Reintroduce: Sarah and Amar

Date of Birth: 4 October 2003
Height: 92cm approx.
Weight: 16kg approx.
Brief description of Sarah: Energetic, lively and creative
Currently: Sarah loves outdoor activities. And she brings outdoor inside the house too. She can jump, dance and run the whole day if no one stops her. She also have a more pleasant and softer side. Her smile is very endearing. Your heart will melt if you see her with a baby.
Don't be surprise when she gets bossy. She forces you to read her books and teach her to write 1-2-3 and A-B-C.
Since she was a little girl, she loves books VERY MUCH! Her favourite story book is Sleeping Beauty, but her favourite bedtime story is The Princess and The Frog.
She loves handicraft. Babah encourages her with this department by buying her loads of artwork kit. Her favourite cbeebies programme is Smarteenies.
Name: Amar
Date of Birth: 3 April 2005
Height: 84cm approx.
Weight: 13kg approx.
Brief description of Amar: Cool, attentive and winsome
Both of them are great children, alhamdulillah. Although at times, Sarah's hyperactive behaviour drives us crazy and Amar's too quiet manner got us worried, they are still our children who need our full attention and love. And the Mama has to learn to be more patient with them and needs reminding of Surah Al Anfal: 28. Yes, the Mama needs guidance too.
Don't be surprise when she gets bossy. She forces you to read her books and teach her to write 1-2-3 and A-B-C.
Since she was a little girl, she loves books VERY MUCH! Her favourite story book is Sleeping Beauty, but her favourite bedtime story is The Princess and The Frog.
She loves handicraft. Babah encourages her with this department by buying her loads of artwork kit. Her favourite cbeebies programme is Smarteenies.

Date of Birth: 3 April 2005
Height: 84cm approx.
Weight: 13kg approx.
Brief description of Amar: Cool, attentive and winsome
Currently: Like his sister; Sarah, Amar loves outdoor activities too. But he's more collected and does things quietly. He runs around, but quietly. He messes about, but quietly. He does his things quietly.
If Sarah loves her books, Amar has not shown any interest in books yet. However he can sit in one spot and watch a DVD from start until the end. Currently, his favourite dvd is Over the Hedge. He loves cbeebies channel too, one of his favourite programmes is Pingu! I have seen him laughed a few times watching that cartoon!
In terms of speech, he has just discovered the purpose of his voice. He has just started to babble and the only word that made sense to us is "Bah" (short for Babah, we think!)
If Sarah loves her books, Amar has not shown any interest in books yet. However he can sit in one spot and watch a DVD from start until the end. Currently, his favourite dvd is Over the Hedge. He loves cbeebies channel too, one of his favourite programmes is Pingu! I have seen him laughed a few times watching that cartoon!
In terms of speech, he has just discovered the purpose of his voice. He has just started to babble and the only word that made sense to us is "Bah" (short for Babah, we think!)

great potraits.
just got back from hols and was told to be on standby on the day and to work at night. thus, we are unable to follow KKL and Ol to KT for the wedding. :(
selamat pengantin baru to the couples and semoga dirahmati Alllah, diberi Taufik dan Hidayah.
they r growing everyday..n i think u r doing a good job as their mom :0)
congrats to the couple..
i am sure both amar n sarah will appreciate ur effort in documentating their life development in this blog...not to add with beautiful pictures too..
Thanks for the updates of the 2 tots.
Yes the portraits are good and tell lots of stories esp of Amar playing with grass quietly and the last pic of them both.
The pictures look so.....romantic. Must be the soft lens effect.
Anyway, you've been blessed with two very beautiful children. Hope to see them grow up into fine young adults (Hah! By that time, I'd be ancient!)
ikelah Oh no ikelah, why can't u say you already have plans! Let them find another locum!
the wedding was meriah, so i've heard. Hopefully to get in touch with OK and KKL for the photos they took on that day.
Simah that was the initial plan of this blog. to document their achievements and the fastest way to 'communicate' with their grandparents.
Tapi recently bnyk sangat travel sampai missed their important milestones.
DITH Amar is considerably quiet compared to Sarah. That doesn't mean i can leave him alone for a long time, I caught him playing with tong beras kat dapur and main tanah kat belakang rumah. All done quietly!
Hiyoshi Alamak malu nya nak mengaku i don't know ada soft lens effect. Tapi I used picasa to soften the edges of the 1st and 2nd photos.
I love the solo pic of Sarah, with her jet-black hair gleaming in the sunlight. She seemed so focussed picking the little wild flowers. This has to be one of those pictures she's going to thank you years and years later.
As for Amar, Pycno is also quietly observing you, quietly growing up before our very eyes. ;)
for the pictures i was quietly sneaking up to sarah and amar to quietly capture them against the sunlight to quietly get their hair illuminated like halos. it's not quite perfect yet but i'll quietly practice further.
Hey Babah Sarah
Mesti nak ambil credit eh! hehe
Thank you for the updates mama sarah! (lagi² since I'm quite new to your blog). I bet ramai yang dah cakap, tapi nak cakap lagi.. your two cuties are beautifuuuul!
hi sarah! hi amar!
Amar ni, diam-diam ubi, mesti berisi kan?
re: dyanna
Don't you mind DITH. Just continue with your training. Chaiyok!
urm what does chaiyok mean hiyoshi?
my statement was a joke as everyone seems to be using lots of "quietly" in their sentences lately
pycno and the mama will always remember the minute she came into the house, she scattered the 'wild flowers' in the living room. grrr~r!
babah sarah quietly. ok.
dith kasi 'can' lah kat babah sarah. lupa nak kredit babah for the photographs. i wonder if this is called 'hijack'? no right? kita "share-share lah" (bak kata sarah)
farah y hehe, nanti bila di msia i'll let you photograph them. FOC kan? ;)
Di i dah lupalah makna diam2 ubi berisi. membawa maksud yang positive kan? sekarang ni dia suka main beras(!) senyap2. Kira apa tu agaknya?
hiyoshi n mynn ha ahlah, chaiyok tu apa? equivalent to caya lah ke?
don't worry MS, diam-diam ubi berisi mmg bawa makna yg positif.. maksudnya... kalau main beras pulak... maknanya nnt pandai masak nasi la, so takde la lapar sgt. heheh..
My fren Jihan just sent your salam the other day... ('Alaiha wa 'alaikumassalaam!) :)))...Thnx
Jom dtg Sheffield.. We just had our open house last Saturday, tp kalu ade rombongan dr Coventry nak dtg, I m sure my housemates would be all excited to have another makan2! ;) nyum nyum nyum
Hehe, selalu dgr nama disebut2, best jugak kalu dpt jumpa :D
Di haha.
misosoup rajinnya masak-memasak for open house. tempted nak mengoffer diri ke sheffield! hehe. kalau both you and jihan rajin and free, jemputlah datang sini. tapi warning awal22222222 tau!
You're really funny :)
Chaiyok is Chinese for "Berusahalah!" I've been getting a lot of that from somebody since it's the exams.
Suka tengok pics dlm blog nih..Sarah lebih kurang cam kakak jugak..dia nyer prinsip lebih kurang 'anything outside can bring inside' termasukla snow, bunga layu, batang keing etc..
hiyoshi is that so? tak sangka pulak chinese word. i remember "ser fan" though.
mama singa yalah!
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