A Princess's birthday party: 26 May 2007
note: Mind the dates
We were very delighted to be invited to our very first birthday party in Coventry! For that we thank our kind host, Princess D (and her family) whose 7th birthday fell on 21 May 2007 and the party was held 5 days later. Sarah and I wrapped the presents and she chose her own outfit for the party, her apple green fairy dress she first wore on her 3rd birthday.
Sarah forced me to iron her chosen dress the night before and hung it on the door knob. She put it on many times before the real occasion and got it crumpled again. "Nak cuba aje" She said.
We walked to Princess's house which was only within walking distance. Amar in the pushchair. Sarah with 4 ponytails walking hand in hand with Marium, our next door neighbour and I. We were slightly late (gosh, I hate people waiting for me and hate giving the same excuses! I really have to do something about this time management of mine!) but still, we were the first to arrive (still no excuse!).
The birthday Princess wore her beautiful frilly and smocking dress in terracotta, her hair neatly tied in a bun. There were so much food spread on the table! Almost everything was pink in colour! The birthday cake, cupcakes with pink icing and pink sirap bandung. The Queen must have been really busy in the kitchen the whole day.
The birthday Princess wore her beautiful frilly and smocking dress in terracotta, her hair neatly tied in a bun. There were so much food spread on the table! Almost everything was pink in colour! The birthday cake, cupcakes with pink icing and pink sirap bandung. The Queen must have been really busy in the kitchen the whole day.
The cupcakes and mini pizzas were the most popular ones among the children. I loved everything the Queen made and Sarah had many rounds of the sandwiches and the "pink" drink.
I saw Sarah ogling on Little D's nasi himpit with yellow soup. She told Little D to eat it properly using the spoon and not just 'drink' it off the bowl.
And when Little D didn't follow what she said, Sarah gave that senget look at him. [Mulut sendiri comot, tak sedar!!!]
The chocolate cake was yummylicious even Amar finished quite a big portion of it.
There was a game session held at the back garden. They played a few games where the winners received presents at the end of every session. And I don't know how, everyone seemed to have won something. Sarah received a jotter pad and a set of felt tips pen!!! I'm sure all the children have had a whale of a time at Princess's party.
I caught Amar talking to himself expressively with hand gestures when other children were playing a game. Looked to me like a traffic warden. What do you think?
Sorry Princess for this [awfully] late post about your big day. We've had a magical time there, it felt like it was only yesterday.
Just to update you with our current condition, there are more spots on both of us. They are more prominent than the ones I showed in the previous entry. Mine are just spots of the size 'bapak gajah'. Poor Amar didn't really sleep well last night. He tossed and turn and cried every 15 minutes.
Today, I thought I saw some spots grew before my very own eyes! So very itchy beyond words! I feel sorry for Amar because he does not know how to explain his pain. With Sarah before this, she would tell me to rub her hand or back. Amar just cry.
Despite the stubborn itch, I am counting my blessings that at least I didn't get it on my wedding day(!) or while pregnant with Sarah or Amar. Or before boarding a flight. For that I'm blessed. Most importantly, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, insyaAllah. I keep reminding myself that some other people are suffering much, much more excruciating pain... like a person in labour. Which after the many hours of agony, Allah decided that He loves the baby more.
Dearest friend, we are sharing your sad experience. Let's hope Allah will reward you in abundance throughout this hardship. Take care.
Sorry Princess for this [awfully] late post about your big day. We've had a magical time there, it felt like it was only yesterday.
Just to update you with our current condition, there are more spots on both of us. They are more prominent than the ones I showed in the previous entry. Mine are just spots of the size 'bapak gajah'. Poor Amar didn't really sleep well last night. He tossed and turn and cried every 15 minutes.
Today, I thought I saw some spots grew before my very own eyes! So very itchy beyond words! I feel sorry for Amar because he does not know how to explain his pain. With Sarah before this, she would tell me to rub her hand or back. Amar just cry.
Despite the stubborn itch, I am counting my blessings that at least I didn't get it on my wedding day(!) or while pregnant with Sarah or Amar. Or before boarding a flight. For that I'm blessed. Most importantly, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, insyaAllah. I keep reminding myself that some other people are suffering much, much more excruciating pain... like a person in labour. Which after the many hours of agony, Allah decided that He loves the baby more.
Dearest friend, we are sharing your sad experience. Let's hope Allah will reward you in abundance throughout this hardship. Take care.
Alahai MS...you got the pox too!!
Are any of you taking zovirax or just TLC?
Anywaay...better get it now for the kids. I got it during my 2nd year here in Ireland...The whole hostel (Malaysian House) where I was staying got it too!!
As for the party, looked like Queen D had been busy. Dahsyat nye you all..!! Buat makanan power-power punya bila ada makan-makan!!
Eh, orang sakit pun boleh blogging ke?LOL! You've been toooooo kind with words. Surely you know that nothing was superbly mega there! The party wouldn't have been successful without you - at all! Thanks.. hang on there with the spots!
A traditional cure: the leaves of Neem tree are good in reducing the pox itch and scar.
Uuuu cupcakes *drool* A birthday party fit for a princess!
Hang in there Mama Sarah! Wish you and Amar will cepat² sembuh.
try kat kedai india lar neem leaves tu not kedai cina. hehehhe. u must be confused with ubat sakit kuning nih. Kekeke. anyway, hang in there. Insyaallah semuanya back to normal in a week or two.
cantiknya baju hijau sarah... green is my favourite colour!
itchy...itchy....jgn scratch nanti leave mark...hehe
Hope you are on the road to recovery soon ...I had mine when I was 6 yrs old I think and did scratch and wow I have 1 visible mark!!!
hang on ok?
I do hope that you'll have a speedy recovery.
Oh, Sarah's dress is lovely, by the way.
The cupcakes look scrummi-licious!
Hope you and Amar recovering slowly but surely.
Maybe you should go get that young coconut drink. Speaking of which, I'm hankering for one now!
Lovely party food, lovely party dresses .... but unfortunately, not so lovely spots. Speedy recovery to you and Amar :-)
hope that the noti2 spots will dissapear soon. take care.. sabar iya doongg..
Mcm Dith n Zakiah ckp..leaves of Neem tree bagus utk hilang kan scar... Harap Mynn tak buat muka 'Semacam'..
Harap cepat pulih seperti biasa..
MS, kesianlah kat you, tapi oklah tak kena masa nak balik macam you cakap..... nanti akan hilanglh sakit and gatal tu...
Comelnya princess and hadiah tu, cantiknya wrapping... geram tengok gambar2 you , cantik betul you edit...akak dah malas dah nak buat..tak sempat, nanti ada masa nak belajar balik edit-edit tu...
teke care !!
ada satu masa dulu satu famili zino kena ciken pox ni kecuali zino.. at least ada sorang yg boleh menjaga semua..
1. KD just calamine lotion and lots of lavendar baby-talc.
2. D I couldn't have done what you did. You memang hebat.
alhamdulillah my CP dah less gatal.
3. DITH I've just googled the product. Couldn't find neem leaves sold in UK sites. US ada. Some suggested gamat - but that too are not sold here. Others said Vit-E cream. That I can find.
4. Farah Hihi blame the host for the delicious looking cupcakes! They were very good!
5. Zakiah Sakit kuning tu sakit apa pulak? aiseyman... Tulah, selalu nampak daun kari kat kedai India. tak pernah tau pulak ada neem leaves.
6. Mummy Riza but your blog is purple in colour!
7. Kak Elle Honestly, I must have scratched one or two (may be three) spots. Tak tahan betul!!!
8. Hiyoshi we're better insyaAllah. Amar has an eye infection pulak!
9. Theta I had 6 cans of young coconut drink, thanks to D ;)
10. QoTH hihi...
11. Mulan I have one really huge one on my forehead!!!
12. Ajzie Tak tahu nak cari kat mana.
13. LuJordan dah kurang dah rasa gatal tu alhamdulillah. bila dah kering betul, kena usaha hilangkan scar pulak...
14. zino nasib baik bapanya baik hati nak menjaga anak sakit ya?
oh dear, mamasarah! get well soon! i do hope i wun get any chikie pox too. i dun tink i can tahan not scratching them cos i scratch the mosquito bites on my skin a LOT!
17. ibu aisyah so i pray you wont get it.
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