Finally I can cross out Brighton from my must-go list. Exactly twenty years ago, my family and I visited the same spot. The seawater (or is it English Channel water?) is still as ice-cold as I could remember. They still sell creamy vanilla icecreams in cones. The fun rides are still there, although the fares must have gone up thrice as much.
There were so many people or visitors. May be it was because of the Easter break. Everyone wanted a free therapeutic foot massage available along the pebbly beach. The only problem was, one had to face a sea of people sunbathing along the way.
The remains of West PierAnd sadly, we saw what must have been the West Pier. The pier was destroyed by fire in 2003. However there are plans to erect a new landmark in its place. Plans were already approved by the City council. The construction will start this summer and it should open next summer 2008.

Uncle De, the natural born navigator (or cyborg?) led us the way to Brighton seafront. The only person we trust to be our 'tourist-guide' in the UK. We headed straight to a fish and chips shop immediately after parking our car. Babah bought a regular fish and chips, scampi and chips and some drinks for us.

While waiting for the food, Sarah helped Emyr to a drink of mineral water. Sarah is always fussing over Emyr and especially Safiya.

Right after lunch, we tried to find an 'empty' spot on the pebbly beach. There were just too many people, that it was quite impossible not to choose a spot that blocked someone else's view. The children had fun throwing stones into the sea. The weather was hotter than the day we were at Legoland. You may well imagine that the weather was sizzling hot but thanks to the sea-breeze that at least soothened the burning sensations on our skin.

Emyr was very brave. He stood by the sea and let the tide cover his feet (or shoes!).

Emyr and Safiya removed their shoes and changed into proper outfits to begin the foot reflexology therapy.

Sarah had a brief dip in the water, and decided that it was too cold for her tiny feet. I made Amar touched the seawater too, when suddenly a gush of current came to us and got him scared.

When we were about to leave, Amar started to play with the pebbles with his sister.

Even when everyone else started to make a move, he was still sitting there refusing to budge.

We made our way to Brighton Pier (another pier that is still standing) just to go on a carousel. The ride was £3 per person per ride on the pier! Crazy price! And it was only £1.50 by the seaside (in the photo above)!
Auntie De bought us waffle on a stick coated with drizzles of chocolate sauce. Babah introduced candyfloss (or cotton candy) to the kids, who later got themselves sticky all over their face, fingers and hair!
And I bought some Brighton rock candies just to complete the sugar intake for the day (reasoning not valid!)

After Brighton Pier, we went straight back home. Auntie De and family to Essex. And us to Coventry. Took us around three hours on the road. Alhamdulillah the kids slept along the way, Amar woke up when we were almost at the end of the journey.
For those who would like to do more in Brighton, there are a lot more to do and see. There are, Sea Life Centre, the historic clock tower and we missed Brighton Pavilion; notably the top in the list for the most scenic and best heritage site in the UK. We only passed by the Pavilion because we were short on time. It was definitely majestic and unique. Please visit the place for me!
It's weird trying to imagine a beach with no sand (for me at least, beach = sand). I suppose on a really scorching day, the pebbles will get really hot?
Wow!...amazing...tak pernah tengok pun beach yang penuh dengan pebbles...cantiklah pantai tu mamasarah...patut lah ramai yang ke sana...
walau macam mana pun I still prefer pantai di east coast malaysia....dari mersing ke trengganu....I was at Waikiki beach Hawaii pasir nya tak secantik di kuantan or trengganu...betul:)mungkin kerena terlalu banyak tourist memijak nya hari2.....hehe tapi yg bagus pokok kelapa di pantai waikiki dia ada buah kelapa semua di potong takut ia nya jatuh di atas kepala kita.
Are you making me write a list of places to go to in England? Hehehe... OK, will put Brighton on the list.
Brighton Pier...soooo beautifullll.
agaknya masa dulu kawasan bukit kat pantai tu dah pecah, tu yang pantainya tak de pasir, penuh batu kecil....
Wah, wah...With Mynn posing like that, no wonder Mama Sarah is so hooked onto him!
And Sarah giving Emyr a drink of water - if Sarah still serves Emyr in that manner later on when they have become teenagers, will you still take a snapshot of them both?
you're soo lucky to have such nice places to go. im running out of ideas in singapore. otak buntu. *help!*
salam mama sarah,
travel lg! what a nice childhood life that sarah n amar have there... *smirking* hehe
Best baca blog k nisak nie..walaupun tak pernah menjejak kaki kat sana,terasa macam kat sana.. i wish i could go there insya Allah after mecca...
mama..cantik lagi ya pantai kat msia ni. maksud saya, pantai mesia ni pasir2 halus putih, pantai kat situ mcm batu2 sungai tu..betul ke?
the beach is so nice..i miss beach so much..sob sob!
pemandangan tepi pantai mmg cantik.
Bila tgk gambar Emyr yang masih dengan jaketnya cuba bermain air tu, berbanding dgn budak perempuan di belakangnya yg sudah lengkap dgn pakaian mandinya, alangkah berbezanya kan... rupanya belum salin lagi..hihi.
Tapi kadang tu mmg pelik, kita masih rasa sejuk walaupun matahari menyinar, mat salleh ni dah berlenggeng tak berbaju..huhu
nice travel entry.... kalaulah dapat kami ke sana. nice moment on the kids activities.
(internet rumah down 2 minggu, timbul tenggelam sebulan):(
1. QoTH Surprisingly, the pebbles were not sizzling hot, they were warm, just nice for us
2. kak lady banyak juga beach+pebbles di sini. Sedap juga belakang bila berbaring atas pebbles tu sebenarnya.
3. Kak Elle Ala sayanglah dipotong pokok kelapa tu. Kami di sini tak dapat merasa air kelapa. Yang dijual dalam tin, rasanya macam santan pekat!
4. D Yes, put it in your list. But make sure you go there before or after the new construction is complete.
5. LuJordan Alamak lupa nak study its geographical facts lah.
6. Pycnogenol I hope both Sarah and Emyr will grow up into sensible teenagers.
7. Ibu Aisyah Panjang langkah nanti, silalah ke mari :)
8. Sarah Alhamdulillah
9. Lela Nak pergi Mekah jugak :)
10. Kaklong Harapnya pantai Malaysia masih bersih terjaga sesuai utk berkelah dan mandi manda.
11. huisia you live away from sea? Like us lah. Have to travel a bit just for a glimpse of seawater.
12. Yus Haha! Bengang je rasa kalau bila saya ni rasa sejuk, pakai jacket tebal lagi - tapi mat saleh dah pakai selapis aje. SElamba betul!
13. Ikelah Mengapa di tempat anda, internet sentiasa tergendala? Saya pula yang 'frust' mendengarnya!
Hey, when I read your posts I remember all the places I read in my chhick lits... Brighton la, Essex la, East End and West end? Which part used to be a slum area? :P
wahahahahah...best betoi:D
sukanyaaaaa tengok the kids at the pebly beach..
u tau tak i pun only knew the existence of pebbly beaches lepas i mai turki.. kat malaysia kan beautiful sandy beaches all over... masa kat malaysia, i never understood apasal la tourism of malaysia sukaaa sangat highlight sandy beaches... memang pantai kat negara kita cun pun...
wah mama sarah..u ni boleh jadi tour guide la utk lawatan ke UK... u tak nak bukak touragency ka :0)
very nice fotos! the kids are gorgeous!
15. Sue I am sure it was Brighton. But late 1700s Brighton prospered again after people started going to the beach to seek for cure from bathing in the seawater.
16. 13 May Best ke? Terima kasih.
17. Simah I ok aje, sandy or pebbly beach. Dua-dua cantik bagi i.
18. mummy rizq tq :)
Babah looked so 'attractive' in the shades, :p
Thanks for you work and have a good weekend
Wow, beach with peebles, that is so interesting.. How far is Brighton from London ya?
mama sarah..have you tried visiting Blackpool yet? In Astro Channel 11 (Travel & Discovery Channel)it ranks top 10 for being one of the most famous and big amusement parks of the world. The beach is somewhat alike Brighton's..
Now this is one thing that I miss about beaches in the UK - the fact that they have pebbles.
And, what made Mynn strike that pose?
unik pantai ni ek!tak sakit plak budak2 ni pijak? cantik batu2 dia, mcm nak kutip wak blk jek..hihi (nilah org Mesia!)
Cantik batu2an dipersisir pantai cuma tak ler nak buek SAND CASTLE.. 2 tahun kek UK tak pernah poie pun tg laut/pantai eh..luginyer..hu..hu..hu..
ingin diisytiharkan bahawa internet saya tergendala semula. saya surf di ofis. dith surf bergantung pada nasib streamyx di rumah. kalau browser buka, ok lah.
begitulah malangnya dunia internet kami yang tak seceria gambar anda. :(
20. Dith why the inverted comma, i wonder ;)
21. David Terima kasih
22. nj roughly about 60 miles from London :)
23. SarahS I have been to Blackpool a few times when I was younger. My children haven't been there yet. Unfortunately, the big rides are not our kinda thing. (Gayat you!)
24. Hiyoshi that killer pose just a deathly stare to anyone who dares to touch his camera!
25. Nani Pakai kasut tak terasa sangat. KAlau bare feet terasa juga. tapi macam massage aje.
26. nbk466 ya tak ya, tak leh buat sandcastle!
27. Ikelah I'm sorry to hear that. AGaknya, avid internet users di kawasan rumah anda mati kutu dibuatnya.
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