A super long Saturday
Our Saturday felt like a very long day indeed. Babah woke up extra early because his camera wanted to get a glimpse of the sunrise. He went to the Canal Basin alone imagining that he would get the best view of sunrise in Coventry.

Babah was quite disappointed with the results when he realised that Canal Basin was not the best spot for good sunrise sighting. I think he did capture some nice photos of the canal and its surrounding. Although he said his work cannot be compared to a pro photographer, but still to me they were excellent.

In the afternoon, all of us went to War Memorial Park. We have been there before during the summer. Remember the water feature? During this season, it is closed temporarily to public.

Amar was asleep when we reached the park. That gave Babah plenty of time to snap lots of photos of the scenery. Sarah was running around happily, collecting dry leaves and let it flew away with the wind.

Then, we took them to the playground. Sarah chose to play with the swing first. She accidentally discovered herself that by kicking her feet in the air would make the swing go faster. (The photo above is not in any way 'gegar' or 'goyang'. But it's a technique Babah was testing called panning. Pretty cool when every object seems to be moving but Sarah)

Not long after that, Amar woke up and had a chance on the swing and slide. Amar loved the freedom! He was running around the playground. He fell a couple of times on the soft playground bark flooring, either got up and continued running or picked up one or two barks and put them in his mouth for a little taste.

I was quite worried to say "it's time to go now" to both of them. Amar was alright when I strapped him in his pushchair. While Sarah (I think) tried to prolong the stay by saying "One more Mama" and went on the springy horse pictured above.
And on another springy flower, and then she was ready to go home. Luckily there was no embarrassing moment that day. Oh probably because we promised to buy her a drink on the way home, which we did.
And on another springy flower, and then she was ready to go home. Luckily there was no embarrassing moment that day. Oh probably because we promised to buy her a drink on the way home, which we did.
True! The pics are excellent as you said. Agaknya macam mana lagi cantik dia nak ek?
Anyway, Sarah looked pretty sittng on the swing and Amar, the ever obedient child who would sleep peacefully and not retaliate when tied to the chair, how adorable he is.
Yes, very lovely photos indeed :)
DITH Alhamdulillah both kids are manageable. Hopefully they will continue to be good kids.
mama imaan thanks :)
beautiful beautiful pictures... mama sarah...gambar ladybird atas bunga tu cunnnnnnnnnnyaaaaaaaaa
lovely photos. the lady bugs! wow...keep those photos coming. have a good ramadhan!
Nice pictures! This must be the new camera Babah bought kan? Cantik gambar-gambar but then again your kids ambil gambar dgn kamera mana pun nampak gorgeous juga! :D
cantikla gambar...pandai Babah amik..saya x berani nak main2 ngan kamera, takut rosak..lgpun asyik x cantik jer gambar yg amik sendiri..
hehehe... al kamera kena makan angin setiap hari. bila dah jemu, tahan sikitlah kot. ;)
nak ambil gambar bunga kena pakai macro lens... tak menjadi tu. khin ada macro lens, gambar bunga dia menakjubkan.
Great pictures.. MamaSarah guna camera apa yea?
simah Entry yang ni, Babah yang tangkap gambar2 semua sebab tu 'cantik'.
ibu thanks! nice to see you here.
sherin isykh kembang setaman lah puji lebih2 ni!
mama singa praktis mama singa, praktis!
ikelah al kamera tu dalam hari lagi tu.
azie gambar2 dlm entry ni guna canon 400d
babah memang pandai ambil gambar yer....cantik2 semua.
Yus Babah minat fotografi. Baru jinak2 tu.
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