Baked Raspberry Cheesecake: 25 April 2007

I was so guilty there was nothing to serve to the guests immediately. Luckily a couple of days before I bought some ingredients for an easy cheesecake recipe. The plan was to invite D to come over for a personal tutorial. Since the Guru was there, so I thought we might as well have baked cheesecake for tea.
There I was asking D to bash the digestive biscuits, mixing with butter and squashing on a spring-form tin. I did the beating of the cream cheese with the rest of the ingredients. It was not that difficult really when she was there.
When the cake was in the oven, I whipped up some 'jemput-jemput ikan bilis' (ikan bilis courtesy of DITH and family) and prepared a teapot of tea (errkkk this should be the first to be done when they came right?).
We all sat down and had our afternoon tea on the floor. The children finished theirs rather quickly and played in the backyard. The moms were talking about losing weight and exercising over our lovely tea.
The next day, just like any other Thursdays, during a routine visits to friends' blogs - D had a special announcement on her blog. No! Not about my cheesecake! But it was her birthday on 26 April 2007!
I grabbed my mobile phone and gave her a quick call. Obviously I was "upset", she didn't tell me that it was going to be her birthday. Surprisingly, none of her children whispered it to me. Her children knew how to keep a secret! And I regret asking her to bash the biscuits, bla bla helping me out in the kitchen. She should have been given a special treatment.
Sorry with this 'basi' birthday wish, D. Some people celebrate it the whole month, you know!! And some the whole year. Yes, I'm very sluggish with my entries, I still have loads of entries in the queue waiting to be published, family visit to Stratford upon Avon, our picnic at Longford Park, barbecue with Babah's colleagues at Rutland Waters and I intend to update on Sarah and Amar's progresses. At the same time, I'm crazy over scrapbooking.
Speaking of birthdays, I actually have many friends who were born in May;
Elviza (E.M.) - 3 May, who also shares the same birthdate with her son, Luqman.
Ibu Amin dan Ammar - 5 May
Jue - 5 May
Em, Sherin's son - 6 May
Maklang - 8 May
Sherin - 14 May
and family members in May;
Tok Ayah - 6 May
Opah - wait for it you guys, coming soon!
Yaya - also wait for this one :)
To all of you, happy birthday and may success and happiness come your way always. Pretend that I made the cheesecake for you. To the others, you know where to find the full recipe, yeah? Visit pondok-pondok.
There I was asking D to bash the digestive biscuits, mixing with butter and squashing on a spring-form tin. I did the beating of the cream cheese with the rest of the ingredients. It was not that difficult really when she was there.
When the cake was in the oven, I whipped up some 'jemput-jemput ikan bilis' (ikan bilis courtesy of DITH and family) and prepared a teapot of tea (errkkk this should be the first to be done when they came right?).
We all sat down and had our afternoon tea on the floor. The children finished theirs rather quickly and played in the backyard. The moms were talking about losing weight and exercising over our lovely tea.
The next day, just like any other Thursdays, during a routine visits to friends' blogs - D had a special announcement on her blog. No! Not about my cheesecake! But it was her birthday on 26 April 2007!
I grabbed my mobile phone and gave her a quick call. Obviously I was "upset", she didn't tell me that it was going to be her birthday. Surprisingly, none of her children whispered it to me. Her children knew how to keep a secret! And I regret asking her to bash the biscuits, bla bla helping me out in the kitchen. She should have been given a special treatment.
Sorry with this 'basi' birthday wish, D. Some people celebrate it the whole month, you know!! And some the whole year. Yes, I'm very sluggish with my entries, I still have loads of entries in the queue waiting to be published, family visit to Stratford upon Avon, our picnic at Longford Park, barbecue with Babah's colleagues at Rutland Waters and I intend to update on Sarah and Amar's progresses. At the same time, I'm crazy over scrapbooking.
Speaking of birthdays, I actually have many friends who were born in May;
Elviza (E.M.) - 3 May, who also shares the same birthdate with her son, Luqman.
Ibu Amin dan Ammar - 5 May
Jue - 5 May
Em, Sherin's son - 6 May
Maklang - 8 May
Sherin - 14 May
and family members in May;
Tok Ayah - 6 May
Opah - wait for it you guys, coming soon!
Yaya - also wait for this one :)
To all of you, happy birthday and may success and happiness come your way always. Pretend that I made the cheesecake for you. To the others, you know where to find the full recipe, yeah? Visit pondok-pondok.
22 comments: you asked the birthday person to help you out the baking la..nevermind la..i think D felt great to help you too :)
Thanks for the wish. Kalau dapat makan that raspberry cheesecake tu lagi best...
Kebetualan.. saya pun buat cheese cake last week.. Oreo Cheese cake...
what is in a celebration, if not with friends, right? Sorry if I "upset" you, but it's no big deal to me. Look, I'm here typing in a comment for this entry on YOUR computer, in YOUR chair, using YOUR keyboard?? Talk about sharing!! Thanks..
Kron dear,
Thank you thank you.... you wished us too many times already lah...
Now, the cheesecake, u making me hungrylah. Yum yum
Yes yes yes, will upload Luqman's photos shortly and email them to you
mamasarah the cheesecake look so yummy....but my oven tu dah go onstrike!!!
"The moms were talking about losing weight and exercising over our lovely tea."
Got a stitch from laughing too hard
selamat menyambut hari ibu... happy birthday to all those in the list.. wah cheesecake....yum yum :0)
Salam Nisak,
How are you? I am back! That cheesecake looks sumptuous! Happy birthday to all mentioned.
Yes Yoshi, I think the topic of losing weight and cheesecake goes hand in glove!!
But then Mama Sarah, since you've baked that glorious cheesecake, the dieting can always wait till the cake has ALL the mouth!!!
Thank you for the birthday wish.. I'll be waiting for the cheesecake to arrive in my mailbox.. :)
Hey, how did you guys make the crust tu nampak so smooth at the top tu ye, like it was moulded.....boleh kasi tahu ka?? :)
1. huisia yea lah. how rude of me!
2. maklang i'm sure maklang's blueberry cheesecake jauh lagi sedap. cantik pulak tu.
3. Ajzie wah, semalam pun kita buat oreo cheesecake dgn D!
4. D oh menjawab comment rupanya ya!
5. EM Thanks! Looking forward to the photos.
6. Kak Elle dapat bonus nanti boleh beli new oven ke?
7. hiyoshi haaa someone noticed that! but really we were talking about getting fit while stuffing the cakes and jemput2 into our mouths not feeling guilty at all.
8. simah happy mother's day to you too :)
9. DITH glad to see you're back.the cheesecake was quite good you know :)
10. Pycno i don't know when the diet programme is going to happen? it has been delayed for many times already!
11. ibu amin & ammar hihi basilah nampaknya!
12. halwafy never get tips from me! i'm known as a lousy cook. probably the answer to your question is sheer luck! it was in the oven 10 minutes over its recommended time! I was busy with the jemput2 and forgot about it!
The cake does look soo yummy. I'd have to remind you to make one for me when you come back.
kalau macam tu kita istihar bulan mei sebagai bulan birthday hehe
Happy Birthday to all those born in May...
Nice receipes, thanks for sharing.
hehe before i ask you another stoopid question ms, i already helped myself & clicked on the topmost scrappie for the recipe.
Saliva's coming out of my mouth just looking at your raspberry cheesecake....
Thanks for sharing the recipe...
Many happy returns to those whose birthdays fall in May!
14. Juraina if my confidence is still there, then sure no problem. (otherwise I'll be buying it from Secret Recipe secretly and serve it to you ;)
15. Zino boleh juga tu!
16. nj no prob.
17. Anne dearest Anne, not my intention to make you look stoopid either, but i said go to my pondok-pondok link. the recipe in the 'scrappie' is incomplete. (hihi!)
18. theta do you think it'll go well with your coffee from that special contraption of yours?
i am big fat gondoo maaa.. :)
Yummm Yummm. You know, hari tu I tried baking one rasbery cheesecake. The base I used bikut Mary. Hehhe. Tak jadilah. Memang kene guna digestive biscuits ke? And then when I tried pulling the cake off from from the pan, habis berkecai. Last week, I went to secret recipe, I found out a secret! You have to pour the mixture on an aluminum foil spread on the pas. Hehhe. So bile keluarkan tu, senang je. Er.. or you know this fact already?? *malunye...* Hehhhe. =D
hello it too much if i copy the pic n present it to my frenster profile? hehehe.......looks so yummy!
if u are free, maybe u can go n check out my blog (nowadays malas nak update)
hehe..cheers :)
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