London and Essex:7 April 2007
From Legoland, we went straight to Auntie and Uncle Wa's (Auntie De's parents) house in Essex and stayed there for two nights. When we woke up the next morning, we found Auntie De preparing kuey teow for breakfast. She has woken up since very early - both her children were not well.
The Des remained in Essex, while we braved ourselves into London. Uncle De sent us to the train station where we bought all-day travel tickets. We thought of 'going all out' in London. Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus, London Bridge, you know the lot. Probably have lunch at one of the Malaysian restaurants, and tea at Harrods. But before that, we just had to go to the statuesque Tower Bridge.
The Des remained in Essex, while we braved ourselves into London. Uncle De sent us to the train station where we bought all-day travel tickets. We thought of 'going all out' in London. Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus, London Bridge, you know the lot. Probably have lunch at one of the Malaysian restaurants, and tea at Harrods. But before that, we just had to go to the statuesque Tower Bridge.

It should have been a straight forward journey if Fenchurch Street Station was the last stop, as we thought. We didn't know if it was the Easter holiday or due to some engineering works, but we found ourselves 'stranded' at Barking for one hour or so. There were hundreds of people waiting for the London train like us. The kids started to be uneasy, we almost thought of making a turn back to Essex.
However, we continued waiting.
We got on a train heading to Liverpool Street Station. It was good enough for us. We then took a double decker bus and stopped on London Bridge. (Yes ON London Bridge itself)
However, we continued waiting.
The walk along the riverbank was just a relaxing exercise. I was tempted by this 'posh' looking restaurant serving fish and chips. The restaurant was packed with customers and it was not a priority, so we walked on. There were just so many things to see and do at this area alone. There is Hay's Galleria, where you can read its history here. Also, the London Dungeon, St Katharine Docks, Tate Modern, Tower of London, City Hall London and HMS Belfast.
Informally known as the 'Leaning Tower of Pizzas'. The Headquarters of the Greater London Authority and the Mayor of London. It has been compared variously to Darth Vader's helmet and a misshapen egg. Also some other funny comparisons, go search the names yourself!
How do you pronounce 'Thames'? Here in the UK, it is pronounced as 'Temz' (The 'e' as in ever or get) with a silent 'h'. The history of the word is rather interesting. (I wonder if anyone is trying to say the word out loud...)
Babah tried to manage Amar and the pushchair when suddenly a kind lady 'instructed' her husband, "Darling, do give this gentleman a hand". We were extremely grateful to the man.
I was thinking how do other parents with pushchair manage the flight of stairs? And we straightaway remember our trip to Paris, where we (I rather) continuously complain of the lack of ramps for family like us. London is more or less the same. Well, at least the people here are friendlier (haha!).

There was an empty bench, as soon as we reached the bank. We laid Sarah on it and Babah looked for some refreshments. We needed to quench our thirst and rest our aching back!
From far, I thought she was just refusing to be photographed by Babah. But then, I realised she was 'scared' of the statues! Poor child.
By the way, here are two sites which helped me the most,
Vancouver Sakura Diary
The next day, we went to Brighton. But that's another entry.
A special birthday wish to Auntie Nurul whose birthday is today, 18 April 2007! Our best wishes for your future undertakings. We have a gift for you, but you have to wait for it ;)
my dear, with kids on tow, you cannot be so ambitious when going on a trip! HeHeHe... Things have to be 'enjoyed' as it is (ie: in order to make it fun for mommy especially!!). Well done indeed!
Here I am again for seeing your work, thanked jeolous of your trips...i remember going to the tower of london....go la...but then...nanti sarah and amar get nightmares!
:) looks like a well used holidays...ada jugak gambar tu yg tak kelaur kat screen i...uhuks...but those that i can see are really nicely taken...not really surprising really, dah macam expcet that ur pictures will be postcard perfect.
Cantek2 gambar tu...
Gambars are for Ajzie and Yus, fridge magnet tu untuk maklang boleh ke??? :) Joke..joke...
I pun baru je experienced the stairs kat London Bridge tu. Very challenging, especially with small kids and pushchairs! Glad to hear ada orang yg baik hati nak tolong u all. When I took the tube kat London Bridge station, I noticed panjang giler queue utk ke London Dungeon.. Tak tahu la lama mana diorang tu have to wait...
salam mama sarah,
i was the victim who tried pronouncing Thames as 'Temz' out loud (the way Londoners pronounce it!). Why never knew abt it before eh? last time, i used to call it: Sungai Jinak. My mak countlessly told me it's thameS, not tame. huhu
Danke Schon mamasarah...sgt cantik sakura yg berlatar belakang kan langit nan biruuu... Pasti saya akan menrindunya satu hari nanti...
Saya suka picture Amar tuh. Dengan pertanyaan Amar 'Termenung' ker atau 'baru nak menangis tuh'.. Mcm ada air mata..
Nisak, kami biasa lah angkat pushchair turun naik tangga. Di sini terlalu kurang sgt lif, so kami terpaksa guna tangga sahaja. Nasib baik orang2 disini kebanyakan nya baik hati dan sudi menolong kami.
oh by looking at your pictures I can skip London nampak nya....haha
kalau kena naik turun tangga ya ampun I can skip that too my knees tak laratttttttt.
thanx for sharing the photos:)
I was so self conscious pronouncing the name of the river!
Other than that, London Bridge reminds me of Fergie ~
Penuh aktiviti satu hari! Sib baik anak2 tak mragam. Skang ni takyah g London lah...dah tgk website mama sarah..hihi!
waah..thanks nisak. Yus rasa bunga yg kaler pink depan rumah yus tu sama ada Takasago Cherry atau Kanzan Cherry. Banyak betul jenis dia ekk.
wah...cantiknya gambar ni semua..glad u all have had a wonderful time..
simah singing..
*london bridge is falling down..may fair lady. Buıild it up with iron bar fair lady....*
come on sarah dan amar...jom completekan lagu ni dengan auntie simah :0)
Kesian Sarah sampai jadi keras takut kat the statues!!
The pics are nice but I am sure you all had a much nicer time!
Hello mamasarah..
glad that i found your blog...
the pictures were brilliant.. + your amazing stories..
sure will drop again..
1. D betullah tu.
2. David Santos Tq
3. mom2ashley aaah? don't have to go to the spooky areas lah? The Mama can get nightmares too.
4. Arif aka Idham I would love to be able to take beautiful photos. Sekarang ni biasa-biasa sahaja. Kalau cantik tu, thanks to hubby lah.
5. Maklang Maklang nak fridge magnets eh ;) ;)
6. Juwaidah A place that I will NEVER go --> London Dungeon. I teringat kat you when I wrote this entry.
7. Sarah 'Temz' is the correct way of pronouncing it. without the 'h'.
8. Ajzie Itu yang berketul-ketul muscles azie ya!
jawapan kepada soalan anda: amar sedang melihat ke arah luar semasa train sedang berjalan. jakun agaknya.
9. kak elle by right, we can skip london too. but on that day, the best we could think of was London.
10. Hiyoshi yup, me too. I guess you can say whatever way you like in M'sia. Here, the norm sounds like Temz (e as in ever or ekor)
Now which fergie are you referring to? The ex-royalty or the Man-U Fergie? Or any other one?
11. Nani Adalah time-time rengekan yang tak sedap didengar dek telinga ni. Pandai-pandailah meng-adjust. hehe...
12. Yus Dah kira dah berapa kelopak bunga dia? hihi... sungguh tak de kerja!
13. Simah suatu ketika dulu, selalu main dgn sepupu sepapat nyanyi lagu tu, sambil buat human bridge.
14. QoTH Memang keras keng! Kesian pulak teringat. (Padahal I dok gelak sakit perut tengok dia. Sarah pulak too scared to move or respond!)
15. Faiz Thanks. Sudi-sudi jenguk lagi :)
Wow. Great pics! I wish I was there myself. =)
Td azi sungguh tak de kerja hihihi. Balik dari ambil Alya, Azi kira kelopak bunga sakura..(sisa2 bunga yg tinggal di atas pokok) Dah tinggal sikit sgt. Daun dah mula keluar...
seronoknya akak 'ikut' you pergi london..... oklah tu budak-budak tu boleh jalan lama tak ngamuk mana..gambar semua cantik-cantik :)
Mama...seronoknya dpt pi jenjalan...
Cantik2 pemandangan...and u pun pandai amik gambar...semuanya cantik & sharp
Eee.. so nice to be staying in Europe... can visit so many countries :P err... even short outings can take you to another country? hehehe
salam Mama :D
oh nampaknyer kalau nak g london i have to wait for another what?? 5 years?? you punyer kids well behaved ( least Amar comfortable in the pushchair). My kids...dah ler 2 boys mau aku terjun river thames lepas tu...hehehhe.
u tak ada baby carrier ke? lagi senang kot compare to pushchair tu. we all ada 4 baby carriers, cater for babies/child from birth to 18kgs. senang sikit esp bila naik tangga or explore places susah utk pushchair tu. your kids're well behaved. senang u. my biggest baby carrier sekarang dok ulang pi angkor wat. kawan pinjam. senang & practical.
Giving Sarah an ice cream is like charging a rechargeable battery :)
And in her case, it's the Energiser battery (zippy zap pink bunny rabbit).
the pictures remind me of the london trip i had last january..nak pegi lagie..huhu
Puan Mama Sarah
Actually, I was refering to Fergie, the sole lady member of the Black Eyed Peas? She has a solo album and one of the songs is titled 'London Bridge'.
I thought the pink bunny rabbit was a mascot for Duracell?
Ushh, there is SO MUCH to see! :D rasa ketinggalan nih.Uhu..
18. Afie your mom was here recently, right?
19. Ajzie Berapa jumlahnya? Kalau 5, boleh tahan lagi. Kalau 20+, tak kuasa I!
20. LuJordan Tak mengamuk mana, alhamdulillah. Cuma dekat dalam shopping complex tu diorang start bising. LEtih sangat dah agaknya.
21. KakLady Seronok berjalan. LAgi seronok kalau anak2 ni tak meragam.
Kalau gambar cantik tu, thanks to Babah.
22. Sue Yalah, I count myself lucky. But I have never done a day trip to Europe. Cannotlah with small kids. Tiring!
23. Kaklong salam kaklong! :)
24. Zakiah Orang lain ok aje bawa anak kecik. Tengok si Juwaidah tu. Selamba je bawa anak sampai 4 orang. Keyword: SABAR!
25. Mulan SEbenarnya ada 2. TApi dah stop pakai since anak2 pandai jalan.
Eh, mau bengkok pinggang mengusung budak besar.
26. Dyanna Yes! Definitely my point :)
27. Dyanna neverending eh? akhirnya melepek tidur jugak!
28. SarahS I think you'll see London differently in different season. So come and experience london during Spring/summer !
29. Hiyoshi Pardon me, I am behind with the music industry!
Re: Energizer v Duracell; funny you mentioned that Hiyoshi. Good memories both of you. Made me wonder myself - whether it was Energizer bunny or Duracell bunny? So here's my brief research.
30. Farah u've seen more than we have, i'm sure!
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