It was a very warm day. Not yesterday... not last weekend either. I'm talking about many weekends ago. 28 April 2007 to be exact. We just thought of going somewhere but not too sure where to. Stratford upon Avon is only around half an hour away from our house, so it was almost the perfect place for a last minute planned trip.

We parked our car at the same carpark every time we were there. From there we walked to the city centre and passed the same familiar shops like many times before. Some seemed to have the same things on display since Christmas!

And we passed Shakespeare's Birthplace many times too, but have never entered the place yet. We kept on saying "Next time."

The only thing different that weekend was there were a couple of children's rides at the park. It was also the first time when Amar showed an interest to have a go on the carousel. He was very excited: bouncing up and down as if saying "hey, I'm ready for such rides now". The last time we let him ride was in December and he looked like he could puke anytime! Previous entries on the same subject;
here and
I drew the short straw, so I had to ride with Amar. Sarah was on another horse next to us. Babah was with his camera taking shots after shots of photos of us. After a few rounds, I realised that we were the only people who made gleeful (and crazy) sounds. Call us jakuns but that's why we would politely decline towards roller-coaster ride invitations.

Sarah and Amar had another ride after that. I was so glad to see Amar was doing very well in the truck. He didn't hesitate but quite sure that he wanted to go on the ride. So we placed him together with Sarah in the same vehicle. Thinking back, I think I was more excited than them two - clapping and waving like mad on the outside.

Punting would be lovely on a warm sunny day. But not quite a good idea with two restless children on board - so that would have to wait too.

As for the rest of the day, Babah continued capturing some more photos. Experimenting with new photography techniques he continually learns from the internet. While the children and I basked in the sun - blowing bubbles and more bubbles.
We knew that we could always count on Stratford upon Avon for a short day trip like this.
Some of my previous entries on our trips to Stratford upon Avon:
30 Sept 20067 July 200613 June 200628 May 20068 March 2006
Nisak , as always beautiful pictures and narration.
How lovely to have Straford on avon near by.
Lovely place Stratford-upon-avon.
Camne Babah amik gambar the two kids in the train tu? Blurred background but clear subject? I like that photo...very artistic.
DITH 3 out of 7 were taken by our old Sony, the 3.2mp point and shoot camera. I'm sure you can immediately point out the ones taken by sony.
KD If I'm not mistaken the technique is called panning.
here I found a good explanation of panning.
eh i ni pandai2 je. entah2 technique lain. Babah will correct this if I'm wrong.
superb time on a sunny day! if weather permits, I hope it won't be the last visit to Statford upon Avon before leaving for home??!!
nice weather and beautiful pictures taken esp the one of the kids in the buggy and the blurry effect on the background!
Whhhheeeeeeeeee. (perhaps whee is my favorite word now?hehe) Bestnye bubble tu.. Nak tiupp!!! Wheeeeee. =D
the way to take that picture is to move the camera in the direction the subjects are moving and at more or less the same speed. the effect will hopefully be sharp subjects but blurred everything else. use a slow shutter speed like 1/15 - 1/30 seconds.
D there are still a few places that i wish to go to before going back for good. stratford dah banyak kali pergi!
mom2ashley the 5th photo? yeah, that's panning technique. see my previous comment to K.D. for the tutorial/link
Afie silalah layan anakanda2 saya ni.
mynn thanks :)
Dear MamaSarah,
A typical, beautiful sunny day shared with loved ones. I simply love the quirky, carousel shot!
Likewise, I will be clapping like crazy if my kid is on these themes ride for the first time.
Theta Credit Babah for that shot.
I embarrass myself a bit too much sometimes. hihi But I guess other parents are the same too *wink*
well, yes it was a huge development by Amar, so worth the applauds (and the Mama's monkey dance!)
you can write about your trips to stratford upon avon countless times, but we're never bored of any of them!
and that couple's pic on the boat... sigh! romanticnyer...
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