While I was busy at work seeing cardiac arrests and attending poorly patients, D came over to our house with her children for a pre-arranged tea party with Puan Mama Sarah and the rest of the family. (yeah, thanks for not inviting me guys!) The piece de resistance was D's (cheese)cake, pictured above.
I only had some after I eventually came back from work, but the banana (cheese)cake was absolutely freaking delicious. Well done D! Now that I'm working in endocrinology and seeing lots of diabetic cases I keep thinking of insulin resistance especially after eating something like this - nauzubillah.
Looking forward for more lovely desserts by Puan Mama Sarah and D in the future. Come often , D!
entry by; Babah Sarah

So, we had a little tea-party at home while Babah was at work. (Sorry Babah!!!) The attendees were non other than D and her children. They brought with them banana toffee cheesecake, a recipe that one should make at least once in their lifetime.

Everyone couldn't wait to tuck into the divine looking cake. The taste was rich, creamy and velvety. An utmost pure indulgence. Mind you, D was still dissatisfied with the texture. One wonders, what is it like when she makes a perfect one, eh? Let's ask
her, shall we?

Thank you D and family for the lovely cheesecake and fun time together. Do come again, this time it will be my turn to do the baking/cooking. (oh no, must learn some quick recipes now!)
Nampak menarik..chesse cake tuh.. Semua baju colour biru...pun menarik..
oh wow I love love cheese cake...nak sikit ada lagi tak?nampak kak elle kena lah buat cheese cake ... terliur ni:)
terliur tgk..hmm yummy.
hahahaha babah sarah apa kerja dia menyebuk kat ur blog ni mama sarah...:0)
nampaknya ligat u berparty masa mynn tak ada.. the kids mesti happy gila...
that cake looks delicious.. d tak nak share recipe ka?? boleh kan kan kan?
Hmmm...mama sarah...sedapnya kek tu...
hehehe gelihati baca babasarah menyampuk hahaha...:)
sempat tu!
bestnya cake!!!!
geng in blue - wah...meriah...
cheesecake! YUMMY! mama sarah kalau nak senang buat aje no-bake cheesecake. all you need is a freezer :)
Hish.. geram sungguh tengok little D makan! Comelnya!!
I want that cake...please..please..pretty pleassseee :P
HaHaHa! The next time I come, I'll remember to bring something healthier!
oh..at first I thot I clicked into the wrong blog! Rupa2nya ada yang tumpang sekaki..
Recipe for the cheesecake pls....
Look sooooo delicious. My kids and Abang love cheesecake!
D 'blues' gang datang rumah bawak cheese cake, waduh.... sedapnya .... baru tengah plan nak diet :D
minta cikit hehe
Salam perkenalan Mama Sarah,
My first time here, and I like what I see/read, I will definitely be coming back.
The cake looks fab. Kak nisak, u must learn from Kak D so that u can bake me the exact same cake soon aaa *wink wink*
...kena telan lagi....
Nisak, boleh letak resepi cheese cake yg sinful tu dalam pondok2 tak??
the cheese cake looks so yummy!
Haiyoh, I can't type without salivating!
Hehhe. And the recipe also please. =)
1. Ajzie Puan D kita yang buat cheesecake tu. All credits to her :)
2. Kak Elle Sorry, dah habis :( hehe Kak Elle buatlah, lepas tu letak kat blog resepi Kak Elle tu.
3. Yus o-oh...
4. Simah Babah Sarah pun nak tulis jugak... kasi chance lah.
5. Kak Lady D yang buat, bukan saya.
6. Idham Tulah! Frust tak dijemput lah tu. (kih kih!)
7. PinkyJ The one D made was no-bake cheesecake.
8. Juwaidah Aiseyman, ramai dah berkenan kat Little D tu.
9. Sarahss hohoho, sorry dear. Dah habis.
10. D But I will still be serving you all teh tarik ;) (Dengki tak habis kat you)
11. Maklang Green template is mine (at least for the time being :)
Resepi, kena tunggu D.
12. LuJordan blues gang <-- hehe kelakar. apa nak dikato. tengok aje tak merosakkan diet tau!
13. Zino dah habiiiiisss... nanti D buat lagi (hihi)
14. nj nice to see you here :) hope to see you again.
15. Naja Are you sure??? Tak serik-serik lagi awak makan masakan saya.
16. DITH Your request is acknowledged.
17. mom2ashley Thanks to D.
18. Farah nah tissue...
19. Afie Cheesecake dah habis! Resepi akan diusahakan... Diharap bersabar.
Salam mama sarah,
sungguh kebetulan ni. i just baked 1 apricot cheese cake yesterday. but this 1 looked so creamy delicious! and they all looked so nice in blue. berderet-deret baju biru kalau di ampaian ye. hehe
Sinful!!! Tapi I nak the recipe ... amnalah tahu, in one of my inspired moments I may decide to bake!
Woiiii friend!!!! Sedapnya.... aku nak!!
nampak sedap sesgt cheese cake ni!!!
And cute team baju biru ni..!
sedapnya tu!!!! salivating2 ni.. ya tak ya.. boleh share recipe kaa?
mmg tak berhati perut.
22. Sarah share recipe apricot cheesecake?! The children were in their school uniform. cool kan?
23. QoTH I'll wait for D to "perfect" her recipe before we can share the recipe.
24. Elviza Sorry mate, dah habis.
25. Nani Memang sedap pun!
26. Mulan Kita tunggu pesanan penaja (Pn D kita lerrr)
27. Zakiah Tidak berniat untuk mengairliurkan sesiapa. Jauh sekali untuk menyakat sahabat. TApi sesungguhnya betapa syoknya dapat kacau Dik Kiah ni sorang. kuikui... happy berpantang.
oo...school uniforms..i missed the batches on them. i thought it was some kinda family outfits for children. if anything happened like lost in hypermarkets or what, it would be easy to recognize them.hihi
29. Sarah hehe bukan! they just came back from school and came straight to our house :)
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