Wonder Years: Trial no. 1

This morning, I asked her, "Who's going to play centre today?"
"Meeee..." came the excited answer from Sarah. She couldn't wait for 2 o'clock and kept on telling me to hurry up.
I thought this was all going very well and prayed hard that she will be alright at the nursery. Just half an hour before 2pm, she timidly said, "Mama jangan tinggal Sarah, eh?"
Oh dear!
Between the half hour, I was struggling to make her understand that she will be alright and I would definitely come back for her. There was nothing to worry about and I will only be a phone call away. She interrupted every word with her plea, "Don't leave me, please!"
At the nursery, the staff and all other children gathered around Sarah when we arrived. They were all very friendly! It was colouring time. Sarah joined in immediately, smiling.
I left, and heard someone calling out for her Mama! One of the staff said Sarah will be alright. They will take care of her.
An hour later, I went to the nursery again to fetch Sarah. It was only a trial or induction session. Her class was enjoying the afternoon in the garden. From afar I saw Sarah sitting very closely to one of the staff, holding her pink toy phone.
Then she saw me. She ran very fast calling out "Maamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" and hugged me. The staff said Sarah only stopped crying for a while. Hence, there will be another trial session on Thursday until she settles in.

I asked her what's the matter? She answered, "Phone Sarah dah broken. Sarah telefon Mama, tapi Mama tak datang pun ambik Sarah!!!"
It's cuddle time now.
The dearie actually tried to call you on her mobile? So cute... and yeah, give her lotsa cuddles
Hihihi comel...'Mama kena beli kan new handy for Sarah'.. nanti Sarah boleh call. Takper just trial..lama2 ok lah Sarah disana.
Alya pun sama juga masa mula2 ke kindergarten. Sekarang dah ok dah..
that's so wonderfully sweet of Sarah! the darndest things kids do eh...hehe. and such pretty scrap LOs too. ;)
Be brave okay...
As for MamaSarah..be strong okay!!
AAwwwww.. I wish I had a daughter! =)
Go Go Sarah! You can do it!
You're extremely lucky that you could blog all these cute episodes of her life when veterans like me can't. You're a good mom.
Bukan main lagi anak dara sorang ni! :p
mamasarah this is only temp once she gets use to it she'll be ok and hope mama die pun ok:)kesian nya she tried to call you on her hp...she is so cute.
Sian Sarah...hopefully dia akan sesuaikan diri dengan cepat.very cute princess Sarah!
Mcm Sofiya, skang ok skit. Kalu dulu,ari2 nangis. Tp skang,kalu isnin, nangis..lepas tu alhamdulillah..dah ok. janji kena cikgu dia sambut kat pintu.hihi...
alah comelnyer sarah ni... big hug for sarah. it's ok dear... you will soon learn that mommy will come back to fetch u up, insya-Allah.
Ala la, ciannyer Sarah... tepon broken ye? Heheh... nnt auntie ganti dgn walkie talkie motorola boleh? Haha..
sarah macam anak I mimi jugak bawak pink barbie toy hp to school...
tapi mimi punya selalunya ' boleh guna'...dia selalu call ayah dia hehe :P
tak pe ..mula-mula memang dia nangis, nanti oklah tu...
It's time for a Nokia for Sarah....
Mama Sarah ... cepatlah explain the difference between toy phone and real phone. Kesian Sarah!
salam mama sarah,
ur dearest sarah is so cute! never tot she'd come out with such words. cute cute cute
when the time is come, kena jugak berpisah kan...
Kat sini pun ramai parents yg SEKSA bila anak2 memulakan zaman persekolahannya..inikan pula ditempat org...GULP... Inysyallah bila dah biasa..bersemangat pulak nak ke SCHOOL..
awww poor thing..tried to call you but couldn't reach you....extra hugs from mme!
1. Sue Yes. Crying too.
2. Ajzie Banyak nak guna daya pujuk ni.
3. Ibu Aisyah Sweet ke tu? Menangis for 1 hour. (psstt: LO? saya buta initials)
4. k.d. thanks... hopefully it's much better tomorrow.
5. Afie sabar... sabar...
6. Farah Yes, Come on Sarah!
7. DITH blogging is above cleaning and tidying up now! errrkkk... heellllppp~pp
8. Kak Elle I really feel for her semalam. It was only one hour trial session, mind you. Let's see what happens tomorrow.
9. Nani Itulah harapnya sementara aje ni. Esok-esok bila dah ok, sure gelak aje bila terkenang balik.
10. Anonymous You forgot to leave your name. But thanks for your kind words. Yup, she should know that I will be there on time, otherwise I will be charged £5 per minute! (I think)
11. Dyanna Amboi amboii motorola! (kecik tapak tangan, nyiru saya tadahkan. haaa camane?)
12. LuJordan Sarah punya pun Barbie. Selalunya mmg boleh guna. Semalam dia frust sangat kot. Merajuk konon ;)
13. Mummy Rizq Adoii lah. Bengkok lah mama dia. Botaklah babah dia...
14. Qoth Dia tahu toy. Dia saje buat cerita sedih kot. Tapi I bought it, and felt sorry.
15. Sarah Kids...
16. Cikdinz Benar tu.
17. nbk466 Maka ini bukanlah masalah yang besar sebenarnya. Kalau ibubapa lain boleh buat, saya pun boleh buat juga! Ayuh maju!
18. mom2ashley she was really upset, seriously.
Dith: Muahahahahaha. But honestly, can't wait to have my own children. (no dirty thoughts occay?! ;P)
Mama Sarah: Sabar la ni. Kalau tak dah beranak-pinak dah. Hehehe. Sorry, I'm kinda in my "naughty" mode right now. =p
Hehehe...suka kata-kata dia yang terakhir tu...so cute...
Dulu masa Fareez mula-mula masuk sekolah...memang sesuatu yang menyeksakan...1 whole week he was crying...golek2 atas lantai lagik...seksa betul...
At least Sarah lebih baik dari Fareez hehehe....
can't wait for tomorrow's episode of sarah being left in school again!! maybe you need to change the batteries (for the handphone!). ahaks...
Sarah really is brave, isn't she? She didn't wail when left, unlike someone I know *cough*cough*
Kalau melalak, hilang la cun kan Sarah, kan?
By the way, I still don't know what Ho Fun is......
mak dia pulak yg excited. org offer kat anak dara dia..
what was ur feelings? how did amar react when sarah went missing for that time?
be strong mama sarah... parts n parcel of life la kan.. :0)
Ala siannya Sarah... Looking forward to read more on her progress.
takpe.. ok nanti tu.. Farah dulu, tiap2 hari masa I hantar pi kindergarden, menangis macam nak rak! Sebulan baru dia ok. I think Sarah will take less time to adapt herself.
(Actually, kekadang tu I check.. Farah will cry only if she saw me still standing there. Bila dah tak nampak mak dia, seronok pulak dia duduk ngan teacher dia..)
biasalah tu....she will get used to it...InsyaAllah...
21. Afie bagus :)
22. Kak Lady Golek atas lantai. fuaaahh... hebat tu.
23. d It's working fine. But no signal agaknya ;)
24. Hiyoshi I thought I have answered a couple of times previously. Ho fun = kuey tiow.
(Probably I just took for granted that you were going to read other comments. Sorry)
By the way, Sarah came back with a hoarse voice. Cried too much, I think.
25. Dyanna hihi, Mak dia tolong jawab lerrr...
26. Simah I felt for her. Amar was asleep the whole time Sarah was away.
(Not that I think he cared anyway)
27. nj she has another trial session this afternoon. o-oh!
28. Juwaidah hihihi... I hope sarah akan OK soon. Kesian juga rasa tinggalkan dia.
29. Maklang InsyaAllah
Oh dear..... do I have to go through this as well my friend?
31. Elviza There is always the first time for everything. Hopefully yours will be smooth sailing like many others.
sarah chomel sangat!!!!!
syukur, my kids really-really like school.
don't know why. maybe pasal semua sepupu dorang gi school kot....
tak tahan gelak. nasib baik tgh berketayap segala, kalau tidak dah tergolek2 depan semua orang ni. ;P
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