It was a dream come true. We spent our third day in Disneyland Resort, Paris! It only took us about half an hour from Gare du Nord to Marne la valle Chessy, where it all began.

Amar slept throughout the journey. He woke up when we arrived. It was only a two mintues walk from the station to the Park gates. Sarah was so EXCITED. But I think I was MORE excited than her. hehe! But at least I didn't jump and run like Sarah. She ran so fast down hill until she bumped into an 8 year old boy, and fell flat on her front! The boy said sorry continuously, but it wasn't his fault.

Sarah walked slowly and went very quiet after she fell down. As we enter the place, I felt like we were in the BIGGEST show house on earth. Disneyland was like a HUGE stage with colourful buildings with lots of life-size cartoon characters in suits. Everything looked like they have just been completed the day before. They were all perfect! Just like a show house.
There was a 'street-show', called The Disney Villain Parade when we arrived with Halloween theme. We saw a large moving bubbling cauldron, lots of pink witches and pumpkin-headed characters and Stitch dancing in the Main Street, USA.
Amar was so happy and clapped along with them. Sarah cried and clung unto me ever so tightly. She was already in a low-mood after she fell, and the 'scary' pumpkin headed men just didn't help to lift back her spirit. She was scared of them!

But it was not for long. When the parade was over, we went into one of the shops and bought a couple of souvenirs. (Already!) Sarah was smiling again, we bought her a princess keychain.
As we walked on, we saw Mickey Mouse. But the queue to meet him was very long. Then we saw the witch from the Snow White tale. The queue was not that bad, so we got to meet her up close and very personal. She even gave a special pose for us.

Not far from where the Witch was standing was the Sleeping Beauty Castle. I think everyone who came to visit Disneyland would not miss the opportunity of a family portrait infront of it. The castle marked as the entrance to the Fantasyland.

Inside the castle, you will find the manuscripts of Sleeping Beauty fairytale. The windows were stained glass with the characters from the story. And everything else was also related to Sleeping Beauty.

The children had the most fun in the Fantasyland. Sarah's first ride was Le Carrousel de Lancelot. Babah and Sarah went on the ride, while Amar and I strolled along the shops nearby.

Sarah told us many times she wanted to go on a merry go round. I bet, it was a dream come true for her too. Indeed it was, she came down with a big grin on her face.

Next, Babah took Sarah on Dumbo the flying elephant. The queue was super-long! But it was all worth it when I saw a bigger grin on Sarah's face after the ride.

Then we all went on the spinning Mad Hatter's Tea cups. (No suitable photos that can be shared for that ride) I think it has got Amar's head spinning too. He fell asleep right after the ride.

Our day was far from over. But Sarah has already asked us to carry her. She was tired from too much walking. Babah went back to the entrace to hire a push chair. It was 17Euros(!) to hire a push chair, but for some reason Babah got it for free. (Note to parents: Just bring along a push chair. You may never know when you might need it)
Then, Babah and Sarah went on the Mark Twain ship (actually a paddle steamer). They experienced a Mississippi cruise with the magnificent landscape of the West.

One of the views from the upper deck of the ship. The Big Thunder Mountain tracks.

Amar just continued sleeping, with the runaway train in the background.

How time flew that day. We have just covered Fantasyland and a little bit of Frontierland and it was already late afternoon. Most of the time was lost for queueing alone! Soon Sarah fell asleep too. So it was easier for us to continue on exploring but the fun was much less.

One of the attractions that we wanted to see was Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast at the Discoveryland. Sarah and Amar knew Buzz from the movie Toy Story. Unfortunately, we didn't enter as we had to pay extra and the queue was too long for us to bear.

So, we had to compensate Sarah with an ice cream instead. (Hiyoshi, it was Babah's idea. Not mine!)

And guess who came to say hello when we were resting our feet? It was Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Sarah was so happy to see a 'real' Princess. There were some other characters too like Goofy, Tigger, Winnie the Pooh and many, many more.

It was indeed a tiring day for all of us. We didn't get to ride on many rides. But enough to keep the children happy and to experience the magical world of Disneyland. It was a dream come true!
enjoying the picture.. u boleh jadi travel agent la mama sarah! :0)
Seronok sungguh!
Did the trip brought back the child in you? Hehe..
wah wah wah..rasa mcm arini gak nak g sana!mama sofiya lbh excited dr sofiya!
belle tak sign sutograph untuk sarah?
i guess the light was not that good, no blue sky with poor contrast. the details on the buildings were minimised.
sarah eating icecream is nice. a good barter. ;
simah keep the idea coming. Balik msia nanti, saya kena cari kerja. Boleh cuba kerja2 yang dicadangkan.
dyanna you bet, it did!
Nani hehe samalah kita...
ikelah i hate to give excuses of the poor photographs. Blame me, because most of the photos in this entry were taken by me using my old FAITHful Sony. The lens in need of a good cleaning!
I aimed at the wrong subject - hence the poor details.
It was raining that day too. Too cloudy and Babah kept 'Al' in the bag most of the time.
Mama Sarah! Coolnye dapat pegi Farnce. =) Had the chance to go there last 2 years. My dad was doing his phD there. But I went alone cause my mum n my sibs already went there the year b4, during my SPM. Anyway, me and dad went to Disneyland, took pictures kat pintu masuk. But that was all. Tak masuk pun coz it'll be weird n no fun at all riding the rides alone with my dad. That was the moment I missed my siblings the most dekat sane. Nak have pun rase sunyi. Hehhehe. Anyway, just a short raya wish - Selamat Hari Raya! =)
Seronok..mcm nani juga, mcm tak sabar sungguh nak kesana..Tp bila yea???
Sarah tak excited ke jumpa Princess Belle?
suddenly segar bugar pagi² buta ni tengok mama sarah punya disneyland entry! :D hiyah!
Amar! bangun! bangun! apeni tito kat disneyland! hihi :p
op, chup! tambahan!
may i link you kat my blog? *buat muka comel* :)
Watching the kids sleeping in the push-car tells me how tiring the whole thing was!
Btw, do tell me how Babah got the push car for free?? DOnt tell me he's that charming enough to sweet-talk the push-car guy?
satu hari di Disneyland mmg tak cukup, yus pun dulu rasa mcm masa banyak habis untuk beratur jer...tapi memang berbaloi. Bestnya kalau dapat pergi lagi...
Afie Actually I wanted to do the same. Ambik gambar depan pintu masuk and balik. SEbab tak sampai hati nak suruh Babah Sarah bayar berpuluh-puluh Euros for the tickets. But it was too 'magical' that we just had to go in.
Azie Sarah excited jumpa Belle. tapi dek kerana ada other characters yang abnormal sikit (goofy, tigger dll) dia takut dan peluk kita kuat2.
Farah Y tu lah. Sayang Amar tidur. Tapi memang letih dlm disneyland tu seharian utk budak2 umur Amar dan Sarah.
Farah Y you may do the linking :)
DITH The place was HUGE! 5 different themed 'lands' (ie, fantasy, discovery, adventure etc..) We were talking to each other, the ticket was quite expensive :43Euros for an adult 35Euros for kids above 3. But then, once we were in, we wondered if they have undercharged their visitors.
Re the hired pushchair, it was already late afternoon when he wanted to hire it. The person in charged said - there's one 'unused' pushchair that has been paid for. So he gave that one to Babah.
Yus kalau ada lebih masa dan wang, nak je booking khusus utk disneyland. nak duduk kat hotel sebelah dgn park tu. tentu seronok.
Hi MS,
syoknye tgk you all kat disneyland. Nabil was enjoying the pictures too , he esp loves the one of sarah eating ice cream.
bestnya la mama sarah. hopefully saya boleh smpai sana n pegi semua tempat yg awak dah tunjukkan ni.
paling seronok tgk telatah sarah n amar..untung mereka kecil2 dpt travel jauh sebab parent rajin bawak :D. bukan semua org suka berjalan mama oiii...bestlah awak n babah sehati sejiwa bab jalan2 ni :D. faedahnya? kami yg kat mesia ni dptlah tgk gambar2 kenangan awak travelling ni.
Jue So when are you going to take him to Disneyland in Florida?
Syikin alhamdulillah Sarah dah besar dan tahan sikit nak jalan2. Dulu2, kita tak jalan mana pun. SEbab Sarah menangis dalam kereta. Now dah better. Amar pulak - jenis quiet, tak banyak hal. Kita pun rancaklah berjalan skrg ni. Musim Winter ni, kita slow lah sikit. Sebab sejuk dan hari makin pendek.
regarding the pushchair, yeah i practically charmed the pushchair lady. hahaha.
mynn oits galak ni. cubit karang.
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