngan dpt taxi driver yg helpful hinggalah hotel yg memuaskan..
besar gak ya bilik hotel tu..hehe first time nampak bilik hotel colorful camtu..
DITH awwwhh, honoured to be chosen as your tour guide!!! Looking forward to that day. If Allah permit.
But what I did was nothing, really. Compared to Babah's photo-taking.
Azie Plan nak drive ke? hehe you all sure biasa drive on the right hand side of the road kan?
Naja Hey, is that a compliment? Or do you mean, fussy? heh heh.
dyanna dia kata tak dapat kerja engineer kat France.
ikelah pressure lah cakap camtu. Al-kamera baru berumur 2 bulan. TAkkan dah nak beli baju umur setahun kot? slow-slowlah ikelah. (saya kan berjimat orangnya. hehe) do expect flaws in my coming entries too.
bby aka mynn sabar bby! sabar.
mama faris kami belum pernah pergi ke NZ. Tapi it's in our top list after Japan.
Do take lots of photos while you are there. May be boleh share experience juga nanti. Luckily it's an English speaking country kan?
Syikin Selalunya hotel tak colourful ke syikin? Sebenarnya hotel kita duduk satu colour scheme aje = orange. tak lah colourful. Tapi everything was bright orange!
anonymous sorry i've accidentally left you out. Hehe are you sure you want to know more about the trip from me?
besar nampak hotel tu yer mama sarah. Ye lah triple room, mcm kami dulu pergi... double jer. Turun di Orly airport ker, kami dulu Charles de Gaule (eh betul ker saya eja ni)....Ok kan kat area gare du nord tu, dekat dgn station, jadi senang nak ke mana2. Tak pergi Disneyland Paris ker??
yus sabar yus sabar! hehe. panjang lagi citer mak nenek saya ni!
very descriptive and informative ... keep it coming! gotta go back to paris again one day
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