Wonder Years: Trial no. 2
We went into the cloakroom to hang her bag and coat. Then went straight to her class. The children were all roughly Sarah's age. They were playing dressing up. At first Sarah smiled, but as I said goodbye to her, she suddenly tugged on my coat and broke into tears.
We fetched Sarah on the way back. From her classroom small window, I saw everyone was tidying up the toys, probably getting ready for the next activity. It was nice to see Sarah was helping out too. When I entered, a girl called out for Sarah, "Your mommy is here Sarah!" before I could state my presence there.
Sarah was not as upset as the first time. And she didn't seem 100% comfortable too. But she'll get there, insyaAllah.
hihihi ok lah tuh kan.. 3rd trial ada tak? Bila Sarah akan mula actual/full activity. Berapa jam sehari?
Good girl Sarah. Made a friend already as well..
She's getting the hang of it.. hang in there! :)
she can make it, insya allah.
seem ok now...give her a couple more days it will be 'too good to be true'....haha
ai yo..poor sarah ...
I envy that 1 hr walk of yours with Amar sleeping peacefully. I doubt you can do that here.
give her one week.. she'll be rushing to school eagerly after that..
Sarah jangan nangis yer...nanti auntie beli eskrem...
See...everything's going fine...just give her time!
Ish...anak2 mat salleh tuh pulak..Sarah baru nak pulih semangat..udah gurau sampai cam tuh skali...maybe sbb Sarah cute sgt kot... Best of luck dear Sarah..M'sia BOLEEHHHHH...
1. Ajzie Ada 3rd trial next Tuesday. Dia suruh hantar 1.30 pulak, and stay lama sikit. (o-oh)
Setiap nursery lain session dia. YAng saya hantar ni; Dari pukul 1-6 (5 jam!!!) tapi 2 kali seminggu.
Kalau proper school, selalunya 1-3pm; 5 kali seminggu. (Kena cerita panjang bab sekolah ni)
2. K.D. They were all very friendly. Especially the girls.
3. Sue I think so too.
4. Sarah InsyaAllah
5. Kak Elle I bet you're right!
6. mom2Ashley It's just because we are never apart.
7. DITH Don't get me started on that subject! No, not complaining about the weather. Our experience to be independent of car was a nightmare in Msia! The curbs, poor pedestrians pathway, and worst was the motorists attitude, no-one stopped at the zebra crossings... ugghhh terrible. And that was only a 5-10 minutes experience. Someone please make me be a town planner!!!
8. Simah She was skipping all the way to the nursery. But had a panic attack when I was about to leave.
9. Zakiah eskrem??? isykh 3x, orang tengah pantang ni...
10. Nani Indeed
11. nbk466 budak2 kat situ semuanya peramah! mungkin suatu ketika dahulu mereka juga seperti sarah. hehe... or, positively speaking, harapnya soon Sarah juga akan seperti mereka :)
sarah makin lama mesti makin suka nak ke sekolah.. kanak-kanak bila jumpa ramai kawan memang akan cepat mesra....cayang sarah ... :D
tgk ler 2-3 kali gi school nanti, lepas ni tak nak balik!
i can't help feeling that sometimes it's as if the sarah you are referring to is me..tehee~
(tibe2 rase mcm nak jadi kanak2 balik)
sarah tu macam hazwan baby zino.. bila dia dah ada kawan dan rasa selesa baru le dia rasa seronok ke sekolah..
InshaAllah :)
Go Go, Sarah! You can do it!
P/s: Mama Sarah, got your offline meebo msg, thank you very very much! :D
14. LuJordan HArapnya begitulah.
15. Anne That time, I have to think of excuses to take her home!
16. Sarahss The carefree years...
17. Zino Sangat harap walaupun 2 kali seminggu aje, tak menganggu moodnya.
18. Farah You're back? Sarah is slightly better, alhamdulillah.
Mama...lama2 okaylah sarah tu...insyaallah...
proud of sarah
and adek sarah tu comey and peaceful jer dia tido.
Don't worry, she'll get use to it in no time. I remembered my first day of school in the UKs. Was verrrry quite but toward the middle of the year became quite the talkative one.
Go sarah gO! =)
hi mama sarahhhh
it's marsha's mommy here :D
beza sungguh ngan kakak..tadi pg amik dia, kawan siap tanya buat apa dtg skolah dia...
Nak tergelak baca komen mama singa. Tapi yus rasa reaksi Sarah normal bagi kanak2 yang baru pertama kali nak menjejak kaki ke sekolah. Aqil dulu pun macam tu. Tak lama lagi oklah tu.
hopefully she'll adapt herself well soon!
kejap je tu.. bila dia dah ada kawan, nanti sure lupa mummy dia..
hehehehe... has she abandoned the phone then?? (sorry lambat... not been blogging for awhile!)
20. kak lady insyaAllah :)
21. Idham Memang time dia tidur.
22. Afie911 I too hope she will be fine soon.
23. Marsha's Mommy Sangat Busy!
24. The Singa hihi...
25. Yus Ya agaknya. Mak nya pun nervous jugak. hihi..
26. mummy rizq yes, hopefully.
27. Mulan haha!
28. D She didn't bring her 'phone' that day. I only realised about that after she came back.
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