As we didn't have any specific plans for last weekend, Babah insisted that we should still take the children out for fresh air. As I've said in the previous comment box, the children and I normally stay at home for the whole weekdays. So weekends are the only day outs for us. Last Saturday, while waiting for Amar and I to be ready, Sarah made a quick call to her Nanny and Atuk. Babah said, Sarah told them all sorts of stories he has no idea if they understood her or not.

When everyone was ready, Babah drove us all to Swanswell Park. There's a duck pond there full of ducks and some other water birds. Babah spent some time with the birds while Sarah, Amar and I straightaway headed to the children's playground.

The playground was empty! May be everyone else was busy doing their Christmas shopping. Both Sarah and Amar played with every single equipment there. First they attacked the springy see saw.

Not long afterwards, Amar demanded a stop. He had his eyes on the swing!

Fine, no problem. He was allowed to have his wish granted since there wasn't anyone else there. Mind you, both Sarah and Amar were on the swing for a super long time. Amar enjoyed it very much. After a while he looked like he could fall asleep there!
Sarah asked me to push her swing very hard. She wanted to touch the sky!

Then, Sarah ventured on the slides, climbing units and tunnels. I felt like I could already trust her playing at the playground. Before this, I could get worried because she could easily slipped and hurt herself.

I should trust Sarah more. She is a very good sister too. You will hear her telling Amar to be careful when climbing the slippery steps.

Amar remained on the swing for a long time, but upon seeing Sarah having so much fun running freely and having a go at other equipments, he soon wanted to join in the fun too. We supervised him on the slide.

Amar was very careful with every steps he made on the climbing unit. It was like a mini bridge so he took one step at a time. He was like this slow tortoise, and Sarah was like the hare in the tale. She passed him ten times and then only he reached to the other end! (See the photo above, Amar crawling way behind Sarah)

Both Sarah and Amar had so much fun at the playground. It was only a small playground but good enough to keep them happy.

Our day didn't end there. Swanswell Park was within walking distance to the town centre. We then took the children for a quick meal in the town and let Sarah have a ride on her favourite funfair car ride. The Barbie car was already taken by another girl. She chose a bright red truck instead. Initially we tried to make Amar join too, but he started to cry. He was not over his fears of this stuff yet, so we took him out again.

Sarah was having so much fun. Next, we took her for a reindeer ride. The ride seemed a little bit distance from the rest of the rides. No children was riding on it. Well anyway, Sarah rode alone on the reindeer. There was this huge belt tied around Sarah. So I thought, it was secured enough for her. (I should learn not to worry so much, hey?) Surprise, surprise Amar suddenly made some gestures that he wanted a ride too.

Babah was more than happy to ride with Amar. It was so funny, because Sarah was on the front reindeer, Babah and Amar were right behind her. Sarah thought Babah and Amar were chasing her. So she was shrieking and laughing excitedly. She wanted her reindeer to go faster so that Babah couldn't catch her. It looked like they were having so much fun. Suddenly, we saw there was this long queue of people wanting to have a ride too.

On the way back, we passed by the first car-go-round thing again. Sarah didn't even hesitate when Babah suggested for both of them to have a ride together. She leapt into a yellow Lamborghini truck and quick to teach Amar to press all the buttons available, making all sorts of sounds.

Amar was horrified! He looked as if he could puke anytime! I was not quite happy with Amar in the ride looking like that. But it was too late because it was already moving. Although I knew he could reach the door handle and open it on the moving track, but there was another latch securing the door. On the other hand, Sarah just 'drove' happily and asking Amar to press this and that buttons once in a while.

After four-five rounds, I could only see Amar's hood. You don't have to guess how worried I was at that time. I went to the person incharge, thinking I should ask him to stop the machine if necessary. But it was the last round anyway, it stopped before I even asked the person.
I found Amar squatting underneath his seat. He looked a little bit relieved when he saw me. I was relieved myself. But I immediately understood what he was trying to do then. There were some smarties on the floor, must have been from the previous riders. He tried to pick them up! Urgghh!
Lesson learnt, we will not force him to go on any rides anymore unless he wanted to.
aik..pertama ke saya?
biasalah mama, kalau weekdays terperap kat rmh, mmg weekend tu nak keluar ajekan luangkan masa ngan anak2.
tak pe, mula2 Amar tu takutlah, nnti lama2 dia akan confident macam Sarah tu.
Sarah energetic all the timekan..tak de gambar dia tengah sedih or nangis? teringin nak tgok..
seronok sunggoh those 2 kanak kanak ribena bersuka ria eh.
Am not really settled here as I do miss a few things back in the UK ie Corrie & EastEnders. Shops like H&M, GAP and all. Kat sini takde, and ozzies are quite protective with their brands. Everything has to be MADE BY OZ, LOVED BY OZ bleh ?? But at least I make lots of friends here compared masa dekat Manchester. Even my son goes to Malay School ( every Sat ) runs by the volunteers Melayu. Been invited to weddings, party, bbqs etc. In short, I kinda like those get-together thingy.
I was in Manchester ( Stretford ) from early 2002 till October 2005. I couldnt recall your friend's name as I did not really mix with people.
Datang lah Sydney, there's so much things to do. Nak tawaf Sydney in a week mmg tak cukop.
Will be going back to Ireland ( to inlaws ) next xmas. Then I could feel the cold winter and white xmas kan ? Dah 2 kali xmas panas ya amat, cam weird pon ada.
This is a funny one. And you're so like me when it comes to worrying unnecessarily!
Re: the reindeer ride. The ppl started to queue when they saw that Sarah and Babah was having so much fun!hehe. I do get that phenomena often. We go some place empty and then ppl will flock and join us!
When you wrote: Babah suggested for both of them to have a ride together.And then I looked at the pic as tho Mynn is entering the truck, I thought "eh muat ke'? hehe
p.s. The slide looked a bit sharp on the sides, dont you think?
pps and Amar alost slept on the swing? hehe apalah Amar ni!
The lure of all those colourful, wonderful smarties is just too much to resist for children...and it doesnt matter where they are found...on the floor, near the rubbish bin, even on the road.
I used to slap my children's hands and get so angry when they successfully pop those picked smarties into their mouths. URGGH!!!
Why is it that now I can just laugh at the incident you've just described?
Pycno- sesungguhnya picked smarties are more tempting than the clean ones! hehe...isnt it human nature to covet the forbiddened?
no kids can resist smarties rasanya..heheh..
saya blum claim lg two weekends punya jejln nih..
dith, i thought of the same thing too! Like "Eh, biar betul!"
1. Syikin Ada gambar sarah nangis, melalak, masam, tutup muka etc... entah bila nak publish? Cuma a few akan di cuci dan disimpan dalam fotoalbum buat kenangan kami sendiri.
2. Rini Corrie and EE??? Oh dear. I just couldn't get myself to like those soaps. Cuba tapi tidak berjaya. hehe...
I remember when I first stayed in Cardiff, the community back then was so active. Everyweek buat makan-makan. Kalau tak bbq, mesti dapat satay. Seronok sangat.
I'm glad you have lots of Malaysian friends now. Nanti bila anak-anak dah besar sikit baru boleh fikir nak pergi jalan-jalan overseas lagi. Btw, Ireland is a beautiful place!
3. DITH Re:Babah and sarah riding the truck. Alamak, macamana nak cover malu ni? *Sembunyi bawah meja kejap*.
Re: Reindeer ride. Sarah was the loudest. Giggling, screaming, laughing etc... Babah was trying his hard to make Amar as excited as Sarah. At least three of them were on the rides. While I was like a clown waving vigorously at them and sengeh sorang-sorang.
Funfair must love families like us eh Doc? Can't imagine both our families go out together.
Re: The sharp edges on the slide. I was quite concerned too. I checked myself, it was nicely 'pleated' and tucked on the outer side neatly with no sharp ends at all. InsyaAllah, all playgrounds including their equipments must be British Standard approved, otherwise it will not be there for public use.
4. Pycno Kan Pycno kan? Budak2 ni, yang dikutip tu sedap je makan. Yang nak disuap, boleh jadi payah pulak.
I remember so hard, a nenek sedara said "Pak Cik XXX kamu tu dulu, panjat sana, panjat sini. Patah tangan. Pecah kepala etc... sekarang dah Manager"
Anak-anak Pycno pun nanti, future Engineer, Lawyer, Doctor, ahli muzik yang suatu ketika dulu dok kutip2 juga (seperti anak2 saya huhu!)
5. DITH Dan sesungguhnya ujian itu sentiasa datang.
6. The Singa Nak claim pergi mana? Apa kata masak-masak dgn Jamie Oliver dulu?
7. Anne Can you still hear me from under the table? yes, babah tried to enter but his bag was too big so he decided not to. (sudahlah malu, menipu pula)
i havent been bloggin lately ..but when i went through you postings.. i realised that your pictures are getting better and better! and you guys are always having so much fun over there! Im soooo envious of you guys!
LOL kelakarnya MS ni! While you're down there, check for smarties.
Watch out everybody, Sarah and Amar are out to conquer the playground.
MS, I got a couple of sliced smoked salmon brought from Paris. Tak tau nk masak apa with them.. too thin to make a gulai out of it. Any ideas?
9. Mom2ashley heyyy there's nothing to be envious about. IT's sooooo cold now. Can't do much at the moment.
10. Anne You encourage me to pick2 one also ah?
11. Dyanna hmmm let me think... i can think of a couple of recipes.
a. Sushi lah apa lagi!
b. a dash of coarse pepper on the salmon and grill (or fry on very little oil on non-stick frying pan). Makan dengan nasi putih cicah air asam/sambal belacan. yummm!
Oh lets go for another one,
c. shred the salmon and toss them into some salad. add some croutons, feta cheese and a hint of virgin olive oil (or any salad dressings) for extra taste.
Ok tak Miss? Those were the ones that came out from on top of my head.
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