Monday, September 28, 2009

Hari Raya 2009

Hari raya 2009


Ajzie said...

welcome back nisak........
miss you so much...... hihihi

silversarina said...

Lamanya menyepi...dah besar budak berdua tu...hilang rindu .

Mama Sarah said...

Ajzie - Miss you too! Hope you are well.

Kak Rina - Setiap kali anak-anak pakai t-shirt Jordan, mesti teringat Kak Rina. Sebab Kak Rina yang bagi.

nuhaafnan said...

mama sarah, 2 tahun menyepi tu. terubat skit rindu.

p/s: i suppose the lappie is yours now?

alun said...

akhirnya wujud juga orang dalam blog ni ye..jom beraya ke muar...

p/s: kak lun, alun sekolah lagi$$ RM RM RM

mom2ashley said...

my have been on a hiatus:) Great to see that you have added an entry into your blog! whereabouts are you now? back in malaysia?

NBK466 said...

2 tahun mneyepi..nie lagi PARAH dari den nie..he.he.he

D said...

eh... pesal gambar yg last tu modelnya begitu jauuuuuuh sekali??!!! heheh..;)

farah yusri | fymso said...

Salam Kak Nisak, I was updating my bookmarks and ternampak your blog url I saved long ago.

Saja click on your blog url, tengok-tengok dah ada update! How are you Kak Nisak? Lama dah tak dengar khabar :)

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