Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Birthday to Opah

A pinkish birthday dedication hoping Opah is in the pink of health on her birthday. This time Sarah wants to buy a pink scooter for Opah as a present. More like she wants it for herself rather than for Opah, right?

Happy birthday Opah. Hope you like this poem...

"Happy Birthday" Means Much More

"Happy Birthday" means much more
Than have a happy day.
Within these words lie lots of things
We never get to say.
It means we love you first of all,
Then thanks for all you do.
It means you mean a lot to us,
And that we're proud of you.

But most of all, we guess it means
That we are thinking of
Your happiness on this, your day,
With pleasure and with love.

unknown author


LHS said...

Happy Birthday Opah..
And, Happy Mother's Day to you!

Ajzie said...

Happy Birthday utk opah Sarah and Selamat hari ibu buat mama Sarah n ibu Nisak..

Rupa Nisak and opah lebih kurang sama kan..

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Opah...lucky Sarah n Amar still have Opah...Iman cuma ada Nenek/Atuk on my side sahaja.
Tried to leave comment on Pondok2 but you didn't allow anonymous comments. I tak de blog....uhuks..
hei..itu cheesecake kelihatan sungguh lazat. tak tercapai akalku!!!..kek ku sumer comot2....jeles betul la....

Oh Sarah! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

happy birthday to Opah and happy mother's day to u mama sarah!

Kak Elle said...

happy birthday to opah semoga diberi kesihatan yg baik...and happy mother's day to u too.

pycnogenol said...

Happy Birthday Opah. Semoga dengan meningkatnya usia, akan meningkatkan juga kesejahteraan, keberkatan dan darjat di sisi Allah SWT.

P/S: Was just looking at your pigeonhole, and noticed that MS, you have equal number of entries on Atuk n Nanny as well as Tok Ayah and Opah. You must surely be one fair and just anak menantu. Patut lah mertua sayang sangat!!

Nik Farizah said...

Opah looks so healthy and YOUNG...awek muda!! Happy Mother's Day to you.....

oldtown~Smell the Roses said...

Happy Mother's Day to mamasarah/Nisak. And Happy Birthday to Opah!

lelakhalidah said...

epi besday to opah yang masih nampak muda! to mama sarah & Amar epi mother's day!

maklang said...

Happy Birthday to Opah..semoga selalu merah samar...he..he..

Happy Mothers' Day to you and Opah jugak. Hope u had a fun time yestersay!

Mummy Rizq said...

i'm sure the bike is for her....

WRA said...

waahh...birthday Opah kali ni dekat ngan Hari ibu...boleh wish dua dalam satu...
Happy Birthday to Opah :D

dyanna said...

Happy birthday Opah!

Happy Mothers Day K Nisak!

13may said...

Happy birthday Opah!

dan selamat hari ibu!

dith said...


All the best to Opah!

D said...

Happy Birthday Opah. Sat, sat.... I'm trying to imagine the Opah on a pink scooter. Not bad, not bad!! LOL.

simah said...

happy birthday opah sarah n amar...

semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki..

Arifah said...

Happy birthday opah! =D

And happy mother's day to you Mama Sarah!! ;)

Unknown said...

Selamat Hari Ulangtahun buat Opah Sarah dan Amar.

Selamat Hari Ibu buat mama Sarah dan Amar.

Harap tidak terlewat untuk beri kedua2 ucapan ini, semoga gembira selalu.

NBK466 said...

Emmm OPAH to Sarah or OPAH to MamaSarah? Sbb kalau OPAH to Mamasarah COOL sungguh terra baca poem bahasa LONDON nie..he.he.he.

Kaklong Syikin said...


hepi besday to Opah

selamat hari ibu utk Mama Sarah n opah :D

Kiah Kardashian said...

Opah naik pink scooter g kelas fardhu ain kat mesejid ker???

Happy birthday opah!!!

Opah sungguh kewl naik pink skuter u!

Mama Sarah said...

To All Thank you on behalf of my mother for your comments :) I'm sure she is happy with your kind words.

Mama Sarah said...

DD nanti i open to all for my pondok-pondok :) you punya cake pun nampak lazat. samalah kita jeles!!

Pycno hihi finally someone noticed that! Or at least mentioned about the equal numbers of postings. I was nervous when I was sorting out all the past entries.Unintentionally, the numbers were equal!

nbk466 Opah Sarah lah. hihi. Tapi satu-satunya 'Opah' Mama Sarah yg masih hidup pun boleh speaking London sikit2. Tak kering gusi kalau dgr Opah Mama Sarah speaking!

Jamil said...

Sorry for the late wish, but better late than never, right?

To Opah - Selamat menyambut ulang tahun! Moga Allah sentiasa memberkati dan merahmati Opah :)

And to Puan Mama Sarah, that pink scooter idea sound very...appealing :P