Please be warned that this is my first attempt to author an online diary. Generally, it is about the adventure of Sarah and Amar. Some (if not a lot of) photos will also be shared. The tale is especially dedicated to Sarah and Amar's grandparents who are thousands of miles away but very close at heart.
Mama: How old are you, Sarah?
Sarah: Three.
Mama: How old is Amar?
Sarah: Two.
Mama: How old is Mama?
Sarah: Seven.
Mama: How old is Babah?
Sarah: Seven.
Mama: How old is Tok Abah?
Sarah: (shrugged and thought hard) Twenty?
Pigeonhole Anniversaries
Hahaha!!! I'm sure Tok Abah is very pleased to hear this! Muda trang tang tang tuh!!
And.. Mama and Babah only 7 years old? Ni boleh main pondok-pondok nih... :D
Thank you all for leaving comments on my previous posts. I am surprised that I still have readers even after my long silence.
Thank you again, and hopefully will be back to normal soon.
Juwaidah Amboiii, baru load dah ada comment! You beat me to it pulak. Thanks Ju.
Yes, sometimes I'm ten years old. *pheww*
haha..kalau mamasarah and baba is 7 aunty elle agak berape ek?cute sarah:)
happy birthday tok abah semoga di murahkan rezeki dah kesihatan.
wah, aunty nak jadi kawan sarah lah....hi, sarah I'm 10 years old :)
hihihihi sama sama sama.. nak jadi kawan sarah juga... agak2 auntie azi berapa tahun yea???... Nak 7 tahun juga boleh ker?...hihi (ayat Ammar saya nih... semua ada ker kat belakang)..hihihihi
Happy birthday to atuk sarah...
Wah...atuk muda trang tang tang...kalau maklang ni dah moyang laa...ha..ha..
wuuiiitt... steady la tok ayah.. btw, sarah..!! where's yr mum? she's not in the picture..
Salam Mama Sarah,
Where are u lately? We really miss the story about Sarah n Amar.
Hoping that everything goes well..
Are u moving back to Msia for good?
ni mesti jadi cucu kesayangan atuk after the puji pujian tu kan....
tp mushkil cemana mama & babah bleh jadi 7 years old nie!
gambar mama takde lah kat atas. heheheee...
anyway hepi besday juga lah...
heheh... so cute!
ewah...nanti atuk belanja beli toy la kat sarah biler balik nanti. hihihi
anyway...apsal ada 3 gambar ajer. Wanita misteri ler kununnyer ni yerrrr
Happy Birthday to Atuk! Just 20?? Haha...
mama 7 years old? hehe.. i thinks that is one figure missing somewhere there..
Maybe dlm minda Sarah 20 is the biggest number kot..tuh sbb mama & babah pun baru 7 tahun tuh..he ..he..he.. say the darndest things.
Haha!!! Couldn't help but laugh. Sarah's so innocent... If mama and babah is 7, then mama and babah can play hide & seek with sarah la... Hahahahahaha...
And Atuk, Happy 20th birthday!!!
Mamasarah...lama tak masuk sini...masuk aje...dah gelak...
Camaner dia boleh kira umur atuk baru 20...atuk awet muda kot...hehehe
Anyway...Happy belated birthday buat atuk & moga dipanjangkan usia dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik...
If the maths above is correct, we are of the same age! hehe
Happy 20th birthday Atuk!
Khairun Nisak? 5i (MRSM Kt)? Is that u? Have been wanting to say Hi quite somestimes cuma hari nie baru berkesempatan...u coming back to M'sia..bila?
That is what we call CUTE, Sarah :)
I must be somewhere in between four and six and a half :)
Mama sarah bz yer!Dah nak blk Mesia ke? Wah..mudanya mama & babah sarah n amar yer!;p
p/s:suka sgt tgk kuih sagu tuh..dah lama nak ckp...asyik lupa!Kalo dpt rasa skali, lagi extra suka!hihi
happy birthday atuk and welcome home to malaysia.
selamat hari lahir..may all ur wishes come true
hepi besday to Atuk..
err..lama x update ni sibuk berkemas nak balik k msia ke?
Mama Sarah where art thou? Hehehhe. Hope you're safe and sound in Malaysia. =)
fuiyyooo...wat besday atuk tuh....neways sorry tak dapat number haris....i will try n get him for you....or pass urs to him....k...?
salam mama sarah,
apa kbr? lamanya x update ni..puas menanti.
ramadhan mubarak. selamat berpuasa to u n fmly.
mama sarah,
salam aidilfitri utk MS n family. knp dh stop updating ni? did i miss anythg?
kak nisak!!! updates!!! lamenye mendiamkan diri!! hehe
salam ziarah..
Assalamualaikum MamaSarah! Remember me? I hope all is well :)
salam..mama sarah, i'm new here. i got it from teratak mak lang. such a fancy u, i'm too a full time wife with 2 lovely daughters and blogging has become part of my activities. feel free to visit mine at greeting from perth
akum.. salam dari bumi dublin, ireland.. jemput2 la lawat my blog. :)
Mama Sarah! Tumpang singgah your blog..hopping from miss norza's. My gurl is Sarah too. My oh my... kuih sagu tu mengancamnye. Take care mama!
Salam kak..
I really miss your pondok-pondok recipe..Hope you will continue it soon.
Selamat Hari Lahir buat Atuk!
miss your pondok2 recipe too.
please la update. heh he.
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