Wonder Years: Registration Day
There will be another induction session on 27 March 2007 before she properly starts twice weekly from 3 April 2007. Someone is very nervous! Who can that be?
Please be warned that this is my first attempt to author an online diary. Generally, it is about the adventure of Sarah and Amar. Some (if not a lot of) photos will also be shared. The tale is especially dedicated to Sarah and Amar's grandparents who are thousands of miles away but very close at heart.
Pigeonhole Growth n Development
Alhamdulillah, anak dara you dah start school, :o
And why are you nervous Mama?
Yeay!! Sarah has finally agree to go to school. Mama nya, jgn la nervous sangat... ;)
Sarah dah mula sekolah yer. Memula tu, biasalah nisak, kita pun ikut nervous, lama2 nanti oklah dia...
bestnyer dah start skolah. I kalau bleh nak hantar rayyan g playschool gak. Kesian dia main sorang sorang kat rumah. Tapi kecik sangat la plak.
Sarah must be happy now dah banyak kawan kat nursery tu...lah kenape pulak u nervous?hey let go let go....hehe
mommy nervous, kena masuk nursery jugak la nampaknya... she'll have great fun there, don't you worry!
Don't worry lah..She'll forget about you soon after she sees her friends! Hehehe....
Time to cut the 'cord' mommy...She is growing...
Ahha lah mcm Azi juga, mula2 nervous sesgt. Dah 2bulan nih baru ok sikit. But still everyday tanya Alya mcm2.. Dia buat apa...Cikgu cakap apa hihihi.
That day mcm ada ckp nak balik M'sia Feb or Mar kan? Dah jadi ker?
Aww... I remembered my first day at school. Someone peed in his pants. Not me! But that's what I remembered most though. Hehhe. Sarah's a big girl now! =D
I bet the nervous one is not the person who's actually attending the kindy. Right?
Wah! Sarah dah sekolah!!!! Belajar (main) rajin2 ye :) Ganbatte!
Dah jadi ker? Typping error. Dah = Tak = Tak jadi ker?
wah Sarah dah skolah! mesti best! i know what u feel..even my daughter baru masuk nursery..hihi.
byk entry terlepas ni..5 days off pc. nampak sedap sgt kek grape tu!
MS...nice pic...Sarah bergaya 'slumber' mmg cool. Anyhow how much the cost of nursery there?
bestnyer sarah! mesti ramai kawan kat sana! balik rumah mesti potpet cerita apa dia buat kat sekolah!
ye ye best lah sarah tu dah nak gi sekolah...don't worry ahe'll be more than ok , InsyaAllah.
ms, jgn marah ek. U kena tag hehe
sometimes we are more nervous than ur child, included me..hehehe
hope Sarah will enjoy her nursery.
Gambatene Sarah-chan \(^O^)/
Don't you worry, Sarah will start to love it once she gets used to the new environment. Kids are very good at adapting and making friends .... she'll be fine.
1. DITH tak sampai hati nak tinggalkan dia sendiri. Takut dia nangis. Sebab dia pesan, "don't leave me, Mama."
2. Juwaidah We didn't use the word "School". She'd refused point blank! We said, play centre or even Balamory (after the show in Cbeebies!)
3. Yus Harapnya macam tu lah. hehe... *kecut perut*
4. Zakiah Kat sana bila anak2 boleh masuk sekolah? (bukan private punya?)
5. Kak Elle Hehehe... first time lah katakan!
6. D I hope so!!!
7. K.D Pass me the scissors thank you! :)
8. Azie Kita tunggu April - nanti kita tengok apa citer Sarah, nangis ke tidak dia.
9. Afie Surprise, surprise! I remember my 1st day at school too.
10. Dyanna Main aje kat pre-school!
11. Azie Postpone sikit.
12. Nani Tu cherries yang nani tengok kot? Black Forest Cake.
13. nbk466 About cost- panjang explanation nih. Berbeza-beza bagi setiap nursery. Utk Wonder Years: £19.50 per session (separuh hari).
TAPI, di sini ada government fund untuk anak-anak berumur 3 tahun (yang belum layak ke pre-school seperti anak saya) government beri "subsidi" untuk 12.5 jam seminggu. So, FREE untuk Sarah. (sebab saya hantar 12 jam seminggu sahaja :)
Oh cuma kena bayar registration fees : £30.
14. Anne Kita tunggu bulan April nanti. Tengok apa citer dia?!
15. L.u.Jordan InsyaAllah. Harapnya begitu lah.
16. Anne You kejam! hehe...
17. Mama Faris hehe.. tu lah. Asyik nervous je.
18. Queen I hope that will be the case.
Thank you all for giving us the support! :)
Kalau dah toilet trained Mama Sarah, you dont have to worry a thing. I must confess though, that would be the first thing I'd ask my boys the moment they come back from play-school di UK dulu.
Kalau ada melabur di sekolah, cepat-cepat cuci sekali lagi di rumah dan terus mandi. ;)
21. Pycno For pre-school, most definitely kena toilet trained dulu. However, this place is a private place (although "free" for Sarah), so the staff are so helpful.
Anyway, I am going to make sure that Sarah does "her thing" before she goes to the nursery. Well anyway - I still am going to make sure that she is properly cleansed after school. With her skin condition - kena rajin sikitlah Mama dia.
Thanks for the reminder :)
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