Coventry: 9-21 April 2007
Two days after we came back from our get-away, Sarah and Amar were down with fever. Their temperature rose especially in the evening and when they were asleep in the night. Whenever they are ill, I hardly sleep myself.
Sarah was as flat as a pancake for a few days. She slept continuously and got me feeling sorry for her. Upon my discretion, she was rested at home and missed going to the nursery.
Amar was equally unwell. He lost his appetite and basically ate nothing apart from his regular milk. Even that, he hardly finished his usual dose.
Alhamdulillah they are much better now. Sarah has resumed her attendance to the nursery (more update on this particular matter next time).
Sarah was as flat as a pancake for a few days. She slept continuously and got me feeling sorry for her. Upon my discretion, she was rested at home and missed going to the nursery.
Amar was equally unwell. He lost his appetite and basically ate nothing apart from his regular milk. Even that, he hardly finished his usual dose.
Alhamdulillah they are much better now. Sarah has resumed her attendance to the nursery (more update on this particular matter next time).
Arep and Dina were kind to join us that sunny day and met us at the Old Cathedral. It was noon time and Amar was really cranky, (I suspected) he wanted his bed for his afternoon nap. We all felt very relieved when Amar finally fell asleep in my arms. Then, we quickly found our way to the nearest restaurant for a quick lunch. When the food was served, Amar woke up and started to make a lot of fuss. The restaurant was a bit too posh for a poorly child, so I decided to leave the restaurant before Amar create a bawl infront of the public, while the rest finished up their meals.
Longford Park
Amar was still restless, we thought that we should just head home immediately after lunch. We made our separate ways and once we were in our car, Amar was smiling and calmed down. Instead of going straight back home, we made a detour and went to Longford Park.
Longford Park was "founded" by D and her family. It's funny that they have just been in Coventry for less than a year but they knew so much more than us. We sometimes asked her for directions in the area where we ourselves have lived in for three years!
I became aware about Azura's whereabouts from EM's blog. With EM's help, I obtained Azura's email address and managed to get in touch with her. Azura and EM were my school friends that I have not met since many, many years ago. (Notice the word "many" used?) Azura who was also my ex dorm-mate, is married and currently residing somewhere ("somewhere" merely means I do not want to be specific) near London.
We had a really pleasant time with our "you ingat tak ..." and god knows how much fun we had, reminiscing the good old time. By the way, thanks to Babah too for letting me spent some time out with my long lost friend.
I only took Azura to Nandos for dinner and didn't get to show her the real beauty of our little town as it was already getting dark. Hopefully some photos in this entry are good enough to represent Coventry.
gambar weeping willow trees tu nice..
Gurl, you got a LOT to update!! Hehehe...
Seronok jumper member lama tuh. Especially housemates/dormmates... konpem riuh kalau jumpa balik kan.
Gambar Muhaimin dengan Amar with Amar sucking botol susu reminds me of Ajeem. Macam tu lah dia masa kecik. Most of his pics are of him and his precious bottle! ;)
Salam. Nice photos :) I wish I could be there~
Salam Nisak..
Saya terlepas satu N3 awak.. Busy sikit.. Alya n Ammar pun sama deman. Alhamdulilah sekrang dah ok, just tinggal selsema aje.
Seronok Nisak dapat jumpa kawan2 lama.. sure riuh berbual cerita dolu2.
Nice pictures.. Wahhh saya pun dah mula rindu nak tangkap2 gambar nih..cehwahhhh..
baru nak keluarkan vacuum cleaner nak suck sawang2 yg ada tapi you beat me to it...haha
meeting with old friends are nice kan?lots of things to catch up with.
I tried a new dish 2day ... check on it ok? need comments...haha
poor sarah n amar.... *hugs*..i hope they r well totally by now..
beautiful pictures as the button like flower....
and a meeting with ur friend... wahhh jeles lahhhh...must be great to get together like that n remember all those school times..
i lov gathering & meeting my x-schoolmate & kwn lama too..byk benda nak share & kepoh2..
Sarah & Amar take care yer..
Harap Sarah n Amar dah pulih sepenuhnya.
Azura...sama mcm nama my junior yg study kat sana, Lily Azura ke? Manalah tahu org yg sama.
The little flowers remind me of those found commonly alongside duri semalu.
How funny.
Is everyone feeling better?
salam mama sarah,
i once lived in UK for 4 years but never been to Coventry yet. Wish that 1 day i could have a nice trip to UK to go to all places that listed in your entries (but surely not staying there again) ;)
Dearest Kron,
Ahhh.... coventry. Sigh. Was there during spring ages ago enroute to Aber. Beautiful 10X place.
Glad you managed to catch up with Azura, happier because I helped to it.
Great pixs friend, kisses to Sarah & Amar.
Will be on suspension (hopefully not for good!) for a while. Need to clear my head and plan Luqman's bday party this sunday.
Take care
cantik park yang D 'jumpa' tu....pokoknya tu mau je ditarik-tarik daunnya yang berjurai :)
jejak kasih memang penuh emosi, best :D
kesiannya sarah & amar... glad they're ok now. cantiknya gambar2...
1. Yus bila ditiup angin, seolah-olah melambai-lambai tau!
2. D I know!!! Sendiri pening mana nak start dulu.
3. Zakiah Ya betul! memang riuh rendah bila kita ungkit cerita lama.
4. Juwaidah I memang kalau boleh tak mau include the photos of him "mengonggong" botol. I don't quite like the sight of it. Tapi like some kids with pacifiers - mine with a bottle.
5. Mr Journal Bumi ciptaan Allah semata.
6. Ajzie harap sudah pulih sepenuhnya dan dapat kembali beraksi menangkap gambar!
7. Kak Elle you need an anti cobweb device!
8. Simah The meeting was just great! plus, both sarah and amar are much better now, alhamdulillah.
9. Lela Dah lama sangat berpisah dgn kawan2 sekolah. Baru2 ni dapat berkumpul balik melalui email group. syok dapat tahu perkembangan sahabat.
10. Mama Faris Bukan Lily Azura :( Sarah n Amar much better, thanks.
11. Hiyoshi I've forgotten all about pokok semalu! Wah thanks for reminding me. The ones in this entry are duri-less.
12. Sarah Which part of UK did you live? Yup, UK has a number of interesting places to visit.
13. EM Yes, thanks especially to you for her email add, and to Chal for leading me to the yahoogroup.
It was Azura who made all the effort for the meeting. And she is one stunning lady now! (Jealous I!)
happy birthday in advanced to dear Luqman. Are we going to be lucky and see his photo in your blog?
14. LuJordan Teringat cerita Tarzan pulak!
15. Mulan Kalau yang cantik tu, Babah punya kerjalah.
I was in Leeds. i was 4-7 at that time. I've been to Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Derby, Lincoln, Leicester, Nottingham, Swansea. Really loved the beach in South Shield. Wondering how the scenery would be now... Leicester is not far from Coventry right? But at that time, there's no point to go there. hehe. No friends of ayah.
I used to live in Coventry for three years - did my degree at Warwick Uni. Longford park sounds familiar but parks are not really THE destination for undergrads yg muda belia, so I guess I missed out.
Salam kenal :)
the park so nice..nice to take photos and quite a relaxing place too..
cantiknya gambar-gambar! puas mata memandang. :-)
salam kenal mama sarah.
cantiknya gambar pokok daun berjuntai2 tu..mcm dlm poskad!!..
baguslah anak2 dah ok.
alahai,bestnya dpt jumpa old best fren.
Cantik sgt that park! One of our hobbies when we were in Warsaw, visit taman2 and botanical garden!Rindu plak bila tgk gmbr ni...
Sweet pics Amar n Sarah...shot yg cantik!Cepat2 sembuh ye!
'menggonggong'.. ye..itulah sebenarnya word yg saya cari.. yup.. teringat balik aksi ajeem menggonggong botol susunya setiap masa. Tak best langsung bila ambik gambar.. kan? ;)
The parks are so well kept and easily accessible, make it easier for many people to visit :D
17. Sarah I've never been to Leeds before :|
18. Halwafy Yeah, I think it appeals more to those who have young children. I won't be found in such places too in Uni years!
19. Huisia relaxing? A park means lots of running to me!
20. Uda Thanks, but yours lagi cantik Uda ;)
21. Kaklong Memang best sangat jumpa kawan lama. Rasa macam remaja semula!
22. Nani We started to go to parks because of the huge ground - for the kids to run around.
23. Juwaidah hihi definitely not!
24. Sue yes, i think here, people take lots of initiative to tidy up their litters including their dog's 'mess'.
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