Sunday, June 10, 2007

Longford Park: 14 May 2007

I can't exactly remember the real occasion, but we went to Longford Park on a Monday evening: 14 May 2007. The thing is Babah travels about 48miles (roughly 80km) to work everyday, so he deserves a lot of rest when he reaches home from work. Probably it was one of those days when Babah thought that the family has stayed indoors for too long especially because of the continuous rain of late. Hence, a little bit of sunshine ought to be good for the kids to have a little run around in the open space.

The park was not very 'hayfever-sufferer friendly', I should say. In certain areas, wild flowers were growing in abundance and the whole park was in dire need of a good mowing. Like many other kids, my children didn't seem to care about allergies and such. Blowing apart a dandelion clock was definitely a great agenda for them. So, nevermind the overgrown grass at the park. The more dandelion-clocks the better!

[By the way, today I've learned a lesson about dandelions. I wanted to be sure that I was using the right word for the wild-flower Sarah was blowing. I thought it was dandelion. But the definition I discovered for dandelion was: a dandelion is bla bla bla yellow head bla bla bla. So now, I know that the yellow flowers, which I often referred them as 'bunga rumput liar' are called dandelion. The one you blow apart is a dandelion clock. For further read with illustrations and photos, click here]

From the moment we arrived at the park, Sarah climbed, jumped and ran non-stop. She fell on a muddy puddle - gave a little guilty look when she saw she has dirtied her jeans - then continued on climbing, jumping and running.

Amar sat at the above spot silently for a few minutes. I just watched him from far while tending to Sarah's messy jeans. As usual, Babah was with the camera snapping photo after photo of the children in action. When I went close to Amar after that long minutes of silence, I was horrified to see he was actually stroking and caressing a new found pet, a wriggly pink worm.

A long, long time ago, a someone (I can't remember who) has given me a useful tip on photography; you will get a poor photo if you capture it facing the sun. But then, I've seen some great photos taken against the sun that made me wonder how could that be? I'm yet to learn the correct technique and improve on my angles to get what I actually had in mind, the above photo however was one of the first attempts by beginner me. [Tips received from Farah, who always produces artistic and unique photographs]

After a long enough session at the park, we called it a day and headed home. In the car, Babah realised that his glasses were missing. He left us all in the car and went for a little search to every spot we've been to. He even looked in between the shrubs and through the long grass. He came back to the car with a long face. Then I offered to make a quick round. I was quite doubtful that I'd find Babah's glasses. But thankfully, I did! Clue in the photo above.


Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

yeaa.. i found babah's glasses!! it was under the thing that is next to amar in the pic where he was sitting quietly doing smthg unknown. yea yea!

wah. nice pics. i tried a few time to make them against the sunlight. n the results were marvellous! 1 of them is the 1 that i use for my profile :)

Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

and here is a link a wanna share wit u. a cute dandelion pic from a fren of mine:


sarahss said...

found the glassess too!!!ngehehe

dith said...

Nice pics and outing but how could Babah be so careless to have left his glasses on the ground? tsk tsk

nuhaafnan said...

and if it wasn't for u, i'd still think they're called dandelions!

seb baik that last pic boleh enlarge, if not mataku yg potek ni tak nampak pun kat mana glasses tu!

Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

eh eh.. (sarah dtg membzkn diri lg) =)

rupanya yg ats jln tu la. dh enlarge baru sedar. hehehe

dyanna said...

Jumpa jugak!! Yeay! Last picture, bottom left.

Remember the book "Where's Willy?", it got me excited to find where's Willy... (nama dia Willy kan? or was it Wally?)

13may said...


Kiah Kardashian said...

hahahah...camner lah bleh terjatuh kat situ tuh. Dapat spek baru ki si babah sarah tu??

u want the buttercream recipe ka?? here is the link:

Elly said...

hi! great pics again! just love the way u got natural! any tips??

oldtown~Smell the Roses said...

Dandelion byk2, memang cantik, walaupun ia hanyalah bunga liar.Cantik layout2 mama sarah. Mcm mana nak blajar ye?hihi...

NURAZZAH8 said...

Salam Perkenalan,
(akak ada bagi komen kat n3 Rest Azira Beriyani)
cantik sungguh blog mama sara, gambar2 yg cantik juga.... ini kena belajar dari mama sarah bgmn nak ambik photo yg cantik... mama sarah juga creative, akak suka tgk design yg cantik utk gambar2 tu, just nak tanya, mama sarah pakai software apa?
comel anak2 mama sarah...

Mummy Rizq said...

outing again! bestnyaaa.... tapi the park nampak mcm sunyi je kan!

Jamil said...

Final proof - if proof be needed - that women are inherently better at finding stuff than men.

On another note, where do you get all these nice templates?

Anonymous said...

Hey hey! you got the flares in there too! Blow it up and frame it!!! :D (Although I've said that too many times before) ..But you should!

P/s: Thanks so much!

Elly said...

hi! I've tagged u. Do it whn u r free ok. thks

LHS said...

Wooo..nice outing and stunning photos again!

Mama Sarah said...

1. SarahMS Wow, you took the photo yourself. Where can i find a bigger version of the sunset/sunrise?

2. SarahMS Your friend is very talented. He has very nice collection of photos.

3. SarahSS Well done!

4. DITH I don't think he did it on purpose. The part I didn't mention is: Babah tried to calm both kids. One wanted to go home, the other wanted to stay on. Probably that was the time when the glasses fell off from his pocket.

Or it could have been Amar, he loves to remove things (pens, papers or glasses) from Babah's pocket.

5. Anne Well, I think people still call it 'Dandelion' anyway. The lesson I've learnt was - the yellow wild flowers are actually the real dandelions!

6. SarahMS yeay!

7. Dyanna Alamak, I don't know that book. Must google it now.

8. 13 May Apa yang lucu agaknya?

Mama Sarah said...

9. Zakiah the possibilities have been explained to DITH above. Tapi maybe nak kena buat new glasses juga. Buat kat Malaysia agaknya nanti.

10. Elly Tips for which photo? The photo with the ray? Babah took most of the photos in this entry. So credits to him too.

11. Nani Thank you Nani. Ada pelbagai cara utk buat layout ni. Cuba Nani google "digital scrapbook" tengok 'bahan-bahan' utk layout ni. Ada juga tutorials di website tertentu. Kalau Nani nak specific tutorials dari saya, boleh email ya. hihihi nak cerita kat sini macam panjang sangat!

12. Nurazzah8 Ahlan wa sahlan. Bertemu lagi di sini ya. Saya pun pernah tinggalkan komen di blog akak - lama dulu! Maaf lama tak menjenguk, belum ada kesempatan. Sebabnya akan diceritakan nanti.

Anyway, saya menggunakan Photoshop Element(PSE) untuk layout dalam entry ni. Guna CS2(atau CS3) pun boleh. Atau software2 design yang lain pun mungkin boleh. Tapi saya serasi dgn PSE dan sedang belajar menggunakan CS2.

Saya bercadang utk menulis satu entry khas utk layout saya ni. Tapi, aduhaiii entah bila agaknya nak buat. Banyak lagi entry tertangguh. Kalau akak nak belajar sekarang juga, maybe boleh google 'digital scrapbook' ada banyak tips berguna di situ. Atau silalah email saya for personal Q&A.

13. Mummy Rizq Hahaha I was waiting for someone to say that!!! It looked creepily quiet kan? That's because we were there around 7 - 8 pm!!! Anak2 mat saleh dah bedtime. Kami di park lagi!!!

14. Hiyoshi Women can be clumsy and forgetful too. We are afterall human beings too.

The templates: you may want to google "digital scrapbook template(s)" That's what I did when I started off this digital scrapbook. Then I learnt from some other veteran bloggers too for some tips.

If you are not satisfied with my answer, you can email me.

15. Farah Thank you my Guru. I've been shooting against the sun ever since you told me the 'exif'(?). The last photo was done at F11. My fingers were still slow to turn the buttons on the camera, and my subjects were not standing still.

The second last photo (with the dark blue layout) I did it at F22 (yippeee!) better and longer rays. But it didn't 'light up' my subjects. So failed again. but not that bad eh?

16. Elly Thanks for tagging me! I owe so many people with this tagging game. huhuhu...!!!

17. Huisia thank you. Hope you are in the best of health :)

Arifah said...

Hehhe. Best betul main carik2 barang hilang ni! :D

Anak Singa said...

di kala saya sedang berpening-pening kepala nak final exam, sarah & amar bergembira berjalan-jalan. mama sarah, i really need d time-travel, badly :X

Lee said...

Hello Mama Sarah, you really have beautiful kids. And I love your photos, the ones with the sun is gorgeous.
Just keep on kliking and you will improve as you go one.
We too have lots of dandelions growing now that Summer almost here.
Baik pun saya and isteri tada allergies as its allergies season now.
Love your post, you are very eloquent.
Have a nice day, Mama sarah. UL.

Unknown said...

first of all, i am so sorry my blog page hanged up ur pc...i dodnt really know why...

Fascinating pictures! But even more fascinating for me is to see happy family together. My heart always go all warm when i see a family having fun and a good laugh together. And Babah is a great babah! Penat2 pun masih prioritise his time for Amar n Sarah.

from previous entyr - I will be looking out for ur brothers' Restoren Azira iOgos when I am in KL for cuti2. Showed the pic to Lil - and she said, we must go there! Nanti I intro myself la to ur bro ye! InsyAAllah....

LiL kirim salam kembali to u....:)


Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

ermm.. i actly own a flickr account. later i'll give u the link ok.

Mama Sarah said...

20. Afie Betul ke best??!!!

21. MrJournal SEbenarnya Sarah tengah kena chicken pox. Maka tidaklah kami sedang bersuka ria sangat. Good luck with your exams.

22. U.Lee You are too kind with your words. But thanks :)

23. Idham I do have problems opening some other blogs too. Not just yours. I think it's just our pc - not your blog at all. I do hope it's a temporary thing.

Re: restaurant. If you hear someone calling out your name "Idham", jangan buat2 tak kenal pula ya ;)

24. SarahMS yes, please do. I'd love to see the sunset/sunrise(?)