We received a phone call from the Des when we were at the Memorial Park (see previous post
here). They intended to visit us since they were in the neighbourhood that warm and beautiful afternoon.
It took us longer than usual to reach home since there was a road block along the main road near our house. There was some sort of a religious festival. Five - ten minutes after we (finally) got home, the Des arrived.

As you all know, Sarah adores the Des so much. And Auntie De is always very good with Sarah and Amar. Sarah loved it when Auntie De read books and write with her.

Emyr and Safiya were very good. Both are gorgeous kids too!
With Auntie De, they formed into a circle and played ring a ring o' roses. Safiya was just so cheeky. She started to move before everyone started singing and "fall down" before she was supposed to. She has her own version of the song as well.

As usual, Amar was minding his own business.

Sarah was always making Emyr upset. She wanted whatever toys he was holding. At the end of the day, they had their own bottle of milk (even that she wanted Uncle De to prepare it for her!) and squashed Emyr to the middle of the sofa.

Safiya babbled all the time. Tottered all around the house. She ate whatever was served. Basically she is one happy-go-lucky girl.

I managed to cook 'my' Nasi Arab with fried chicken and salad. Thankfully, we had Cornish vanilla ice-cream in the freezer, some fresh strawberries, (courtesy of Azura) strawberry sauce and thin waffles all in the larder. With the ingredients I managed to prepare some decent looking dessert (I think!).
thanks FafBr for her great designs for the layout. Love her work!
How wonderful it is to have other kids to play with yours!
Sadia lacks friends of her age here and those (Malaysian) who are around lives two tram stops and a laborious hike away. (excuses, excuses).
Mental note: Must make a point to get Sadia to socialise more with the other kids..
your dessert looks so yummy, at first i thought you just took the photo when you're dining outside..woo...you really can do it!
The ice-cream looks so delicious....you make me craving for ice-cream now, but isn't that I am supposed to be on a diet??? alaaaa....
ur dessert sure looks yummy, mamasarah. i would love to have one too. :D
decent? get real, it's gorgeous! that scrappie looks so sweet MS. semakin berbakat nampaknya!
sarah is always cute and now safiya is challenging sarah in her own charming. hehe. amar and emyr..so-so la..hehe
looks like aunty de ni suka budak2 kan?pandai humourkan mereka:)
ice cream wow sungguh menarik....nak sikit bolih tak?
that ice cream looks yummy & well served..:)
Aiman & Anas can play wif auntie jugak nie
K' ron,
the more I look at Amar, the more intriguing he becomes. Really want to see him someday
dessert looks yummy!!
Dessert looks really professional - like it was prepared by some French gourmet chef residing in a hotel kitchen.
I wonder what was going through Amar's mind when his picture was taken. Look at that expression.
terer nya u boleh masak nasi arab sekelip mata utk serve your lovely guests.. kalau i, panic la...
hepi besday utk tok Ayah. Ini bapa Mama ya?
Sis De ni mmg pandai layan budak2lah :D
waaaaa..mama ni buat peknen mom sorang ni terliurkan eskrem la.
1. Theta I gave the same excuses before. My kids used to be quite 'loud' at public places. So I preferred to stay at home. But now they are bigger and slightly better. The weather is warmer. So I don't have anymore excuses to give.
2. Huisia We rarely reach the 'dessert' part when we dine outside. Either too full or have to go back pronto, kids too noisy!
3. Nik Farizah Diet? what is diet?
4. Ibu Aisyah Mine was easy to assemble. I'm sure you can do better than that.
5. Anne Thanks :) scoop icecream and pour strawberry sauce je!
6. Sarah yeah, safiya reminds me of little Sarah. both were cheeky!
7. kak elle i can trust auntie de with my kids :)
8. lela hihi nanti kita suruh auntie de specialise jadi paediatrics :) sure laku.
9. EM he's an easy going fellow!
10. mummy rizq tq
11. hiyoshi no way!
12. mulan itu pun yang paling confident nak hidang kat auntie De!
13. Kaklong tok ayah ialah ayah mama sarah.
ice cream je tu! kaklong pun boleh beli icecream walls kat supermarket tu nanti :)
burp*** Alhamdulillah.. Hehehehe
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