What is Friendship?
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one." C.S.Lewis
It has been over a year since I started recording our memorabilia in this blog. Up till now, I still am faithful with the same green template and its minimal look. Also almost a year ago, I wrote an entry concerning my/our beautiful friends. Anne left her first comment in that entry and we became friends (if she agrees to that term calling) since then.
To continue the same subject of friendship, we made lots of peers just through blogging. In fact, through blogging I was united with a few of my long lost school friends. I am fascinated by this world of blogging where people still able to gain trust and form a special bond between them.
In my case so far, Pycnogenol is spot on with his comment also from the same entry mentioned before. He said;
"I hope that your mum and the rest of the family will be happy to ALSO know that you are surrounded by equally good, interesting and mysterious blogger-friends!!"
Indeed I have not met the majority of my blog friends and some remain anonymous but as long as they leave positive comments, then that's fine by us. Once I was surprised to receive a square envelope with stamps from Turkey. It was a Hari Raya (Eid greetings) card and some family photos from non other than our beloved Simah.
Just a week ago, Kak Elle was on a tour around the Europe and she happened to be in London as her final destination before heading back to Singapore. From London, she gave me a call just to have a chitchat. That was so sweet of her to remember to call us!
Two of my earliest blog friends are DITH and Ikelah. Ardent DITH writes just about anything and everything that evolves around her and creative Ikelah takes phenomenal photographs. Early this year, their son came for a short visit to London. Through Muhammad, DITH and Ikelah sent us a HUGE parcel comprised of lots of ikan bilis, a fuchsia coloured scarf and a couple of magazines.
True that we were ikan bilis deprived for several months at that time. But it didn't even cross my mind to ask for anything from Malaysia. Especially because of the recent food restrictions at the airport and their at that time was not quite appropriate for us to take advantage of. Somehow, thoughtful DITH still got us the goods for which we are eternal grateful. We had an ikan bilis fiesta immediately after receiving them. The above photos are sambal ikan bilis, sambal ikan bilis kering and fried ikan bilis made from the ikan bilis sent by DITH and family and still plenty more left. No more rationing our ikan bilis after that.
True that we were ikan bilis deprived for several months at that time. But it didn't even cross my mind to ask for anything from Malaysia. Especially because of the recent food restrictions at the airport and their at that time was not quite appropriate for us to take advantage of. Somehow, thoughtful DITH still got us the goods for which we are eternal grateful. We had an ikan bilis fiesta immediately after receiving them. The above photos are sambal ikan bilis, sambal ikan bilis kering and fried ikan bilis made from the ikan bilis sent by DITH and family and still plenty more left. No more rationing our ikan bilis after that.
Sometime in March-April, Ajzie of Wilhem~Achtzehn asked me to do a favour. It was only a small one that I agreed to give her the assistance. About a month later, a postman came with a parcel from Germany. It was beautifully and neatly wrapped containing two lion soft toys wearing football jersey and another box wrapped in red hearts embellished with red ribbon.
I was perplexed but ecstatic for the gift of a perfume set was too special compared to what I've done for them. As we all know, doing a favour is meant to be done f.o.c. But Ajzie chose to repay it with such bounty (which was absolutely unnecessary) and I thank her and family very, very much.
I was perplexed but ecstatic for the gift of a perfume set was too special compared to what I've done for them. As we all know, doing a favour is meant to be done f.o.c. But Ajzie chose to repay it with such bounty (which was absolutely unnecessary) and I thank her and family very, very much.
Of all mentioned here, LoveuJordan is the most recent friend I made through blogging. I feel very fortunate to know her as her blog entries are mainly about her experience in Jordan and her beautiful family. Most of her entries regarding her family inspire me to become a better person.
Through one of the many comments I left in her blog, LoveuJordan replied that she wanted to send me a jelbab from Jordan as a present. I did intend to ask her to buy some jelbab or abaya from Jordan. To get one as a present is too much. The parcel was received last month, and there were a beautiful abaya with maroon embroidered details on the front and two t-shirts for the children too!
Through one of the many comments I left in her blog, LoveuJordan replied that she wanted to send me a jelbab from Jordan as a present. I did intend to ask her to buy some jelbab or abaya from Jordan. To get one as a present is too much. The parcel was received last month, and there were a beautiful abaya with maroon embroidered details on the front and two t-shirts for the children too!
It did not end there. Two weeks ago, Maklang's sister and her husband came to Europe for a holiday. Maklang asked if I wanted anything from Malaysia since her sister (Alang) will be in Coventry during the trip. At first I declined, but then our rempah kurma and kari Adabi were running very low. The Asian shop in Coventry has recently been closed! So I asked for a packet each of rempah kurma and kari Adabi.
To meet Alang was not as straightforward as I anticipated. There were a few obstacles on Alang's side and on the day she was in Coventry - our phone decided not to ring. We missed to meet Alang and her husband but they left our parcel with another friend who also lives in Coventry.
My full adoration to Alang and her husband who in spite of their tight schedule on the road, they made an effort to come back to Coventry and search for our house two days later. They really surprised us that fateful afternoon who just came to say hello!
By the way, the parcel Maklang sent us was no ordinary 10kg package. In there were smaller packets wrapped in assorted and colourful wrappers enclosing not just rempah kari and kurma but also all sorts of spices including perencah mee rebus, mee bandung, rempah laksa johor and rempah soto. A big pack of keropok keping and at least a kilo of ikan bilis (yippee yeay!!). There were some ready made sambal ikan bilis and kacang made by Maklang herself packed nicely in plastic bags.
The kids received lots of goodies too, a pair of spiderman outfit for Amar, a couple of tudung and hairclips for Sarah and a beautiful brooch for the Mama. Plus, there was a specific parcel for D too, which I gladly dropped it at her house. Dearest Maklang and family, you have not only made lots of us happy but you have touched our heart too.
So now comes the question. What have I/we done to deserve all this? I have not met them all in person but strangely enough Allah has opened their hearts to be kind to us. Their gifts must have cost a fortune and we are so grateful for their sincerity and generosity in our friendship.
No words can describe our feelings towards their altruism. Nothing I can purchase will match their kindness. The best I can do is to pray that Allah will grant them easiness, happiness and plentiful of rizq in their lives. And I pray that Allah will give us the same in our lives and hope that we can emulate them by their munificence.
To meet Alang was not as straightforward as I anticipated. There were a few obstacles on Alang's side and on the day she was in Coventry - our phone decided not to ring. We missed to meet Alang and her husband but they left our parcel with another friend who also lives in Coventry.
My full adoration to Alang and her husband who in spite of their tight schedule on the road, they made an effort to come back to Coventry and search for our house two days later. They really surprised us that fateful afternoon who just came to say hello!
By the way, the parcel Maklang sent us was no ordinary 10kg package. In there were smaller packets wrapped in assorted and colourful wrappers enclosing not just rempah kari and kurma but also all sorts of spices including perencah mee rebus, mee bandung, rempah laksa johor and rempah soto. A big pack of keropok keping and at least a kilo of ikan bilis (yippee yeay!!). There were some ready made sambal ikan bilis and kacang made by Maklang herself packed nicely in plastic bags.
The kids received lots of goodies too, a pair of spiderman outfit for Amar, a couple of tudung and hairclips for Sarah and a beautiful brooch for the Mama. Plus, there was a specific parcel for D too, which I gladly dropped it at her house. Dearest Maklang and family, you have not only made lots of us happy but you have touched our heart too.
So now comes the question. What have I/we done to deserve all this? I have not met them all in person but strangely enough Allah has opened their hearts to be kind to us. Their gifts must have cost a fortune and we are so grateful for their sincerity and generosity in our friendship.
No words can describe our feelings towards their altruism. Nothing I can purchase will match their kindness. The best I can do is to pray that Allah will grant them easiness, happiness and plentiful of rizq in their lives. And I pray that Allah will give us the same in our lives and hope that we can emulate them by their munificence.
Waah..MS, murah rezeki tu! And it reflects on you that you are someone that people like to be friends with.
My friend once said to me, I got 2 support system, my 'flesh' friends and my mysterious blogger friends who left comforting comments on the blog in time of need.
I hope your friendship in the blogosphere continues on no matter where you blog from.
Wah Maklang, banyak nya hantar sampai 10 kg, hehe. Tak dak ka tudung jahit ribbon ?
Nisak, of course you deserve all these! As they say, "hati mau baik beb!" :p
hhahaha nisak... u raya ikan bilis la yek? hahaha the way u cerita semua ni memang i nak tergelak.. i can feel u dear... u melompat tak dapat semua goodies tu?
masyaAllah... blogging is wonderful indeed...and the friendship formed thru it is priceless indeed...i for one can vouch on that... :0)
may we be freinds forever *hugs*
*awww* This entry made my heart go all melty and mushy. =D
I wonder, if I really get the chance to meet you, what will I call you? Mama sarah? Auntie nisak? Kak Nisak? Hehehe. Nenek nisak lah best sket. =P
Anyway, just wanted to let u know, insyaAllah if all goes well and as planned, I may be visiting the UK next year around February. Harap kita dapat ketemu jua! =)
Ps: Your entries ispire me to be good, loving, strict but FUN mother one day. =D
salam mama sarah,
i am all melted reading this entry. all i can say, totally agree with u, this blogging world is wonderful! as for myself, i met friends that i can trust n share my stories which i can't do in the real life. may u n all above mentioned be blessed insya allah.
ish..agak tak aci doa sy tu. to all bloggers, we are all family in this virtual world :)
Meeting people across the oceans is no easy task. Thanks to technology, we get to meet wonderful people who help fill whatever gaps there are. Oitt... I met you through blogging what!! But no special parcels la, just special company. LOL.
Why? Becoz you always make the effort to be nice to people! That's why! Hope you'll make more friends in the future!
dapat banyak presents drp kawan2, rezeki namanya tu :D
dpt sahabat2 baik drp pelbagai tempat itu juga rezeki namanya :D
moga persahabatan kita semua di alam maya ini diberkati Allah hendaknya :D
I am very new here....and I also want to be one of your friends!! Can i..hhehhee
Well, you're such a lucky gal...to have them all as FRIENDS... because frienship last forever.
the pictures have told me the real meaning of friendship :)
Hello Mama Sarah, In 7 months since I learned or discovered about Blogs,(by chance) I have made so many nice friends all over the world, but what thrills me a lot is having Malay friends again,(especially lovely ladies like you) as I grew up with Malay friends and love kampong life.
Really so unexpected, I mean here in Canada chit chatting via blog with friends like you.
My young days dated lots of gorgeous Malay girls, even copied and memorised pantuns to compete with other guys, ha ha.
Terima kaseh for being my friend.
Best regards, UL.
Laaa...nisak ni... you are very welcome...
Nisak punya pertolongan untuk maklang dari berganda to the effort maklang nak buat ikan bilis berlada tu...malu I...
and to DITH...tudung tak letak ribbon, sulam aje...hi..hi..
alaa malulah akak, pemberian tak seberapa..note pun tulis tangan je tu....
anyhow, akak bersyukur dapat mengenali rakan seperti MS dan lain-lain dan lebih sentimental ianya berkenalan di alam cyber.. semoga berkekalan, InsyaAllah.
1. K.D. Aren't we lucky??!!! Alhamdulillah.
2. DITH You are all too kind. I keep on reminding myself of ayat Allah from Surah Al-Rahman, Maka nikmat Tuhan kamu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan? I should be very thankful for all the nikmat yang dikurniakan at the moment.
3. Simah Yeah you are right Simah! Memang melompat pun. It's so nice of our blog friends kan Simah? (You including) So thoughtful.
4. AFie Wow! You're coming to UK??!!! I'm sure Loughborough is a must, right? You can call me Kak. I'm only two years older than you. (I'm bluffing!)
5. Sarah May Allah bless us all, amiin
6. D We're going to miss you when we're gone (Sob*sob*) Yeah, I thought of the same thing too, we met through blogging. But that's a totally different entry.
7. Juwaidah I'm surrounded by beautiful people and so want to be one of them. [however, cerita ibu tiriku sayang masih menghantui mindaku!!! kihkihkih]
8. kaklong mudah-mudahan begitulah. thank you for dropping by. harap kaklong sihat :)
9. Nik Farizah berkawan biar seribu, kan? hehe, dengan rasa rendah diri, sudi-sudilah berkawan dgn saya.
10. Huisia For that, I'm blessed :)
11. U.Lee "tuai padi antara masak, esok jangan layu-layuan, intai kami antara nampak, esok jangan rindu-rinduan..." I'm sure you've used the pantun to one of your Malay gfs, No?
12. Maklang Oh dear, apa yang saya buat pun? Alahai...
Salam pada seluruh keluarga ok.
13. LuJordan Thank you, thank you, thank you for the jubah. Moga Allah jua yang membalas pemberian akak tu.
:) waz here....
16. Idham tq :)
wuit? wht happened to my comment? eaten up by spam monster ka? nway, awww, must you mention me? dahler i typo on my 1st ever comment on ur blog.
suffice to say, good things happen to good people :)
18. Anne You were the first person to request to link my blog. Others just link without asking (I think)
I was like, "linky winky"??? Apa ke benda tu?
Salam Nisak
Awak memang seorang sahabat yang baik.
saya dah pindah pada 22June dan jarang boleh online.. Ada wireless baru dapat jengah2.
it was a pleasure to chat with you and if we have met ada lah buah tangan juga for you:)mungkin tak rezeki untuk kita berjumpa and it also happened that my flight was changed the next day too.
20. Ajzie Lepas ni giliran saya pula :)
21. Kak Elle Ya, mungkin ada rezeki di masa hadapan. Thank you for calling us too.
You're quite lucky to 'meet' such kind persons on this electronic frontier.
And I'm glad to have 'found' you over the Net as well.
Take great care. May Allah's bounty be bestowed upon you and your family always.
Well mamasarah, good people beget good friends. and you deserve the best of em.
23. Theta thank you ;)
24. Juraina alhamdulillah :)
mama sarah, bila balik Malaysia sound2 lah pd Kak nurazzah8 ya...boleh dating kat restoran Azira...!!!
dear nisak..i wish u will read this..actually i'm looking for u for almost 9 year..finally..i found this blog...where are u now..still remember me..a budak kampung...do contact me.. mayasalbi@yahoo.com..
the four mouseketeer.. nisak..alex..maya and y.y.tan
at KBC quantity surveyor..at taman pelangi..jb..
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