Makaton - Something Special
Now is a different story. Sarah and Amar dominate what to be watched on tv. I know some parents control what their children can watch and limit the time too. I do not mind my children watching the Cbeebies channel. To me, the programmes are all very educational and informative for the whole family. (I'm hearing some older children retching already!)
Remember we learnt a recipe or two from Big Cook, Little Cook programme? And you don't have to remind me of Sarah's numerous attempts on craftworks from her favourite programme, Smarteenies.
I am so tempted to list every single programme on the Cbeebies channel and share why I think they are very good. But I will just elaborate on one; Something Special. The presenter is Justin Fletcher. We all love Justin! He has this special charm to attract especially young viewers to watch his programmes.
In this programme, Justin uses Makaton signs and symbols that easily fascinate children in the early stages of language development. Sarah has learnt a lot of signs just by watching this programme. She sometimes uses the signs UNintentionally while she talks to us. I find it very interesting and started to learn some signs too. Sometimes Sarah and I test each other if we know so-and-so sign, just for fun.
Of course the best part of the programme is the ever so lively Mr Tumble. He is actually Justin dressed up as a clown. Sarah and Amar would stop doing anything just to watch this show. You will even see them rolling on the floor laughing at Mr Tumble's funny facial expressions and Laurel and Hardy sort of gestures. You will get "Mr Tumble is very funny" and "I like Justin" a lot from Sarah.
The above is the only clip I could find on you tube. Not very good quality. But enough to give you an idea what it's all about. Of course you can surf on Cbeebies: Something Special website for more proper videoclips.
By the way, Something Special has already won the Royal Television Society award for best early years programme for the last two years and it recently became a BAFTA nominee for best pre-school programme.
Highly recommended for educational purposes!
By the way, Something Special has already won the Royal Television Society award for best early years programme for the last two years and it recently became a BAFTA nominee for best pre-school programme.
Highly recommended for educational purposes!
Program educational camtuh tak banyak di sini.
Rayyan's fav hanyalah barney, elmo's world dan Hi 5. Tapi paling dier suka dengan Hi 5. Mana taknya kaki joget. Heheheh
We got sky digital so as we got the kids channel, cbeebies not watched at all. But coz I from small taught NAMI which programme to watch, till now she watched the same channels. So programme like Dora, Blues clues, Play with me sesame etc are the norm at home.
Doesn't matter what you watch, as long as it's educational..good for the mind.
Yea lah disini pun sama..mcm di Dubai juga agaknya.. Terlalu sedikit educational programmes. Semua rancangan dialih bahasa ke Deutsch. Alya n Ammar mula tahu Cbeebies selepas kami datang ke rumah Yus. Sekrang ini Alya dah tahu search di internet sendiri...
yoo bad they dont have it here...:(
dont worry..just continue to let her watch them...i've been letting ashley watch her cds since a couple of months old...but now...she only started to repeat whatever they say on the screen....she loves it!
alamak - the last comment is supposed to be for malaika's mummy...! sorry
First time saya dengar pasal Makaton ni, interesting eh. Dulu Ma farah tak pernah miss letak farah depan tv and run Sesame Street eeeevery morning while she's in the kitchen! I think I managed to hafal my ABC's dari situ :p
Nanti nak tengok Cbeebies kat youtube untuk mimi sebab dari kecik di malaysia dulu programme #1 dia Hi5 sampai sekarang selain Barney .
Tq for sharing.
Ni yang kelakar ni...mama satu benda pun tak tahu dah pasal citer budak-budak sebab anak-anak semua dah besar...but I still love to watch cartoons! I still remember, masa my boy baby dulu, I used to put on the Richard Scary CD yang counting tu. Then one fine day, masa mama dok isi susu dalam botol dia, tetiba dia start counting! Punyalah excitednya!
i pun paksa my kids tengok cbees pagi pagi sebelum hatice pi sekolah..tapitak ada pulak * something special*..dia pukul berapa dia show program ni kat sana..
hatice n baddin love little cook, big cook..
ah justin...he is soooooo adorable!! ilike it when he pairs up with sarah jane kat tikkabilla..
jgn marah.. i pun sukaaaaa sangat cbees hehehe
tak sempat la nak try that baked donut..semalam in the rush i fry jer..thanks 4 the link :0)
1. Zakiah Sarah used to like Hi5 juga. Kat sini, Hi5 dkt channel lain bukan on Cbeebies. I pun suka tengok Hi5 jugak sebenarnya. hehehe..
2. K.D. True, as long as educational. Dora pun bagus kan? Dia ajar Spanish.
3. Azie Cbeebies website menarik utk kanak-kanak bawah 5 tahun kan? Macam-macam aktiviti untuk mereka.
4, 5 & 6. mom2Ashley :) Not even on cable tv (Astro)? Too bad.
7. Farah I love their 1,2,3...12! Sampai sekarang I wonder kenapa dia count upto 12. why not 10? Tp memang menarik kan?
8. L.u.Jordan Lagi elok, search at their official website. Videoclips lagi elok qualitynya di situ.
9. mamafami *nice to see you here* syok kan? bila experience development anak2 depan mata.
10 & 11. Simah Kita pun SUKA sangat Justin dgn Sarah Jane. Dua-dua mcm clown. Do you know, Justin buat voice over Jake and Doodles dalam Tweenies?
And ada lagi programme Justin and Sarah Jane: Higgledy house.
Kat sini Something Special dalam pukul 11am. Ada repeat lebih kurang 4 petang.
p/s: share YOUR resepi doughnut pls!
How come we're lacking in programs like this back in Malaysia?
mamasarah I'm out of this subject!!!but I did go with my nieces to Hi-5 and disney on ice live shows just imagine 6 of them pokai di buat nya...tiket satu hal ni kat sana during the show they promo all the goodies!!!
This post is very good, thank you
have nice wkend
rizq is hooked-up with barney... tapi still bleh control...
anak2 akak used to like Teletubbies, sekarang tak lagi...
dorang lebih suka tengok cerita "Bidadari" kat Astro Channel 9. Selebihnya dorang lebih prefer cartoons cam Tom & Jerry, Kampung Boy...
tapi betul la, kebanyakan cerita2 kat Malaysia ni kurang educational content...
sini ada nickjr, cartoon network, disney channel & playhouse disney je..
that cbeebies nampak bagus untuk kids...
Aqil dan Alia pun suka 'something special'. Kalau dengar Alia cuba ikut cara Justin cakap masa permulaan program tu mmg kelakar, sudahlah pelat....
haHaHa! Mr Tumbles is Little D's favourite too (errr, and I think MrD always acts out as Mr Tumble when they're watching together!!)
Listening to all the questions posed to, and answered by Mr. Tumbles can really develop and enrich children's language skills.
kat m'sia takde rancangan mcm nih.
adalah program yg menarik.
13. Hiyoshi No audience, perhaps?
14. Kak Elle Waahh, pokai lah macam ni!
15. David :)
16. Mummy Rizq Barney promotes good values too, right? Don't we all moms know the opening-closing "I love you" song!!!
17. Alex Lacey Tak berani nak comment on local programmes. Dah lupa... Eh, teringat kat Cumi dan Ciki suatu ketika dahulu sangat popular!!!
18. Mulan those you mentioned belum sesuai untuk age group anak2 saya. Boleh jadi gaduh kalau tak pasangkan cbeebies.
19. Yus "Hello, hello. How are you? Hello, hello. It's good to see you..."
20. D We all LOVE Justin and Mr Tumble in this house!!!
21. Pycno You are right!
22. Cikdinz Tulah, bab kat Msia tu saya tak berani nak komen. SEbab dah lama tak tengok. But I'm sure ada unsur-unsur murni yang mereka nak tonjolkan (KOT??!)
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