Saturday, July 29, 2006

Kenilworth Castle

Yesterday was the last time Babah had to transform himself as a nocturnal creature. Getting back to a normal biorhythm has always been a difficult task for Babah. This time, with sheer determination, Babah strained his eyes and managed to stay awake for almost 24 hours, just to make up the time spent away from the family.

After a decent hours of sleep, we went to Kenilworth Castle. (Yes, you all. Another castle!)

As if we haven't had enough dose of castles, we have yet again visited another famous Castle in England. It was only 17 minutes away from our house by the A429 route.

An illustration of Kenilworth Castle by John Brandard, a Victorian lithographer

What is left now

We set off around 10am to the largest castle ruin in England. It was almost a straight road journey getting to the castle, but we still missed the entrance. There was a sign prior to the entrance "Parking 150 yards ahead". Still, we don't do Imperial system, you see.

We paid £5.90 per adult to see the remains of the red sandstone castle. We walked across a long bridge with steep exposed sides. It really felt like walking towards a real Castle. And the time I was thinking about it, Babah said there must have been a river or water surrounding the castle.

Babah was right. The castle has once sited on the most striking feature, the great lake, a kilometre long and half a kilometer wide, which surrounded the castle. It was an artificial lake or moat initially built for defence and pleasure. It has dried up over the years.

One could immediately see the thick foundation and walls purposely built in such way as a defence system for its occupants from attacks. And one surely imagine that the ruin has once been a magnificent standing building belonging to some high class titles.

Leicester's Building

The three storey masonry residential block built by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester to provide luxurious accommodation for important visitors to the Castle, like Queen Elizabeth I.

We were free to explore the site. Babah took Sarah to the top of John of Gaunt's Hall. Sarah really enjoyed the quest. And willingly clambered up and down the wooden flight of stairs second time around with her Mama.

The tall and long, stone carved windows at John of Gaunt's Hall. This section is named after him after he owned the building and rebuilt the state and reception room, including the Great Hall, used for entertaining, feasting and holding audiences.

The background is where the Castle kitchens and The Keep were. The remains of the ovens can still be seen in the surrounding walls. While The Keep has survived the longest siege in 1266, where eventually the Castle was forced to surrender just two days before they ran out of food and after the plague broke out.

In The Keep, looking over the ruin of The Saintlowe Tower.

Amar, ni bukan pantai! Ini masih lagi di dalam The Keep.

Groggy Babah infront of Leicester's Gatehouse

Currently, visitors are not allowed to enter this part of the heritage. But I did take a peek from the website what the inside looks like. The interior was of high class timber craft and architecture.

Leicester's Stable Block

A fine stable also built by Robert Dudley, befitting his position as Master of the Queen's horses. At present, is where you will find the only cafe and an exhibition of the Castle.

Probably this is the traces of the moat.

We have had a great day earlier today. Another unique experience for all of us at this historic place. I am now intrigued to watch Elizabeth: the Movie. A tale between the Virgin Queen Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley that occured here many hundred years ago.

Also, the famous visit by the Queen in 1575 was thought to have inspired William Shakespeare to write "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Oh my, I feel like reading that as well now.


Kiah Kardashian said...

Hi mama sarah,
dah miss your previous entry. Sibuk ler. Eheh. I love castle. Though rasanya dekat Europe cam lebih kurang ajer designnyer sumer, tapi yang ni macam lain ajer. Agaknya dah ruined kut. Or mungkin your teknik fotografi sangat excellent. Nice pictures...again!!!

Anonymous said...

The castle design dates back to the period when they were built.. Later castles/palace like buckingham built during a time when architecture more than defence were the main criteria.

Another intersting thing about the castles around UK are the gardens and woodland areas. Usually these are beautifully kept, example the Pineapple palace up in Scotland, though the castles in France have far more beautiful gardens maybe due to the weather. We missed the chance to go to Marseilles.. hmm

The most famous castle in Scotland is of course Edinburgh castle built on top of if I am not mistaken an extinct volcano. Any way, it is majestic and a good palce to visit. You get the portable guide that you can plug into your ear that tells you all about the castle. I think it is area sensitive so it will tell you about the places that you actually go to.

Heheh and another Bad Hair Day for Muhaimin ;)

dith said...


For the umpteenth time, great pics, superb narration and effortful research!

Thanks for sharing!

p.s. One fine day, I need you to bring me around to all those great places and repeat the info!

Anonymous said...

Kenilworth.... the name sounds familiar-lah.
Err, is there a Duke of Kenilworth? Maybe pernah dgr dlm some movie...

Izhal said...

the ruins (4th picture)looks it was featured in the film highlander no.1

Anonymous said...

Visited Edinburgh Castle once during my undergrad dated back in '98-99 (tua nyer rasa!) yes, they do provide visitors with that portable guide (so do Roman Bath) ..anyway, if PMS, Mynn n family wanna come over Edinburgh...ahlan wa sahlan! Please drop by Glasgow ye...

maklang said...

Maklang tak pernah pergi tengok castle2 ni...bila agaknya nak sampai. Kena start kompol duit nak jalan2 pulak!

Anonymous said...

Bila mention the Keep tu, teringat plak scene kat LOTR Two Towers.. king theoden suruh pull back to the keep!! hehe..

Lovely place indeed!

Anonymous said...

eh thanks for the invitation, entah2 we'll honour it someday. actually, Puan Mama Sarah has been saying how she'd like to visit Scotland recently ... and our anniversary is soon. what do you think bie, nak pegi scotland?

as usual, a well researched article by you. I like the pictures where you compare an artist's rendition of the place, to what the place actually looks like now.

I thought of the same thing! Visiting these places could not help but make you think of how the people used to live in these castles and how these castles are portrayed in movies.

Mama Sarah said...

Zakiah i dreaded to post up the photos. The lens on our camera was dirty. (or perhaps dah 'rosak'?) tapi alhamdulillah, ok jugalah lepas edit sikit2.

OK you know about everything eh. bagus betul.

DITH Oh yes,insyaAllah. with great pleasure, boleh tolong tunjuk jalan hehe.

dyanna hmmmm... tak dapat nak tolong lah. belum cuba nak google for Duke of Kenilworth.

Izhal alamak... rasa nak tengok highlander lah pulak.

Mama Sarah said...

fm pucuk dicita ulam mendatang!

maklang kumpul maklang jangan tak kumpul!

crimsonskye why do you have to mention that movie? i tidur 14 kali nak tunggu habis!

mynn kebetulan pulak gambar by the artist was from the same angle dgn our photo kan? cuba tengok pokok on the right,pun sama. and the scale lebih kurang juga. waaahhh.. ajak pergi scotland! i thought you'd never ask...!

Anonymous said...

eh sapa entah ambik gambar yang sama dengan artist tu bie?

Mama Sarah said...

eleeleh bby! bukan i ke? kan i minta camera dr u, nak ambik kat bridge.

Anonymous said...

mama sarah: ahaha.. I've heard that sort of remarks from a lot of people actually. But LOTR is definitely something that I'd make a moviethon out of the trilogy, everytime I go back home for the holidays ;P

Mama Sarah said...

crimsonskye i promise myself to watch LOTR when I'm a bit free. tapi sampai sekarang tak terbuat! so far, takut nak tengok LOTR sorang2, sebab cerita dia dark sangat. Rimas lah tengok cerita yang gelap je. tu tidur tu!

simah said...

mlm tadi i ada leave comment..gamaknya terlupa nak post the comment kot...great pics..!

Izhal said...

tengok...jangan tak tengok... "im duncan mcleod of the clan mcleod" ayat famous chrstopher lambert pakai... heheh...

Mama Pongkey said...

Very atmospheric. I love ruins.
I liked the play Midsummer Night's Dream a lot, though never had the chance to see it performed. Must have been some place to inspire such a play.

Shami said...

Wah banyak nyer gambar, best nyer, part bagus tengok pokok hijau, ...rumput hijau dan keindahan senibinanya....bangunan dan istana2 nyer, teringat citer2 snowwhite, cinderella ...bagai...

Queen Of The House said...

I can imagine how magnificent the castle was in its heydey. Count yourself lucky for having the opportunity to visit this castle and the many more that you've been to. Hmmmm ..... sambil visit tu, dok berangan jadi queen or princess tak, Mama Sarah?

pycnogenol said...

QOTH - With Sarah and Amar around, I doubt it very much if Mama Sarah has the opportunity to dream of becoming a Queen or a princess,....maid of honour would be more like it,...sekejap terkejar ke sana, sekejap terkejar ke sini. Betul tak Mama? ;)

Mama Sarah said...

simah hehe, tak mengapa. boleh cuba lagi.

izhal now i know why you keep your hair long.

KKL Have you watched Elizabeth? OK ke cerita dia?

Mama Sarah said...

shami haaaa... ini baru kata2 dari pandangan seorang pakar bangunan!

QOTH I am lucky! Tak delah berangan jadi Queen or Princess. Tapi berangan Queen and princess yang duduk kat istana yang probably gah suatu masa dahulu.

Pycno Hahaha!!! tu si wajah kuning kening terangkat nak kena tenyeh lagi agaknya. TApi memang, I very much suit the maid of honour position.

Anonymous said...

PMS & Mynn - jadi ke Scotland tak ni? bila nak mai? ahlan wa sahlan wa marhaban!

Mama Sarah said...

fm thanks for the offer! insyaAllah bila dah confirm, kita cuba contact.

Mama Pongkey said...

Hehehe sorry Mama Sarah, tak tgk pun Elizabeth tu. Hari tu tgk Malcolm X.

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