Yet another Lovely day in pAris!
Our "things to see list" on the second day was short and straight-forward,
1. Eiffel Tower
2. Notre Dame
3. The Louvre
If we get to see other buildings that were in close proximity to the names above would be bonus. We didn't want to be over-ambitious, knowing that it was impossible to 'touch n go' every recommended point/place with two young children.

Deep down, you knew you could stretch your children and get them follow your wish. But we didn't have the heart to put them in that situation. After all, we wanted a stress free holiday so we tried our best to 'entertain' them as much as we can and avoid any tears rolling.
2. Notre Dame
3. The Louvre
If we get to see other buildings that were in close proximity to the names above would be bonus. We didn't want to be over-ambitious, knowing that it was impossible to 'touch n go' every recommended point/place with two young children.

Deep down, you knew you could stretch your children and get them follow your wish. But we didn't have the heart to put them in that situation. After all, we wanted a stress free holiday so we tried our best to 'entertain' them as much as we can and avoid any tears rolling.

From there, we had to find a Metro station which all just reminded us of platform 9 3/4 in Harry Potters series. They were almost invisible! While searching, we saw Le Conciergerie and Sainte Chappelle; two beautiful architecture next to each other.

We finally found an underground Metro station and got on a train. Next destination was Eiffel Tower. We had to pass by a sanded garden by the river to reach the Eiffel Tower. It was quite a walk but we managed to get a full framed photo of the Eiffel Tower from the distance.
I was quite anxious to see the Eiffel Tower during the day, because I remembered a remark (from a forgotten source) saying there is nothing special about the tower and why should one want to see 'besi buruk'?
Honestly, I was expecting rusty old building, with some crumbly parts coming off the structure. Our guidebook however, claimed Eiffel Tower as one of the world premier tourist attractions. I was definitely intrigued to witness for myself whether it was really a hideous-tower or otherwise.
I am glad to say it was painted in bronze sort of colour and as far as my eyes could see, it was very well maintained and no sign of rust!
I was quite anxious to see the Eiffel Tower during the day, because I remembered a remark (from a forgotten source) saying there is nothing special about the tower and why should one want to see 'besi buruk'?
Honestly, I was expecting rusty old building, with some crumbly parts coming off the structure. Our guidebook however, claimed Eiffel Tower as one of the world premier tourist attractions. I was definitely intrigued to witness for myself whether it was really a hideous-tower or otherwise.
I am glad to say it was painted in bronze sort of colour and as far as my eyes could see, it was very well maintained and no sign of rust!

Sarah and Amar have enjoyed themselves at the garden very much. We unstrapped Amar from his push chair to enable him "menjejakkan kaki" di bumi Paris for the first time. Sarah, the anti paparazzi girl, gave Babah some special poses. While Amar, the saintly son, ran around the garden non-stop; celebrating his freedom like a "lipas kudung". Here are the photos of the happy children.

Back in the hotel:
We made our way to the hotel immediately after a long stay at the Louvre and Tuileries Garden. It was a pleasant day out with the children. And we were happy to score a few bonus points too, not only we saw the three items in the list but a lot more.
Our dinner was again simple but filling. Babah, as always intrigued to try French famous pastries, bought a couple of desserts from a Halal patisserie.
Our dinner was again simple but filling. Babah, as always intrigued to try French famous pastries, bought a couple of desserts from a Halal patisserie.
Org pertama..hihi. same like Alya suka melompat..sabar aje lah. Nice picture, tak per nanti besar boleh tunjuk pada Sarah.
Comel picture 'Meleleh style tuh'
Kali ni, lokasi hampir sama dengan gambar2 yg kami ada. Hehe...memang itulah tempat strategik nak ambil gambar di kawasan tu kan.
Yelah..bukan main lagi gambar 'meleleh style' tu..hihi
Hi mamasarah,
The pictures were wonderful. I mean, not just the scenic view. Mynn must really be into photography. I'm full with envy because I wanna be in France too! Anyway, I'm glad you had a good time. Do post more pictures, I enjoy them thoroughly.
Sarah makes a good model for Babah eh. She must be Babah's 'chempong'
Perhaps Mama can adopt the same pose, next time for Babah? hehe
Seronoknye! Rasa nak join Sarah melompat jugaklah.
Comel nya Sarah dengan Amar...mcm nak gigit jerk tgk sarah nya ade anak perempuan...he he he ...
Mama sarah ade e-mail address tak?
Nak share something....i am also a mother of two but...both boys
Mama Aiman n Anas
hihi...i really enjoy ur pictures, stories! Next time kalo nak g Paris, blh refer MamaSarah.
p/s: cutenya Sarah! Pandai posing ye..mesti ikut mama dia.
Azie kdg2 mengucap panjang dgn aksi2 sarah ni!
Yus Dkt the Louvre tu bnyk bangunan menarik yg dekat2 kan? syok masa di garden tu, dpt lepaskan knk2 tu lepaskan steam sikit.
Jue I'm sure you'll have no language problem kat sana.
DITH memang chempong pun.
i kena adopt which style ni? As long as not the melompat katil one, oklah.
KKL sila, sila
Mama Aiman n Anas email me here:
Nani Sarah tak suka bergambar sebenarnya. Tapi masa di Tuileries Garden tu, dia yg sibuk2 posing suruh Babah dia snap gambar.
haahahah gamaknya masa sarah dok lompat lompat mesti downstairs punya room tension gila hehehe cool sarah!! biar dia lompat...asalkan happy kan?
simah lantai dia sturdy concrete floor. harapnya orang bawah tak dengar.
dah puas warning sarah, nanti orang sebelah marah. tapi babah yang suruh "cuba lompat lagi sarah" dia nak tangkap gambar!
sabar je lah.
Sarah really is into ice cream, isn't she?
i bet if u don't bring your kids along, mynn & u dah lama dah 'beromen' kat atas eiffel tu! btw, has he let you even touch that new baby of his? Aren't you interested to give it a try?
I say you adopt the pose Sarah made in the last pic! hehe...
MS, gambar sarah last sekali tgh melompat tu censored la, nampak panty hehehe
Ice-cream yang sarah makan tu flavour ape? Nampak macam strawberry sorbet la, sedapnyaaa
hiyoshi the doctor was the one who encourage her to eat ice cream. and i was always the one acting worse than a dentist.
anne i do touch Al occasionally (and illegally too :) The pictures with him in it - are either taken by Al or my FAITHful Sony.
DITH runtuh katil rumah ni karang. Saper pulak nak bayar landlord.
Naj Precisely! chocolate, strawberry and cherry sorbet.
great pics of the kids n i like the bridge and the trees. how i wish the sky was blue.
We wish the sky was blue too. We saw a photo of a similar location (Tuileries Garden) with dried leaves on the floor. It was BEAUTIFUL. We had to mind the two children more than other things.
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