Last Tuesday (12 December 2006) we all went to the town centre. As usual, this time of the year, every shopping centre is decorated with Christmas decorations. The one in the photo above was taken in West Orchard building. It's a simple design of stars suspended from the atrium and the usual Christmas tree.

Also as usual, Amar was asleep the first half of our time in the town. The weather is already getting so much colder nowadays. We had to wrap ourselves with extra layers of clothing. By the way, I heard from the news that it is a record that it is still 'mild' at this time of the year. I have already forgotten what it was like when it was not 'mild'!
This is what it's like staying in a four season country. When it is winter, you will feel so cold and feels like there is no end to it. You cannot imagine what summer is like. Comes summer, you will be enjoying the sun and sometimes complain how hot it is and you forget that at the end of it there is autumn.

As I said, it was so cold. Our fingers were numb. I think my face was frozen too, it was difficult to talk. Mind you, this is still 'mild'! We stopped at a stall selling gloves, scarves and woolly hats. Babah bought a pair of gloves for himself. I couldn't help but to get a pair for myself. They were so cheap! We wanted to buy mittens for Sarah. But she wanted proper PINK gloves. The stall didn't have it.
Luckily we found the perfect pink gloves for Sarah and a pink Barbie umbrella from another stall. Sarah was so happy, she couldn't stop smiling and insisted to walk in the rain with her brand new umbrella. I was quite happy with the purchase, cheap but quality stuff.

We had our lunch at Pizza Hut. Amar was still sleeping in the pushchair when we first arrived at the restaurant. Sarah was kept busy colouring her activity book. So it was a truly pleasant lunch with no whining children.

We were already at our third course when Amar woke up. We placed him in a high chair and gave him the food that we saved for him earlier. I was so glad he didn't create so much fuss. In fact he was sort of dazed by the decoration lights displayed in the building. That kept him occupied for a while.

Before we went home, we treated Sarah with a few rides. Ever since she was small, she has this passion with these funfair sort of rides. If you can see in the photo above, the fare was only £1.50 per ride.

Sarah had another go at the above car racing circuit (whatever they called it!). Of all the cars available, she chose the pink Barbie volkswagen. I'm not sure if it was the colour pink that caught her eyes, or the picture Barbie or the name volkswagen? But anyway, it was so much fun looking at her enjoying the ride. She smiled, laughed, squealed, waved, beamed. Total happiness! At the end of it, we knew that she could do with another round. And she asked "Dah ke?" with a smiling face. I gave her a long "Dah" and she was completely OK with it. (pheeeww!)
Of course we wanted to give Amar a ride too. But Amar was not ready, he gave us his worried face and he didn't let go of my neck when he was already in one of the trucks, so I had to carry him out again.
Finally on that day, ALL of us went on a carousel. As usual Sarah was delighted with what must have been an endless treat for her. She was on a horse alone, Babah rode on another one next to her. I wanted to ride on a horse with Amar, but Amar was just plain scared so both of us sat on a static carriage (whereas the horses went up and down when the carousel moved).
That was it. Our day full of fun in a very cold day in December.
salam kenal..
seronok ya berada di perantauan.. kat mana tu?
salam mam sarah dari sg.You have lovely children.No one is a lousy cook all you need is to do again and again and you'll be perfect in time to come:)
SO Sarah is in her Barbie phase whilst Amar is still in his scared phase.
Has Sarah gotten into her nak-pakai-jugak-baju-baru-basuh-di-ampaian phase??? Yes my kids went thru that phase where they wont wear anything and wait for their fave baju dries in the sun!! Ada jugak budak gitu!
baru teringat kena cari mittens utk baby..
tak suka pakai glove, tp tak tahan sejuk..sejuk2 ni malas sgt nak keluar rumah..
nice memorable photos.
it would have been more memorable if her dad or mom rode the mack with sarah in the pink volks.
In Saudi, i can'f find any xmas tree in any public places.
And Xmas day is not a public holiday.
In UAE, xmas tree bigger than pokok tembesu can be found everywhere....and xmas day is a public holiday.
Two arab countries, two different views.
I read in Keng's blog, in UAE, orang nya buat maksiat lebih teruk dari org barat!
wah...3rd pic tu really cute!, 'cik sarah went shopping...' can't get enough of sarah n amar!
mama, sarah tu peminat besar barbie ya..
cantiklah sarung tangan pink tu
sarah ni very confident child..nampak gaya dia berjalan sambil memegang payung tu, ada stail tersendiri
What a nice outing MS! The kids must have had a blast! :) I love the Xmas decorations. Tu ada yg cantik-cantik tu. hehehe..
Guess what? Last night I dreamt that you & family came to visit us in M'sia. Muka you macam zaman sekolah dulu.hehehe. Then we went to visit your family in Coventry. hehehe. :)
Comey Sarah bersama payung Barbie nya. Sama mcm Alya juga sana sini pink.
It's pretty hot in Kuala Lumpur now, but it's 'snowing' in ALL our shopping complexes.....miracle of Christmas, dont you think so?
My own blog? ! I doubt it. Tried to 'create' one but I stopped short at thinking of what to say. Thre isnt much to tell anyway. Perhaps when I have a couple more kids!
it looks like a nice family outing..so if it is that cold in the mild winter..do u go out at all when the real winter decides to show its face ?
1. Zino Kami menetap sementara di UK. Seronok juga di sini. Tapi time winter ni, kdg2 tak syok juga.
2. Kak Elle Believe me, I've tried. Funny thing is, normally my first try has always turned out to be the best outcome. 2nd, 3rd etc boleh jadi disaster pulak!
3. DITH Lucu! Sarah has passed that nak-pakai-baju-sama-ambik-dari-ampaian phase! I remember one of her favourite was a pair of baju kurung sent by her grandma.
Amar, scared phase. hehe in a way, jimat duit sikit. tapi agak kurang macho lah!
4. The Singa Mengikut statistiks (Cewah!) kami keluar seminggu sekali je. SElalunya Monday-Friday saya dan anak-anak memerap dalam rumah. tak keluar pun!
5. ikelah that is so impossible. The ibubapa melebihi had muatan yang dibenarkan.
6. Idham Yup, I can imagine that. Where I live here in the UK, they put on special decorations along the main streets when it is Eid, Diwali and of course Christmas. May be the MP here bukan Mat Saleh kot?
7. DITH Sad if that's true.
8. DD Cik Sarah tersenyum simpul!
9. Syikin Entah mana dia belajar??? Teringat dia nangis sampai terbaring dkt kedai sebab dia nak kan set kitchen Barbie. Before that, tak pernah pun dia menangis nak kan barang di kedai. Bikin malu aje.
Sekarang, kalau nak masuk kedai toys, kami pesan awal-awal, tak mau beli apa-apa. Nak tengok aje. Sarah akan angguk tanda faham.
10. Sherin Well, the decoration is OK. Humble, not so elaborate. Unlike the one I saw in Mid Valley(?) - that was sooo OTT. May be Malaysian is very creative in that department!
Hey, mimpi i ke? Rupa I mcm zaman sekolah dulu? haha macam mana tu. I pun dah lupa. kihkih.
11. Ajzie Bestnya kalau Ajzie ni neighbour kita. Dah lah boleh rasa masakan azie yang hebat2. PAstu Sarah boleh gang dgn Alya. Amar pun boleh main dgn Ammar. the Babahs can talk about photography.
12. Pycno Why am I not surprised? Hehe... Kenapa orang associate Christmas dengan snow? Kena wikipedia lah.
13. Jue I'm sure you have tonnes to write. Mungkin masa tidak mengizinkan lagi? I remember, it took me a few days to produce the very first entry of this blog. It was difficult to begin writing, I must admit. Especially when I knew I was (and still am) addressing this to our parents. Kena guna bahasa, cerita dan approach yang sesuai. TApi sekarang, my approach is more towards "hentam sajelah!".
14. Simah I've mentioned in the entry that I've forgotten what it was like when it was not 'mild'. But I think, all this while we've tried to take the children on an outing (jalan2 or groceries shopping) once a week. During weekdays, kita tak keluar rumah pun. Anak2 tak pergi sekolah, jadi tak sibuk2 nak kena harung kesejukan di luar.
Ketawa saya MSarah cakap masakan saya hebat2..perli ker? Hihihi.. Saya rasa MSarah punya masakan lagi power..hihi. Selalu saya minta resepi kan kan kan.
Hello Salam Perkenalan
Summer in the UK is just like nothing we could predict. 1 minute sunny, and the next minute hujan nonstop. I lived in Manchester before and knowing Manchester is the wettest country in the UK, so paham paham ajer lah. We did not really have a proper summer. Panas reached 29C, dah siap masok paper semua. Lawak pon ada.
I am now living in Sydney, Australia but not permanent. Will be back to Manchester 1 fine day. Everyday is summer day here. Panas ya amat. The winter is more like Summer day in the UK. Even autumn could reach 29C hari hari but yang prob sbb tak tahan panas sangat lah pulak. Last year punya summer reached 40C for 2 days. Geez, it was too hot, rasa macam duduk dalam oven. We the brits could stroll around in winter in our flipflops but the ozzies are all wrapped up macam lepat pisang.
By the way you have a gorgeous daughter, and I love reading your blog. Keep it up !
great outing.. syok nya... nanti kalau i pi sana, bawak i jalan2 jugak eh... (dalam mimpi..)
16. Ajzie tengok azie display segala jenis aneka ragam makanan di sana. and selalu ajak orang makan-makan, mesti gempak tu! Still waiting for you cheesecake recipe tau!
17. Rini I like your name! When did you stay in Manchester? Our friend Hila used to stay in Manchester too. Bila nak sampai Australia pulak ni?
18. mulan how's malaysia? nanti i bawa you jalan2 kat UK (dalam mimpi jugak!hehe)
Auww, gumbira rasa hati tengok sarah and amar's faces lights up main kat playground!
sarah! is that rudolph you're riding?? :p
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