I thought my blog has an automated cobweb eliminator device. I must have forgotten to switch it on. In actuality, the kids are still unwell. They managed to spread the bugs to the Babah. So there were three poorly '
babies' at home during the weekend! Despite the low mood around the house, the Mama on the other hand has managed to get her almost-dead brain cells exercising again. Yippee! I guess Babah doesn't call me '
Painkiller Jane' for nothing!
Legoland stories now. We planned to visit a few places on the Southern part of the UK. With the help of Auntie and Uncle De, we had a splendid holiday. It was the beginning of Easter break, Friday 6 April 2007. Our family began our journey from our home around 8.20am. While the Des made their way separately and we were to meet somewhere in the theme park.

It was a smooth ride journey alhamdulillah. The kids behaved tremendously well. Amar slept the whole way and Sarah was equally excellent, although she only had a thirty minutes nap. As usual, I always find myself gaping in awestruck whenever we enter a new terrain. Not that there was a sandstorm, but the aura and the feel would always be different from our 'humble' Coventry.
You can say that we were like "rusa masuk kampung". Well, I think it must have been the signs we saw along the way - "Welcome to Buckinghamshire" and "Windsor Castle" (an official residence of the Queen and the LARGEST occupied castle in the world!)

As you can see, the place was jam packed with people. Luckily Auntie De was eligible for some discounts at Legoland and ordered our ticket through the internet. We saved a lot of time queueing at the ticket booth and went straight to the entrance point with the print-at-home tickets.

Legoland covers a huge piece of land. I can almost guarantee that we didn't cover the whole place. The fact that it was a scorching hot day did not help either.

Our first stop was 'Miniland' - they claimed that some 35 million pieces of LEGO® bricks have been used to recreate scenes from Europe.

There were lots of stunning views for picture takings. However it was quite hard to get good angles of the subjects since there were always distractions. Lucky we brought along our handy Sony - the 3.1mp digital camera too. The lens is not in a tiptop condition, I've tried to clean it. But the hazy mark remained there. At least, I get to photograph Babah in action!

There were lots of different building. I didn't even try to remember their names. Do they look real to you?

They were actually the height of Sarah and Amar.

Anyone knows what building this is? I was busy answering a phone-call from Malaysia rather than reading the signposts. My nieces called to wish Amar a happy birthday. The place was too noisy that I didn't hear half of what they said, but I remember hearing their happy tone of voice and giggles. Thank you
Izlin, Yaya and Anis for calling us. I was busy replying messages too. Not complaining, but it was really nice to receive messages from people you care about. Thanks
Juyeh Azura (my long lost schoolmate) and

Besides the buildings, there were automated vehicles and windmills. Those attracted the little ones for some time while crunching on original flavoured Doritos.

(Have you had enough of Miniland yet?) We were there for a good hour until we made a move to the next part; where the real fun actually began (and no more memory space on the camera!).

Out of the many rides, this was the only ride Babah and Sarah had at Legoland. There was the height limit, restricting only 0.9m and above for most of the rides. Also some has age limit; like the driving licence range allowing only 6-13 years of age. Preference is another matter, Sarah might not like to go on a scary rides like the Dragon Coaster or a Pirate Falls. Of course, there was the queueing factor too.

Amar was already restless in his pushchair while waited Babah and Sarah queueing for the Whirlybirds ride. I took off his furry jacket and let him loose on the ground, then he was much happier.

Space Tower

The Des first 'ride' was the Space Tower. They had to pull themselves up to the top of the tower where an alien spaceship is hovering. Let go of the cable to descend gently and safely back to earth! (Pull themselves up, hmmmm!)

The intrepid Des even queued for almost an hour for this exhilarating ride! Yes, even Emyr!

For bigger kids like Shafiq (Auntie De's brother), there were so many other heart bracing rides like the above Jungle Coaster.

Sarah didn't even want to go on a free-drive boat ride.

She was scared of the 'moving' crocodile.

The Waterworks area looked like so much fun for the kids. Beware, just be ready to get wet!

The children had fun at the colourful playground.

SuperEmyr enjoyed himself too.

Not to forget Little Safiya.
Rasa bersalah pula..Aj buat awak busy..Saya risau betul tgk blog Nisak masih N3 yg sama aje. Boleh dikatakan 1 hari 4-5kali saya masuk..sini tgk..
Wheeeee! Nak pegi legoland.
Seronok tengok gambar Sarah naik ride dengan babah nya.. Babah nampak excited giler, matching the daughter's happy face! Glad to see that u all had a great time there.. Ada peluang, nanti we all pun nak pi jugak.
ok, will put that down in my diary: DON'T GO DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS (heHeHe...). Nice, but not showing the kids this yet!
amboi cantiknya.. jeles hehe
salam mama sarah,
teringin nak jenguk legoland again ;)
semoga those 3 'babies' at home get well completely soon.
nak ikut gi legolandddddd~~~~~
(used to be a lego freak 16 years ago..huhu)
A must to go but no time lah...there's one in Holland I think.
How's the babies dah sihat belum?
reading your stories rasa macam i'm at legoland! how i wish!
seronok2..tollah macm mummy rizq cakap.. the stories macm wat kita kat situ gak..
I'm always tempted to dismantle the lego parts, what about your children (and the Babah)??
Oh..the legoland such a wonderful place for kids and adults..how i wish i can visit there!
Eh bestnya Legoland. ingatkan ada lego blocks je.....memang seronok .... :D
Ehh Dr Babah pun tak boleh tepis bugs tu ekkk, sianlah , nasib baik ada painkiller jane :P
Get well soon....
salam.reading this entry makes me miss my mommy. send my regards to amar and sarah :)
Coolness! It was a good idea that Lego Sdn Bhd didn't go ahead with the plan of closing down the place some 2-3 years ago.. the place is still lively.
The miniature buildings are very interesting indeed..
rasanya ada kerja kosong tak kat situ as a Lego brick layer :P hehehe...
Semua bentuk bangunan mini dari lego tu nampak real kan...cantik!!
Yus tak pernah sampai sana lagi..huhu
bestnya...untung nisak dapat jalan2 kat sana..
thank you for the nice pictures, dapat tengok pun jadi laa
harap2 the babies are Ok by now.
everything look like F.U.N!!
it must have been worth the scorching sun eh?
Fun fun fun.... I want!
Baik betul Amar duduk dalam pushchair. I have prob with Rayyan. Menjerit tak nak duduk dalam pushchair. Nak lepas jalan macam orang besar. Susah la ini macam...
1. Ajzie Haha... untuk perkembangan minda saya juga. kih kih!
2. Afie Silakaaaannn!
3. Juwaidah Anak-anak you dah besar, tentu seronok nak naik all the rides.
4. D Kalau bukan school holiday, bila you nak pergi? Weekends?
5. Zino biasa sahaja :)hari panas terik sebenarnya.
6. Sarah Pergi Disneyland lah ;) harga ticket masuk tambah sikit aje.
7. Sarah S. 16 years ago eh? hehe...
8. Kak Elle Saya ni jenis takut naik roller coaster. So tak berapa kisah kalau tak pergi lagi :)
9. Mummy Rizq Kira dah sampai lah ni? ;)
10. Lela Malaysia ada legoland ke?
11. Pycnogenol Hihi... funny thoughts there.
12. Huisia There are a few theme parks in the UK, they are all good. But I prefer Disneyland Paris by far.
13. LuJordan Babah lah prone sekali!
14. Mr Journal I'm yet to visit your blog. I wonder why you miss your mommy?
15. Dyanna lego brick layer? are you sureeee???
16. Yus Honestly bagi keluarga saya - tak berbaloi sangat. sebab tak semua rides boleh naik ada height restrictions kan. Tapi Yus ada anak besar - syoklah!
17. Maklang Bertuah, alhamdulillah. RAsanya kat UK ni mampu nak 'menapak' macam ni.
18. Simah not really lah simah. setakat nak main kat playground bawah matahari terik boleh buat kat coventry aje. tapi OK lah.
19. Sue no problem :)
20. Zakiah 90% of the time, Amar tak de problem dalam pushchair/ carseat. Alhamdulillah. Rayyan nak pushchair baru kot? (kah kah kah!)
So much fun!Bestnya..and sib baik ada internet ticket...save time & energy..hihi!
seronoknya..!!! hope that we all dapat la sampai sana nanti...
Masyallah Nisak!
What a wonderland that is! And Amar slept again?!! :p
Sure is a jaw-dropping sight! And the Des were really enjoying every inch of that place eh!
Haaa..ada pun gambar...dlm banyak2 gambar suka sangat gambar Little Safiya berlari tuh...cute & so candid..
Wow...macam tak caya aje semua tu dibina dari lego blocks...cantik sgt...
Hheheh...last2 sekali amar pun dah tak bleh tahan lagik...
Betul kata NBK...kak lady pun suka gambar Safiya tu...she looks so cute...
There's actually rides kat dalam legoland?? And I thought Legoland hanya penuh dengan exhibition je.
Huwoh! (masih kejakunan)
pushchair baru?? yer..mmg dah beli dah pushchair baru tu yang makin risau nih...(just bought twin traveller untuk bebudak berdua tu la). Duduk dalam car seat pun melalak...dalam pushchair pun melalak (ini kes kalau ada ayah dier...kalau dengan i tak berani). Adei, aperla aku nak jampi budak sorang tu..(go with the flow ajerlaaa)
This brings to mind an advice my old friend gave me once - Learn to lego of the past. I think he was trying to say 'let go'.
Anyway, Legolang looks like bundles of fun! And the buildings look mighty real to me. Just pray that there aren't any loose Lego parts lying about - they are so painful when stepped upon.
God, that's embarrasing
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