Friends and Kids
Babah told me that a friend from Birmingham wanted to come to visit us on last Sunday. I suggested to invite Ariff and Dina too. They live close to our house, but we have never invited them for a proper meal yet.
Before going to sleep on Saturday night, I made a plan on what to do and cook for the next day. Our living room could do with some tidying up. I visualised myself tidying up the kids' toys, straightening the cushions, hoovering the carpet, dusting the surfaces and the bathroom needed a quick spruce up. By the way, it's difficult to hoover the stairs so I needed to use a broom to clean it up. I tried to remember to clear the garbage too. Of course every room needed to be spick and span, incase our guests would want to enter for prayers.
Then, I pictured myself cooking something extraordinary, from starters, main dish, desserts and drinks must be something special. I had lots to do!
I fell asleep while still planning for the next day. But I was soon woken up by "Mama... Mama..." the usual roll call by Sarah to make sure that I sleep next to her. Then she started to cry and coughed. Later Amar woke up too and started coughing. Both had a slight high temperature. That night, I just couldn't return to sleep. Not only that I felt like being sandwiched by two very hot heaters, but because Sarah and Amar woke up every 15-30 minutes because they were coughing, whining and couldn't breathe properly. Sarah constantly talked in her sleep too and vomited at 4.20 in the morning.
Sunday morning came. Both kids were down with fever. I knew then that it was going to be a challenging day. Still I tried my best to do a spring clean. Luckily Babah was at home, so he helped too.

At 1pm, Babah's friend - Joe called from Birmingham that he was already on his way. I haven't started cooking yet! It felt so much like "Ready, Steady, Cook" show where the chefs have to produce the meals in 20 minutes.

The menu just had to be easy and fast to cook. So I made something very ordinary nasi putih, home-made seafood tomyam, ikan bakar, air asam, ayam goreng berempah and salad timun as the main dish. Special sirap bandung and teh tarik for drinks. Unfortunately starters and desserts were prepacked from the shop: Chocolate cake and Ice cream with waffle.
All of our guests arrived around 2.30pm. Sarah and Amar, despite being unwell, both lingered around Ariff. During makan-time, Sarah watched a DVD lying down in the living room(!) and Amar had his midday nap in the room upstairs. We all ate and ate until Amar gave a loud cry from upstairs. He continued crying inconsolably wanting only Babah. Poor Babah had to stay with Amar for a good 40 minutes upstairs to tame him down. I don't remember Amar behaving like that before.
We felt sorry to our guests too. It was very impolite of our children but I really hope our guests understand that they were ill that day.
As I'm writing this, I'm being sandwiched by Sarah and Amar again. They are still considerably ill. It's heartbreaking to see them sick and there's nothing much that I could do to take their pain away. It is also sad when you see Amar crying struggling to tell you what's bothering him. I'm sorry you all. I prefer to bring good news only (especially because I try not to get the grandparents worry too much) but do please pray for them to be well again.
Before going to sleep on Saturday night, I made a plan on what to do and cook for the next day. Our living room could do with some tidying up. I visualised myself tidying up the kids' toys, straightening the cushions, hoovering the carpet, dusting the surfaces and the bathroom needed a quick spruce up. By the way, it's difficult to hoover the stairs so I needed to use a broom to clean it up. I tried to remember to clear the garbage too. Of course every room needed to be spick and span, incase our guests would want to enter for prayers.
Then, I pictured myself cooking something extraordinary, from starters, main dish, desserts and drinks must be something special. I had lots to do!
I fell asleep while still planning for the next day. But I was soon woken up by "Mama... Mama..." the usual roll call by Sarah to make sure that I sleep next to her. Then she started to cry and coughed. Later Amar woke up too and started coughing. Both had a slight high temperature. That night, I just couldn't return to sleep. Not only that I felt like being sandwiched by two very hot heaters, but because Sarah and Amar woke up every 15-30 minutes because they were coughing, whining and couldn't breathe properly. Sarah constantly talked in her sleep too and vomited at 4.20 in the morning.
Sunday morning came. Both kids were down with fever. I knew then that it was going to be a challenging day. Still I tried my best to do a spring clean. Luckily Babah was at home, so he helped too.
At 1pm, Babah's friend - Joe called from Birmingham that he was already on his way. I haven't started cooking yet! It felt so much like "Ready, Steady, Cook" show where the chefs have to produce the meals in 20 minutes.
The menu just had to be easy and fast to cook. So I made something very ordinary nasi putih, home-made seafood tomyam, ikan bakar, air asam, ayam goreng berempah and salad timun as the main dish. Special sirap bandung and teh tarik for drinks. Unfortunately starters and desserts were prepacked from the shop: Chocolate cake and Ice cream with waffle.
All of our guests arrived around 2.30pm. Sarah and Amar, despite being unwell, both lingered around Ariff. During makan-time, Sarah watched a DVD lying down in the living room(!) and Amar had his midday nap in the room upstairs. We all ate and ate until Amar gave a loud cry from upstairs. He continued crying inconsolably wanting only Babah. Poor Babah had to stay with Amar for a good 40 minutes upstairs to tame him down. I don't remember Amar behaving like that before.
We felt sorry to our guests too. It was very impolite of our children but I really hope our guests understand that they were ill that day.
As I'm writing this, I'm being sandwiched by Sarah and Amar again. They are still considerably ill. It's heartbreaking to see them sick and there's nothing much that I could do to take their pain away. It is also sad when you see Amar crying struggling to tell you what's bothering him. I'm sorry you all. I prefer to bring good news only (especially because I try not to get the grandparents worry too much) but do please pray for them to be well again.
i am sure the guests would have understood ur position.. in that ready steady cook time...u prepared such a suprisingly good menu!! and u said u r a lousy cook!! memang i tak caya!
get well soon sarah n amar...u take care of urself as well yea ..jangan nanti u pulak sakit.. *hugs*
... not to mention, amar became wheezy, needing several hits with his nebuliser.
puan mama sarah dah pun demam, starting today. the kids are getting slightly better though ... slightly.
ALlah, sian pulak kat mama sarah, harap dia cepat sembuh.syukurlah anak2 pun dah nampak ok.
hmm..kesian pulak ngan mama sbb benda yg dirancang tak dpt berjalan dgn baik disebabkan anak2 tak sihat. nak buat camner, perancangan ALLAH tiada siapa yang tahu. tapi..itupun mama boleh sediakan mcm2 jenis makanan..cayalah
MS, we hope Amar and Sarah get better soon. It's really no fun being sick - for everyone in the house. Hugs and kisses from us!
ala ciannya...mama sarah, do take care!
Kak Nisak t care.....
Try take honey...very good 4 coughing n fever..
It is bad, under any circumstances, to be sick. Pain, nausea, feebleness, wearisome days, sleepless nights, depression of spirits are the usual accompaniments of sickness.
Take care Mama Sarah. InsyaAllah, you and the kids should be better by Christmas to enjoy all the good programmes on TV.
I'm sure Mynn will "jaga you sampai bila-bila..."
K nisak, you poor thing! Get well soon. sometimes having a fever is a way the body is telling us that we need to take a rest and slow down for a bit.
Rehat yg secukupnye ya. A warm bowl of chicken soup is nice.
Nisak and kids,
Hope you're all recuperating well.
semoga mama sarah dan dua kanak-kanak ribena cepat sembuh..
1. Simah One of them, Babah last saw him 6 years ago? While Ariff and Dina came for a proper meal for the first time. So kenalah bagi first good impression. Semua orang boleh masak tomyam, bakar ikan and goreng ayam! Pastu budak2 pulak dok nangis je, so much about first impression. Sure diorang serik dah nk dtg.
2. Mynn huhu.. saper nk jaga i pulak? Babah oncall. Amar pun still demam. Sarah slightly better.
3. Syikin Alhamdulillah, anak2 slightly better. Amar batuk je teruk sikit.
4. booboo & momo I guess it's our turn to spend longer time in our beds.
5. dd thanks. you take care too.
6. mama a & a boleh jadi gaduh bila nk suap amar makan honey. sarah ok. thanks for the tips :)
7. Pycno hehehe yes - the tv programmes. mat saleh here do enjoy their tv programmes during christmas. our problem is, with only one small tv left - we always let the children win and watch their cbeebies channel.
8. Dyanna Like I have been working in bendang all this while??? Hey I'm a full time blogmama. Does that mean i have to take a break from blogging???
9. DITH yes, yes. waiting for babah to finish his oncalls. i wonder if he would cook me the chicken soup as suggested by dyanna...?
10. the singa ya, harap-harap begitulah. thanks.
betul kata simah tu .... express cooking betoi & banyak lagi.I hope the children are recovering they prob caught a bug.atahe guests will understand not too worry.
Salam nisak
Demam lagi ker...moga nisak cepat sembuh..
Jangan risaulah ..tentu kawan2 nisak faham, memang itulah lumrah bila ada anak, takan masa anak sihat jer..masa anak tak sihat...itulah suasananya...
Sedap juga menu tu...
kalau babah deman ok, lagi kalau anak2 demam pun ok jugakkan kita boleh jaga..diaorang...dan buat kerja rumah..kalau mama dia yang demam...waa...1, 2 hari baba boleh jagakan tapi lain hari kena jaga sendiri jaga anak, buat kerja rumah..waa....nak nangis
Gurau jer nisak..dulu belum ada maid macam tulah kisah saya...dah ada maid bab tu ringan sikit..bab lain pulak datang..eik..itulah hidup namanya..harus dilalui seadanya,..moga cepat sembuh,...doa saya dari jauh
12. Kak Elle Ada very young children, everything kena express!
13. Shami Ni baru telan 2 biji paracetamol. SElalunya boleh tahan je sakit pening. Ini hari kena telan juga lah, sebab bnyk benda nak kena buat.
Teringat ada satu kakak postgrad kat sini pun kata, kalau husband dia demam, melepek tak boleh buat apa satu. Kalau isteri yang demam kuat lagi boleh masak nasi :)
Thanks for everyone's prayers.
Kesiannyer semua sakit nih.... take care okay!!.
Next time biler semua dah okay boleh invite diorang lagi for proper dinner.
anak u dah sihat ker?
by the way..happy new year and salam aidiladha utk u and family.. maaf zahir batin :o)
oh the poor babes! hope you get some rest to MS. And pls don't complain tht you're a lousy cook OK. You manage to whip up excellent dishes without fail
hi,sian diorg demam. dah jumpe kak azie?Bestnya berkumpul di sana. Aritu nani bukak blog akak, kuar iklan christmas..heheh..confius jap.sib baik dah ok!
Happy belated b'day MS!! I'm sorry I missed it by 2 days. Doesnt mean that I didnt remember it though. Was in Taiping and then to Penang over Christmas break. Many happy returns , may you be blessed with all the happiness that you surely deserve.
Mama Sarah,
it has been a week since you posted this,
reaally hope sarah and amar dah much much
better now :)
Hope all is well!
Dah lama juga yus tak menjengah ke mari. Harap2 Sarah dan Amar dah sembuh sekarang ni.Bila anak2 tak sihat, semua kerja rasa tak sempurna kan...
cian kat sarah n amar, mamafaris doakan mrk cepat sembuh.
mama sarah pun take care, jgn ibu yang 'tumbang' ye.
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