Thursday, July 20, 2006

15-16 July 2006: Nottingham

The Entrance of Nottingham Castle

We always have a soft spot for Nottingham. Apart from visiting Uncle and Auntie Wa, we love the history and tales that Nottingham holds for us.

This is where it all began, the love between (*cough*) Robin Hood and Maid Marian. Once a favourite tale among the poor in England. I've always thought Robin Hood looked like Kevin Costner. But the statue portrayed him differently.

Not far from the Castle and the statue was where Atuk used to study for his A-Levels; The People's College. Although it must have been some 30 years ago, Atuk still remembers everything about the college and the city centre quite well.

We managed to walk from Broadmarsh Centre, going uphill into the city centre and reached to the other side of the town; Victoria Shopping Centre. You can find (not so) Lace Market there and the above clock-ornamental piece.

It opens up and plays gothic sort of music every quarterly. According to Atuk and Nanny, the clock has already existed during their A-Levels years! I guess nothing much has changed in Nottingham since Atuk and Nanny were here.

We stopped at University of Nottingham and took some photos there. The building would look grander if the two trees were not in the way. They must have just planted them, because they were not there 10 years ago or at least they were not as big.

The next day, Babah, Sarah, Atuk and Nanny went for a hunt for West Bridgford College where Nanny used to study for her A-Levels. Although the direction was correct, but they found a South Nottingham College. They must have changed the name!

Not far from the college was a river. I'm guessing it must be the River Trent.

Another angle with a bridge as the background. My instinct tells me it's the West Bridgford bridge.

We hope Atuk and Nanny have enjoyed their visit to Nottingham. Harapnya panjang umur, we'll come and visit again in 30 years time.


Anonymous said...

The clock ornament looks very fascinating indeed :) But I have a slight phobia of those hanging things actually- I was once in a room where the ceiling fan suddenly snapped from the ceiling and crashed down while it's still whirring round at full speed!

Mama Sarah said...

did it hit you crimsonskye? Were you alright?

The clock thing was standing on its own supported from the ground. We were not in anyway underneath it.

Honestly, I'm scared of ceiling fan too. esp yang pusing at full speed, and goyang semacam je. scary.

Kaklong Syikin said...

mamasarah, pasal yr fil is a famous one tu saya rasa mcm pernah nampak muka dia kat tv or majalah or paper..:D

eh, yr fil n mil tu muka kata sejuk.

Kiah Kardashian said...

Berjalan ajer kerja mama sarah ni. Atuk and Nanny dah balik sure sunyi balik kan.

dith said...

Crimsonsky's story reminded me of my personal near-miss with a full speed moving a science lab...everyone was peering to look at something..I took an easy way out: climbed the lab-top, and almost stood up when someone shouted at me to duck as I was so near the fan!!!

Btw, Mynn looked so 'juruh' standing next to his mommy at the bridge, hehe
(as though Mommy warned him: diri tegak2, org nak ambil gambar tu!)

Mama Sarah said...

syikin mungkin betul lah apa yang syikin nampak tu. melainkan ada pelanduk dua serupa. (tapi possible juga kan?)

Sejuk? hehe, kurang pasti pulak bab ada iras=sejuk. tapi they have been together for at least 30 years. alhamdulillah.

zakiah memang sunyi!!! your turn will come soon zakiah. :|

DITH i can't imagine yourself panjat a lab-top!

mynn and his other siblings semuanya juruh-juruh belaka. (heh heh) syukur.

Anonymous said...

uih, dith, teliti habis orang punya body language! it's good posture lah dith, tak bagus stoop je. hehehe.

perasanlah your father in law baca semua kat atas tu.

Mama Sarah said...

Mynn i ingat hari tu you study kat internet macam mana nak pose infront of a camera. IS that one of the poses?

Nanti my FIL perasan baca semua di atas eh? Now I know where his son(s) got the trade from.

Anonymous said...

I was all right, alhamdulillah. It happened during a Kemahiran Hidup class, when we were all focused on sewing our baju kurung kedah. It was just a very narrow escape, thank God. Everyone noticed that the fan started falling, and we all moved quickly out of way before it crashed down on the table.

Anonymous said...

Memang ayah baca semuanya termasuk komen2 di atas samada faham atau tidak. Pasal the hanging things tu ayah pun teringat masa dalam bilik kat Mekah.Ada sorang tu dia tak boleh tidur kalau tak ada kipas. Yang sorang lagi tak boleh tengok benda berpusing sentiasa bimbang akan jatuh ke kepalanya. Bayangkan sorang tutup sorang buka......

Masa sekolah lagi lucu. Sorang budak kena denda berdiri atas meja, kemudian disuruh junjung kerusi. Apa lagi kipas yang ligat menyepak kerusi menghasilkan bunyi meletup. Seluruh sekolah meluru keluar menolak kerusi meja dengan bunyi yang gemuruh... masih terdengar2 lagi sampai sekarang. Ayah.

Mama Sarah said...

bahayalah kipas siling. sebenarnya, i have just realised i actually can survive without a fan during a hot weather.

tapi tak tahulah sebab weather condition in UK is hot and dry lain dari msia - yang humid, melekit2 badan yang definitely perlu kipas.

kereta kita tak de aircond, rasanya boleh lagi nak jalan short journeys. kalau kt msia, heh heh...