It wasn't too bad in the morning. Bright blue sky. The weather forecast must be wrong. Reported to be snowing again, but where was the thick white clouds? We took the opportunity to go out on Mother's Day. Not to celebrate but to buy fresh milk and nappies for the kids.
Once we were out, we felt the instant chill. It was bone freezing cold! We stayed outdoors only for a while. Everyone started to have runny nose, best to go back and stay in the warmth of our own home.

Once we reached home, it started to sleet and later became something like ice storm. (Hujan air batu?) They were not flaky and fluffy snow. It felt like you've been hit by hundred of white icy stones, seriously. We didn't take much photos when it "snowed" again recently. The photos with Amar and Sarah were taken when it was snowing in February.

It was supposed to be Springtime already but it snowed on Sunday and it was Mother's Day too - but instead of putting up my feet, I worked double hard that day. I was on my knees cleaning the oven and scrubbing the bathroom. Not complaining, a clean home just gives me the good feeling. Also after a good meal of Kung Po Chicken (which I prepared too) and Babah's constant reminders asking me to rest, all have channelled the good vibes in me.
It was around 8pm, Sarah was already asleep. Amar was still up watching Toy Story the movie. Babah has just made me a mug of Milo, and I was just about to sit down and relax when suddenly Sarah woke up and cried.
Accident happens. She must have dreamt she was outside soaked in the wintry showers.
There I was giving Sarah a change of pyjamas, putting her back to sleep, rinsing the thick duvet and hanging it on the heater. By then, my milo has gone all cold.
But it's OK. It's all good. It's Spring and it snowed.
Well.. I dah lepas stage tu.. But once in a blue moon, accident happens gak lagi.. Ooopps! I forgot! I will go thru that stage again in the near future! hahahaha!!!
p/s: the first pic, mcm ada pic lain kat belakang gambar yg bawah tu.. is it?
A mother's work never ends yek. Hehehe...
I agree with you...penat kemas rumah camne pun..it's a good feeling when the house is all spick and span..berkilat-kilat..
Nice editing picture yg 1st itu... Wonder mcm Juwaidah juga.. ada picture lain ker di belakang gambar yg bawah tuh..?
Happy Mothers day to you.. Datang sini nanti I buat kan Milo panas special for you ok..hihihi.
HaHaHa! So you found the snow picts taken in February?! Aahh, kids enjoyed the cold storm on Sunday. Confused but enjoyed it still.
Happy mother's day....kat sini in may.
would you consider that ice-rain as snow? tapi tu lah kat A34 near to Newbury, there was even an accident that night, the car went spinning against the traffic, must be skidded. The thing is the road quickly become slippery, unlike a normal snowy day. Sbb yg turun tu ice ketul betul... cumanya heran kenapa tak de org buat gritting kalau dah tahu nak snow yeak?
Happy mothers day :)
Love the pictures.
Hi MS,
dah lama I tak visit your blog. I've to say the new baby in town reminded me of Nabil when he was born - same weight and gestation period. Nabil however had to be intubated but he is now big and healthy. so I'm pretty sure the little princess will grow up beautifully too.
Good to hear you had a good day.
Waa, ada geng! Amar's winter jacket similar like mine (of course after you triple the size and minus the cute clipped snow mittens!) Hehe :)
omg did i miss mother's day???
accident? tilam basah? oh sarah mimpi 'basah' yea? lol
happy belated mother's day to u, me & all mothers around the world yah ;)
Agreed. Cleaning up the house always land us with good vibes.
p.s I didnt realize that it was Mother's day till I read this entry! hehe
eh! baru last week hubby soh i belajar buat kung pao chicken.. ada resepi ker?
Memang satu kepuasan bila dpt bersihkan rumah seperti yang kita mahu. Last week kat sini pun snow turun sekejap, tapi yus tak sempat nak ambil gambar pun. Cantik edited picture yg pertama tu. Dah makin cekap nisak gunakan ps yer.
snow in spring!? love the photos...i like the contrast of sarah's red jacket against the snowy background.
happy belated mother's day..
it is spring n it is snowing.. this year the weather is really weird kan? i thinkit is everywhere in the world..
cute photos ..ilaways love snow pictures...:0)
huhhhh...dah banyak dah terlepas n3. sibuk sangat...
anyway, hope everything is ok and have a nice life....
Remember, Vanessa Williams had reminded us all with the lyrics: "Sometimes the snow comes down in June...."
BTW, I just love Sarah's red winter jacket. Reminded me of my eldest boy who had a flaming red winter jacket too. Too bad I cannot post his pic. Muka dia sebijik macam Pycno. Then you'll know how I look like. :(
1. Juwaidah once in a blue moon... indeed :)
ha ah, ada gambar kat blkg tu. Sungguh tidak kemas kan?
2. K.D. I wish I can do some decluttering. Baru syok nak polish all the surfaces sampai berkilat.
3. Azie hehe... sebenarnya testing out some techiques on PS. Niat asal nak letak gambar Cathedral tu sekeping aje.
This work sangat tidak kemas, leceh nak get the right sizing especially the quadrants. Each framing is of different size. Tak sepatutnya dipublish this work.
4. D I was looking for the recent snow pics. Min yg hide after all!
5. Kak Elle Yup, kat sini kononnya mothering Sunday - Easter.
6. Anonymous No, we do not regard that as snow. More like hujan batu!!! you witnessed the accident first hand? Uuuhh, ngerinya.
7. Dyanna Thanks luv.
8. Juraina Bz eh? The baby's still in the hosp. I think she's doing fine. Alhamdulillah.
9. Farah 3 x bigger - mittens = Farah's coat. hehe.though i think you'd look cute in mittens.
10. Anne UK celebrates mother's day 3 weeks before Easter Sunday. Malaysia will be in MAy.
11. DITH You haven't missed it yet. Malaysia celebrates in May.
Yup, I love it when the house is tidy. (kalau boleh nak get rid of the toys and cds! get a minimal look...hmmmm bila ntah?)
12. Mummy Rizq Nanti I publish dkt my pondok-pondok blog. Thanks for asking :)
13. Yus Tak cekap pun. Main-main dan sengaja memeningkan kepala.
14. mom2Ashley Looks vibrant aye?
15. Simah I've noticed, for the past few years we are here in the UK, the weather turns really really cold for a while just before Spring.
16. cikdinz sibuk is good :)
17. Pycno Splitting image of his dad eh? Email pun tak boleh? would love to see what people wear in those days... bell bottoms or drainpipe?(alasan...)
Macam letih je bunyi? Letih but contented and happy. =)
Happy Mother's Day...
Rindu nak buat chores and masak masak.
great shots. looking at the pics, its high time mama sarah get herself a D80 at least o 5D. ;)
great compilation.
happy mothers day!
Happy mother's day !!
A housewife tak pernah cuti.... paling penting you enjoy doing all the chores....
well done MS !!
happy mother's day..mama sarah!
Belum merasa anakanda 'accident' sbb still sleeping with dryper. Ingat masa kita kecik2 kena tido tilam alas plastik..tak syok langsung....
salam mama sarah,
and here in russia, on march 8th is devoted for women's day. so happy belated mother's n woman's day to u. they both look cute in their winter coat. cute enuf to look like bantal busuk yg best utk dipeluk2. about d weather, luckily winter is over n it wasnt that cold this yr. the lowest was -25'C. (it used to b -35'C). enjoy ur spring!
20. Afie Content...
21. Zakiah Duduk diam-diam!
22. Ikelah D80 please! (huhu... kalau ada duit tak habis nanti boleh lah)
23. LuJordan hehe ada kalanya saya pun contribute menyepah juga. (ooops!)
24. Nani Thanks :)
25. nbk466 Tak lama lagi anak2 kita pulak merasa.
26. Sarah -25C-35C??? Beku lah saya...
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