From romantic city of Paris, we ventured another fasting day in Sherwood Forest, Nottingham.

We paid £3.00 for the entrance and parking fees. And we got to explore a place once believed the home and hiding place of the legendary Robin Hood (aka Kevin Costner).

The best to describe what we saw is it was simply a forest. I have no fancy words for the place (sorry!).

There were some activities for the children, ie trekking, shooting bow and arrows. But we didn't indulge in any of them.

However, those who love nature may find the place very interesting. The trekking route led to the Major Oak in the heart of the forest. Research said it is one of the oldest tree in Europe.

It might have been a good outing day for us had it been a warm Summer day. Unfortunately it was just an ordinary wet day in Autumn that we shorten the visit after about 50 snaps of photographs and after the compulsory purchase of a few fridge magnets as souvenirs.
Asalamualaikum....lum ada orng nih..hihihi. Ajzie pun kumpul frigde magnet...suka sesgt...
Wah, pergi Sherwood forest! Ada nampak wanita muka iras-iras Lady Marion tak?
As usual, I love your picture especially yg ada the kids. They are just sooo adorable..
Jalan sakan noh!
Hehe Nisak is changing history and renaming Robin Hood.
Perhaps they could adopt the same idea and make a reserved forest in Malacca as one of Hang Tuah's haunt eh?
p.s. Mushroom tu boleh makan tak, hehe? Very enticing tho.
Bagusnya... nature walk.
Ada perkampungan Robin Hood tak?
Diorang duduk atas pokok ke?
I wonder which forest will still qualify as Hang Tuah's haunt?
mama sarah
Thank you so much for posting up pictures of the forest. I kinda miss the big, big trees over there. Back here in Malaysia, the big trees are cut down tsk tsk.
just out of curiousity..
these wonderful snaps of urs.. do u get them all printed out or do they just stay in the Cd?
as usual... cantik la gambar gambar tu mama sarah..
ur daughter kalau dia pakai seluar kaler merah masa tu dah boleh jadi *little red riding hood* :0)
mama...geramnya tgk forest ni..cantik sungguhla..ALlahuakbar.
naknya pulak ada princess dok posing kat situ :D
untungnya sarah n amar, kecil2 dah jadi adventerous kids..
saya suka sangat gambar2 yg mama amik ni, sbb nampak mcm gambar poskad..cantik giler kata org hehe
1. Azie Kita punya tak lah banyak macam orang lain. Tapi best jugalah dapat kumpul.
2. Sherin Patung Robin Hood and his merrymen adalah. Maid Marion tak nampak kelibat.
3. DITH Hutan-hutan di Malaysia banyak diguna untuk ekspedisi merentas belantara. Dan program seperti Bina Negara and such. Kalau dibuat khusus utk menjejak Hang Tuah, kot nampak benda lain pulak. HANg TU ke...?
4. Dyanna Kami tak habis explore hari tu. JAdi tak sure kalau ada perkampungan HAng Robin.
5. Hiyoshi ya benar. ini bukan masalah baru.
6. Simah Gambar-gambar selalunya remain in the harddisk! Hehe. But I'm slowly sending the selected ones to be developed.
7. Syikin Thanks! Amar tidur je sepanjang kami berada di Sherwood Forest tu! Jadi tak ada gambar Amar.
What kind of mushrooms are those? Pretty, are they edible?
8. Jue and DITH I have no idea if they were edible. They were actually very small in size. Just a thumb size. The photos made them look big.
hey..I ve been there.....looks like there is no diff...
9. Dinah Law I was there Summer, 1997 too. Indeed not much change.
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