The growing list
Time for a quick update. I have not given up this blog yet and I still have not ran out of ideas. Haha! It's just that finally I realised that I can actually live without having to blog or bloghopping everyday. Especially when there were more pressing matters to be dealt with recently.
These following posts are way behind schedule. Not that I have to meet a certain dateline, but I do get occasional hint from my spouse when I am going to update this and that event? Well anyway, here are the delayed posts:
These following posts are way behind schedule. Not that I have to meet a certain dateline, but I do get occasional hint from my spouse when I am going to update this and that event? Well anyway, here are the delayed posts:
- Stratford upon Avon day trip - 28 April 2007
- Picnic and kite flying at Longford Park - 29 April 2007
- Barbecue at Rutland Waters - 5 May 2007
- Day out to Longford Park again - 14 May 2007
- Coventry town centre and Memorial Park - 19 May 2007
- National Sea Life Centre, Birmingham - 20 May 2007
- Longford Park Playground - 24 May 2007

Besides that, I also wish to make a special entry on each of the following;
- Amar's special development assessment at Gulson Hospital - 8 - 16 May 2007
- Follow up on Sarah with her nursery/playschool
I also have to update my pondok-pondok site. We've seen the cheesecake photo and recipe far too long now! A few more relatives birthday wishes coming up in the near future that need special entries in here. And today, we are all invited to a birthday party. I know Sarah couldn't wait for that.
Since this morning, I've been trying to create a special layout with Sarah's photo. But the computer is behaving rather funny and restarted itself whenever I tried to save the project. That has happened at least FOUR times! Too many files in this computer, I think! Do you think Babah will notice if I just delete some of his files? I will just post this up first and include Sarah's layout when it's ready later.
updated: We have just came back from the birthday party, and I have managed to do yet another layout for Sarah. Finally the computer did not act up like before. Now I am not sure which entry to write first - the belated ones or the party we have just attended earlier this afternoon... hmmm...
Since this morning, I've been trying to create a special layout with Sarah's photo. But the computer is behaving rather funny and restarted itself whenever I tried to save the project. That has happened at least FOUR times! Too many files in this computer, I think! Do you think Babah will notice if I just delete some of his files? I will just post this up first and include Sarah's layout when it's ready later.
updated: We have just came back from the birthday party, and I have managed to do yet another layout for Sarah. Finally the computer did not act up like before. Now I am not sure which entry to write first - the belated ones or the party we have just attended earlier this afternoon... hmmm...
CEPAT2 BUAT ENTRY sebelum I leave for my holiday.....haha
nanti 2 weeks no blogging!!
I will staying the Ibis earls court in london..wherever that is:)
alamak, kena qada' semua ke? If I have to write like you, I'd fall dead on the keyboard. LOL!
wah banyaknya entries menunggu giliran...takpe tak sunyi blogsphere....take your own sweet time.. :)
We're facing quite similar problem... but my pc shut down whenever it like! frust+bengganggg betul dgn pc ni...
always enjoy ur coming update.
As long as there's updates from you no matter how short, I'm content.
eh lately ni macam ada virus tak update kan. Ke i sorang ajer. hahhaha. Virus ada bayak kerja lain and tak bloghopping. ish ish ish.
Slow slow lar update tuh.
It's okay MamaSarah...I'm waiting with bated breath for your entries.... ;-)
Must be scrumptious food at the birthday party!
sarah looks sooo adorable n super cute with the hair pins!! dh maen dressup game with her? hehe. amar can join too! ;)
coming tmrw?? please do!
wah..byk sungguh list2 menanti! one by one..yg birthday party tuh..leh buat skali...utk senangkan mamasarah punya keje.hihi..just my idea!
*sob sob sob....*
p/s: why is the currency exchange so freaking wicked??Why why why
I really enjoy reading your blog... as long as you don't stop blogging, that's fine to me. Take your own sweet time.....
Waduh..banyaknyer xtvt..baru 2 orang anak tuh...kalau 12 langsung tak terbukak blog..he..he..he..
amar's development assesment... i am curious about tht...cerita la.. that bau hangit nasik lemak i smell there? *wink*
Sama mcm Simah juga curious pasal Amar special development assessment.. Memang semua kanak2 di UK di mestikan ker?
not bloghopping is as addictive as bloghopping esp when you realize that you can live without blogging or bloghopping...does that make sense? i sound like a half loonie!
not bloghopping is as addictive as bloghopping
that's a truly thought provoking statement! :))))
fuyoooo... bz nya.. macam career woman. I think you ought to think of ways to create some income out of blogging... share with me some tips kalau ada jalan.
oopppp! don't delete any files from your hard disk yet! I suspect that your computer is under a lot of stress and strain doing a lot of simultaneous processing of various programmes causing the motherboard to heat up and shut itself down (maybe. this has happened to me a lot of times). Close all other programmes that u r not using. Another reason could be, your hard disk is dying or there is not enough power to it, check the power supply connection whether it is loose or not.
Anyway, rule of thumb, don't forget to save and back up all your work to avoid future frustrations.
alamak ms, an entry about how many entries you need to do, macam nak kena submit assignments pulak :)
that hangit smell, nasi lemak or your PC? hehehe
1. Kak Elle selamat jalan ya kak elle. sampai london nanti kita call ya?
2. D Well, this blog is dedicated to the kids' grandparents. Just to keep them to date with our activities :)
3. LuJordan menanti dengan setianya :)
4. Faruha hihi.. tak mau beli baru?
5. afie that's so sweet of you.
6. zakiah saya ni baru nak sedar diri kerja lain berlambak lagi. tapi asyik nak berblogging aje!
7. theta D has a magic pot in her kitchen ;)
8. alynn dah main dressing up. Amar pun join sekali!
9. nani rasanya kena tunggu urutan masing-masing. entah bilalah agaknya entry tu akan dibuat?
10. EM I'm happy with the exchange rate at the moment. but once i'm back for good - we'll cry together huhuhu!
11. Nik Farizah thanks for saying so. *kembang-kuncup*
12. nbk466 kalau anak 12 - senanglah cerita. Suruh aje lah yang besar2 jaga yang kecik! Mak dia boleh goyang kaki.
13. Simah Hang ni dengki tau. Guna rice cooker mana boleh hangit?!
Amar's development - coming soon. so stay tune,folks!
14. Ajzie Tak diwajibkan. Hanya special cases sahaja.
15. mom2ashley hehehe is that because you are in confinement? LOL! yalah, for the sake of being fair - for me, it's either visit and leave comment at my regular visited pages or just read and no comments at all. (and some days; no visits at all!)
so what you said made sense. not yet a loonie! hehe
16. DITH thought provoking indeed!
17. dyanna you don't want to get how to do business tips from me lah! although we all are aware about ways of making money through your blog. I macam malu2 kucing pulak nak make money! (isn't that a lame excuse?)
18. dyanna again hihi... that's what Babah thought me as well. Funny thing is - when he's away - mulalah computer tu nak shut down ikut suka hati. bila babah ada, tak de pulak dia nak meragam!
Computer ni dengar i cakap i nak beli computer baru kot?
19. Anne i'm much better at cooking nowadays tau anne! hang ni macam simah tau!
nauzubillah pc hangit. tak rela i menghadapinya!
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