Babah's birthday mini party
It's late, I know! And there are so many 'outstanding' entries waiting to be published as well. Ah! there is no dateline whatsoever right?
Today's entry is about Babah's party held on the night of 24 November 2006. It was a spontaneous plan on Thursday, a day before the party. We knew Auntie De and family were going to London over the weekend. I thought they could stopover for dinner and celebrate Babah's birthday altogether. Coventry is on the way, anyway.
Babah was ecstatic with the idea and even more excited when Auntie De and family agreed to come over.
Baking is a BIG event for Sarah. It has always been a 'joy' baking with Sarah. Be it a simple chocolate chips cookies recipe or Babah's elaborate birthday cake. If I told Sarah that we were going to bake a cake, she would get very excited. And started to drag her activity red table and her little red chair to the kitchen.
She would wait impatiently for me to prepare the ingredients. Most of the times, she assembled the hand mixer herself!
I have to be honest that I have almost never baked a perfect cake. I can get all the theories right, but the cakes would either be too dry, too soggy or even flopped in the middle. Oh yes, once I burnt a loaf of cake but the inside was still raw! Baking is just not my thing.
This is no exception, I'm afraid. I don't think I could hide the uneven cake and porous filling, even if I had a palette knife. The best I could do was to mask the scraggy sides with chocolate fingers.
After the lengthy process of baking with Sarah, we made another daring attempt on preparing pudding buih diraja.
So there was another series of whizzing by Sarah. She was only happy to help me with another nearly disastrous secret recipe.
What next? I was not trying to impress anybody, but there's nothing wrong at being adventurous, right? My Wah (grandma) makes the most delicious ayam golek (equivalent to ayam percik) in the world. She has always passed on to us her recipe - verbally, and I have never attempted to even remember. Because I have never thought that I was really going to make it myself. Let alone preparing for a number of people.
I don't think I failed that night, but I can never compare my ayam percik to my Wah's authentic special ayam golek roasted on real charcoal.
Together with Sarah, we also prepared simple seafood fried kuey teow, tauhu sumbat with its dipping chilli sauce, some salads and rice to go with the chicken. Of course there were the birthday cake and puding buih diraja for desserts. Babah bought a couple of flavoured sparkling drinks for the special occasion too.

She would wait impatiently for me to prepare the ingredients. Most of the times, she assembled the hand mixer herself!

I don't think I failed that night, but I can never compare my ayam percik to my Wah's authentic special ayam golek roasted on real charcoal.
Together with Sarah, we also prepared simple seafood fried kuey teow, tauhu sumbat with its dipping chilli sauce, some salads and rice to go with the chicken. Of course there were the birthday cake and puding buih diraja for desserts. Babah bought a couple of flavoured sparkling drinks for the special occasion too.

Thank you to Auntie and Uncle De & family for stopping by and making the birthday celebration much more eventul, thank you to amar and sarah for helping so much to make the day a success and thank you especially to bie for organising absolutely everything. I absolutely love the present which i am field testing at the moment - fits me as if it was tailor made, and i really love the styling. makes me feel as if i could walk miles...
... with style ;)
I could feel the excitement during the bday celebration. Nice one :)
"We hope that .... to achieve your dream (to become a better doctor, that is!)" - Hahaha I love that ;)
Isn't baking cake so much fun??? Happy Birthday:)
i'd say that's a clever looking cake u have there! it's not perfect, but i see it perfect for the occasion *someone's wishing she's a housewife now!*
Wow! A nice party for a wonderful father & husband. :) Yummy cake too. Sarah pandai dah masak-masak. Bagus la. Senang you nanti. Can't wait to meet them!
mana gambar puding buih diraja tu..?
seronok kan main masak-masak..hehe
a cake baked with love..sedap ker tak sedap itu lain hal la kan ?
but the choc topping...makes me wanna melt!!
comelnya tengok sarah main dengan mixer... amar masa kakak dia masak dia tolong ker atau he is into other things..?
the food and cake looks good!
Wahhh Sarah dah pandai masak lah.. Alya pun selalu nak tolong juga. but Ammar selalu kepoh2 sampai semua tak jadi. Better dua2 tak payah tolong. or kena tunggu Ammar tido dulu. Saya dah tgk pic nih kat Mynn. Nampk sedap semua makanan yg MamaSarah buat. Boleh kasi resepi Ayam Percik tuh, boleh saya cuba MamaSarah punya resepi pula.
Wah babah...tentu bahagia punya isteri dan anak2 macam ni..mamasarah kalau you yang sambut birthday camner pulak...he..he..korek rahsia...
alamak bestnyer baking baking...Sarah lepas ni buka kedai kek la senang auntie nak pergi mamam. Hehehe.
Puding buih diraja tu puding aper. Kelas betul bunyinyer.
1. Babah You yang pilih the shoes. I bayar je.
2. Naja Yelah, kot2 he has different dreams. I approve yang nak jadi a better doctor je. hehe.
3. The Lone Beader My daughter agrees with you.
4. Anne Thank you for complimenting my imperfect cake. I just had to admit that I'm not really good in the kitchen. Malu je kat orang yang pakar buat cake.
5. Sherin Melentur buluh biar dari rebungnya. Haha.
6. Mama Singa Tulah, masa buat entry ni, baru perasan tak de the finish product of puding buih tu. Nanti kalau I rajin, i buat special entry. Ok?
7. Simah Sedap ke tak sedap ke - Hubby kena cakap SEDAP jugak.
Amar is either watching tv or datang mengacau juga. Kdg2 kena 'bribe' dia supaya Amar ke depan.
8. mom2ashley Thanks. I dare not hold a party or cook for any of my blog friends though. Unless I order from a caterer.
9. Azie DAh lama tak dengar perkataan 'kepoh'. Cutenya Ammar kepoh-kepoh nak menolong di dapur.
11. Shami I tengah berangan lah ni my birthday celebration macam mana rupalah pulak.
12. Zakiah Sarah charge Auntie Zakiah RM5 tau. Janji jangan makan maggie lagi atas kapal terbang.
Puding buih tu asalnya resepi makcik saya. 'Diraja' tu saya pandai-pandai letak. kah kah kah. sorrylah para pembaca.
ala pecah lah rahsia kenapa shoes tu perfect sangat. hahaha.
alhamdulillah, bahagia ada anak2 macam amar & sarah dan isteri yang cemerlang macam Puan Mama Sarah dan Amar (PMSdA)
Rahsia sudah terbongkar Lol. But I prefer that way. You choose what you want and the other party pay for it, rather than getting a present that is not to your liking, right? At this age, the element of surprise dah tak kisah sangat dah :)
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