The act of Sabotaging
Rise and shine!
Continuation to my previous entry about Babah's birthday party, Auntie De and her family stayed at our house that night. The children really 'enjoyed' each others company. They slept really, really, really late that night.
The next morning though, they still woke up relatively early around 8am. Here are their faces when they woke up.
The next morning though, they still woke up relatively early around 8am. Here are their faces when they woke up.
Out and About
About lunchtime, Auntie De, Emyr, Sarah and I went to the nearest retail park for a little spree. While Amar and little Safiya were having their afternoon naps at home, looked after by the Dads. When both woke up, they joined us at the shop for coffee.
Jump! and Dinnertime

There's no need to introduce this girl. Yes, she's the expert in this department. They were happily jumping while I was cooking in the kitchen. Yes, I very much against their actions.
The act of sabotaging was due to us delaying Auntie De and family going to London. How cruel is that? In fact, we (actually it was I) still tried to ask them to postpone their trip to the next day. But mission failed this time. They insisted that they have to leave that very night. InsyaAllah, we will meet again in the future.
salam.. my mouth waters when i saw nasi ala arab tu!! sini byk indian food je, no arab2 one. amar.. aunty ni pening kepala, nak join amar lompat tu..!!! syoknya.. boleh release segalanya dlm kepala ni..
Sarah has beautiful form while jumping, there are many more pictures of her jump that puan mama sarah dan amar hasn't uploaded but maybe i will at a future date.
as usual uncle & auntie de - nice to have you guys around especially overnight in coventry. please jangan segan silu utk datang lagi, great to have you guys around.
i particularly enjoyed the "non specific take away" breakfast. egg muffins, pancakes with maple syrup, coffee ... brilliant for breakfast.
looking forward to seeing you guys again.
kelakar lah muka aman pejam satu mata masa lompat tu bie.
Hey there .... I dah ketinggalan, I will need to catch up on reading all your beautiful entries with the amazing photos. My Streamyx buat hal ... so catching up is slow.
As usual, love all the photos - my, Sarah ni aspire nak jadi high jumper ke, acrobat ke, or something along that line ke bila besar nanti?
I think Sarah has perfected her art in jumping. 10/10. Bravo!
tingginya si sarah tu melompat..kat rmh saya ni, katil tidur sayalah jadi mangsa..selalu sound nanti katil ummi patah..huhu
nasi ala arab? saya baru aje beberpaa minggu lepas makan nasi arab kat satu restoran arab di ampang ni, jamuan raya ofis suami..sodapppp
sukalah tgk muka anak2 baru bangun tidur ni..natural beauty..
Amar's cute la with one eye closed. Anak dara sorang lagi tu hebat betul ye. Go Sarah!
Nah, that's not sabotaging. That's what we called the beauty of friendship ;)
Aww, look at their morning faces, especially amar's!
p.s - mama sarah, I'm not too sure what sort of tutorials you are searching for (css tweakings or photoshop tutorials eh?) ..but if you want, do tell me specifically which one, inshaAllah mana² yang farah reti, I'd be happy to list down the steps for you right away! :)
and also, yes yes! you're right about faten! i know her very well. she's my cousin. (and my next door neighbour!) :D
mama sarah
biar ja sarah tu melompat..mynn kan doctor...:0)
emry cerianya pagi pagi.. :0)
Tinggi betul kan Sarah lompat..boleh jadi ahli gimnastik nih. Lompat Sarah lompat nanti boleh wakil Malaysia hihihi.
We'll see whether I am worth being sabotaged by you in the future, hehe
1. Mulan Sila jangan galakkan mereka melompat. Saya yang pening kepala dibuatnya.
Nasi Ala Arab yang saya buat tu- saya rekacipta sendiri. Saya pernah dinner rumah orang Arab. Saya amat-amati rasanya dan cuba try sendiri di rumah tanpa menanya resepi yang sebenar.
2. Mynn Amar's funny sides baru keluar. Kalau tak, senyap je tak berbunyi langsung.
4. Queen Sarah kata bila dia dah besar dia nak jadi "Nyang". Then, after awhile dia tukar fikiran pulak nak jadi "Princess".
5. Dyanna Hang ni pi bagi galakan pulak ya. I was not happy with her jumping like that you know!
6. Syikin Seperti yang saya jelaskan di atas, saya rekacipta sendiri resepi nasi arab tu setelah merasa masakan sahabat arab suatu ketika dahulu.
Natural beauty anak2 bangun tidur... natural bau tak disebut ke?
7. Naja Ni sorang lagi bagi sokongan pada Sarah melompat camtu.
Sarah tu memang prone kepada aktiviti lasak.
8. Farah Tutorials macam2 yang nak dibelajar. Haaaa! I've seen the 'good tutorials' website. Malas nak baca. Teruk sungguh saya. Lebih suka your step by step guide with pictures.
Faten - your cousin and neighbour!!! She came to my house a few times. She's such a sweet & nice person. My mum knows her mum too. Such beautiful family. Salam to her.
9. Simah Wah wah wah simah oiii. Tak ke 'mencari penyakit' namanya kalau dibiarkan begitu. Tak kisahlah bapanya kerja apa, yang lebih teruknya nanti ialah si Bonda dan si Penanggung lah.
10. Azie Saya ni peminat sukan. Tapi agak-agak saya baik lagi kalau Sarah ceburi bidang lain kot. Melainkan pakaian sukan tu tak menjolok mata.
11. DITH Ahlan! Ahlan ya Syeikhah.
MamaSarah..saje aje saya gurau, jgn mare eik.
Azie Tak marah langsung! Cuma itu doa saya agar anak-anak cemerlang dalam bidang yang mereka ceburi tanpa melangkaui nilai-nilai Islam.
Amin, begitu juga doa saya utk Alya dan Ammar. kita semua mahu yg terbaik utk anak2 kita kan..
Eh, MS don't you miss the time when you were able to jump dgn bebasnya macam sarah masa kecik2 dulu?
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