Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Bertuah betul!

Initially I wanted to write about Amar's progress. But there are still a few photos and "video-clips" to be edited. So I thought I could squeeze a short story about a few things first.

On Sunday, Babah went to London to meet up with Muhammad - our very close blog friends' son. Babah stayed in London for two nights, while Muhammad will be going back to Malaysia on tonight's flight at 10pm. I'm sure Babah will be updating his fotopages in good time with lots of photos from London.

At home, the children and I had some fun too. We went out for a short trip to a "fast food restaurant" (guilty!). We baked yet another Banana Cake for tea and watched lots of "Flushed Away" movie.

I have also called K.Ros to see if we could visit her on Monday afternoon. She has given birth to a baby girl on 13 February 2007. I didn't manage to take Husna's photo when we were there. But she was very fair and cute just like her sister, Huda.

We brought a little gift for the newborn and roasted chicken with lots of black pepper for the mom. Both Sarah and Amar were treated heavenly with sweets and chocolates. Huda was shy at first, but later I saw Sarah and Huda playing and whispering to each other in one corner. I hope she understood what Sarah was saying!

About half an hour later, I announced that it was time to go. You know who protested, right? Yes, our dear Sarah - jumping up and down - she said, "Tak nak balik lagi. Kita belum makan nasi lagi!" (Our host jumped to his feet, and went to the kitchen and gave Sarah a plate of rice)

Aduhhh! It was very embarrassing. Kids will be kids, yeah?


Kak Elle said...

kelakar nya Sarah nak makan nasi kesian...jgn malu afterall agak die ingat roast chicken is for dinner.

zino said...

baby zino bila nak balik nak tau apa dia minta?

"duit raya!!" hehe

Ajzie said...

Hahahah sama mcm Alya...Masa nak balik dari rumah kawan dan tgh pakaikan Alya kasut..Alya tanya 'Kenapa kawan mama tak kasi Alya makan nasi? Adehhh mmg biru jap muka mamaalya masa tuh.

D said...

last weekend i kena gak. Went to help a fren move (konon la) and the kids were beginning to make themselves at home. I jenguk dapur and then little D was screaming: "nak keropok! nak keropok!" ayoooo... the last time we came, they served keropok sayur malaysia tu and he remembered! just like when he asked for teh tarik at your place la, tapi this was worst because orang tengah sibuk pindah!!!

dith said...


That pic of Sarah reminds me how much she takes after Mynn with that gesture, :p.

That pic of Myhammad looks like an ad from a billboard, hehe. Mynn suggested that Muhammad takes modelling for extra cash...hmmm.....hrmmmm...hrrrrmmmmm..

Mummy Rizq said...

sarah....oppppssss.. but she's so cute!

Anonymous said...

Macam poskad London, you buat sendiri ke MS?

I liked Flushed Away very much too!

Kaklong Syikin said...


alamak, nama husna dan huda tu, dua2 anak saya pun nama tu, suka pulak hihi.

betul tu, kalau dah namanya budak2 memanglah..kita mmg rasa malu, tp tuan rumah takkan marah punyalah :D

geram tgk gambar2 cantik kat atas tu, betul cam poskad

nuhaafnan said...

i have a feeling that she must have heard you or Mynn saying to guests, something like "kalau tak makan nasi, tak boleh balik!"

In a way, you are imparting good values in the children, MS!

"berbudi bahasa amalan mulia"

oldtown~Smell the Roses said...

hihi..klakarlah Sarah! tp tu normal for kids.Don't worry..

Anonymous said...

hahahaha memang sarah comel gila..

laaaa budak lapar takkan tak asik makan nasik kot??

what she'd do not to go home hehehehe so comel l si sarah..

Mama Sarah said...

1. Kak Elle It was very embarrassing though. Kesian dekat tuan rumah!

2. Zino Aiseyman... ni lagi malu! Nasib baik orang Melayu di UK tak amalkan amalan duit raya ni.

3. Azie hehehe.. Kalau Alya dan Ammar datang sini, mamasarah masak nasi ok? SEkurang-kurangnya kita beli ler lauk-pauk tu.

4. D Must make sure we have enough teabags and condensed milk at home whenever little D is coming :) But, anything coming from little D always felt like a compliment.

5. DITH Anak bapaaaakkk lah katakan.
Re: modelling suggestion ~ see I've told you he errrrr... we are not the best of people to give advise. Well, take it as compliments ;)

6. Mummy Rizq :) Thanks :)

7. Dyanna Saya buat sendiri. hehe tak sangka ya?

Flushed away - at first I didn't like it. Sarah and Amar tengok ulang-ulang kali, so now, I don't mind it at all.

8. Kaklong Masa kat rumah k.ros tu pun - saya kata sama dengan nama anak kawan!

9. Anne I always say - "Kalau tak habis, tak boleh balik".

Tapi, bab Sarah tu - cannot say like that at people's house lah! Bikin malu aje.

10. Nani Saya rasa pun anak-anak memang spontan dan selamba! Bayangkan kalau rumah orang tu belum masak nasi lagi - tak ke menyusahkan???

11. Simah Sarah memang cari alasan tak mau balik. Bila dah dapat nasi sepinggan tu, dia makan 2 suap aje!

Unknown said...

hihi...pandainya sarah, belum makan nasi mana boleh balik ekk?? cute.

silversarina said...

comelnya lah sarah ni, geram.. selamba je dia mintak nasik, takpe orang faham ragam kanak-kanak .

Mama Sarah said...

13. Yus SAje cari alasan!

14. L.u.Jordan Mak dia lah yang malu. Macam pergi rumah orang nak semata-mata nak makan nasi!