Suddenly it was our last day in Paris! I was so glad we've had a tremendous time in Paris. Even more glad we've managed to squeeze in a special agenda for the little kiddies in Disneyland.

Our highlights were of course the night cruise, visiting The Eiffel Tower, The Louvre and Disneyland.

Honestly, Paris just felt like visiting London for the first time. There were so many building and interesting spots to see.

The only difference between London and Paris was the language. It felt more alien reading the signposts in Paris, although they might be straight forward but it took me at least twice to just convince myself if the message I received was correct.

I wonder if Sarah will remember this trip when she's older? I'm sure Amar won't!

Sarah said, "Sarah nak pergi Disneyland lagi. Nak tengok senses (princess) and BIG dog (Goofy)."

The trip to Disneyland was more meaningful with the presence of Sarah and Amar. Although there were times when they whined and cried but not as bad as I expected.

Alhamdulillah, we had the best deal for the trip. The journey was just over one hour and direct to Coventry. The hotel we booked was also right opposite of Gare du Nord, one of the main train stations in Paris. And we had no problem to find Halal food and fresh milk from where we stayed.
The children really behaved themselves in the taxi to the airport and on the plane. We only brought along minimum number of bags (with no nonsense like plastic bags and such). I definitely vote this trip as the best holiday for our family by far (errr minus the language barrier).
Hahah same like us, mula2 tiba Germany..Wired singboard mana2. Semua tak faham..
Suka tgk ur pic. nice family trip. So nanti Azi boleh minta nama hotel yg mamasarah stay yea?
Ages ago, I read a book by a famous author whom I have forgotten the name. It was about Paris and how laden the city was with love and all the intricacies of it. I vaguely remember how he described Champs de elysees and the people in-love walking along it. Guess Disneyland wasnt built yet back then eh, :p
So where next for vacation? Germany to visit wilhelm?
Kalau di Paris tu memang le buildings dia cantik2. Dan paling maklang suka kalau pi sana is the sceneries tu...Macam aman sangat. That was like 20 years ago. I went there again about 4 years back, Paris tu sibuk macam nak apa...tapi disneyland dia memang best. Rasa macam budak2 balik...he..he..
rasanya la kan..kalau pi holiday..if the kids enjoy the trip..than the holiday is a success..
just like urs.. iyea la..takkan nak mak pak dia ja nak enjoy kan? anak anak pun mesti la kena enjoy :0)
So overall, is Paris romantic enough for you?
Oh I had so much fun just reading about your trip! Bilalah nak dapat pi Paris ni? I think I would really enjoy Disneyland (hahaha the little kid that refuses to grow up!) I've only ever been to Disneyworld in Florida but that was donkey years ago!
boleh mintak email add atau yahoo id balik tak?? Yus punya email lama kenapa ntah, tak leh nak access dah....jd yus tukar baru. Tak pun, nanti add yus dlm YM nisak balik yer...address baru, maz_naz06@yahoo.co.uk
Mama sarah... I am back! :) I love your trip! I miss Paris la.. I went a long time ago, 7 years to be exact! :O
The kids looks so happy! I love the bakeries in France. Sedap betul..
Azie nama hotel tu "New Hotel". Azie search lah kat internet kot2 ada some other offer time azie nak pergi Paris nanti. manalah tahu ada better deals. or Azie nak hotel yang posh sikit.
DITH Disneyland was opened in 1992 (menurut kata guidebook saya :)
Avenue des Champs-Elysees is the most famous boulevard in Paris. Probably you have read about it being most associated with grand parades and parties. Pasal romantic stroll along it, no comment lah.
next vacation - cuti-cuti malaysia. haha!
maklang saya tak boleh nak imagine suasana di PAris 20 tahun yang lampau. Mmg benar, kini Paris sangat hectic. Busy yang amat. Penuh dgn kenderaan dan manusia.
simah setuju! setuju! nangis sikit2 tu adatlah kan?
dyanna I think you have to describe and sediakan kala romantic tu macamana. baru boleh saya ratekan our holiday as romantic or not.
Queen oth Disneyworld, Florida!!! Lagi lah grand. One thing I love when we went to Disneyland Paris was the fact that everyone (the staff) smiled and very friendly.
yus ok nanti saya add! Thanks yus.
sherin ketika single dulu kah? hehe. pergi with kids lagi best! syok rasa bila dapat tengok their happy faces. (Cuma tak best kena queue je)
yup masa single. :) I do want to bring the kids there but maybe when they are a bit older. Senang sikit. :)
I can't wait to see you again.:)
hey... cantiklah eifel tower tu. kalau langit dia biru macam the leaningtower of mama sarah, it will be more striking.
i like the metro station too.
(berapa ribu images lagi yang belum diedit dan published? :)
i really enjoy ur trip to Paris, lovely and so sweet! And complete guide & info for those who plan to go there.
1.hati ini tergaru2 utk ke sana...hai bilalah!?
2. Next trip, kat mana? Hihi...best2!!
3. Mamasarah blh bg yahoo id dak? Nani punya ayangputeri@yahoo.com
sherin it would be nice to take them there.
ikelah i know, to some people our poor photos may cause them eyesore. Seriously ikelah, memang terlalu banyak gambar hingga tidak berdaya nak post edit. i simply chose the best to my eyes with minimal adjusting.
nani kami dah surrender nak jalan! now dah masuk winter. Sejuk lah. lagipun kesian kan anak2 nanti beku!
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