It was a plain weekend. Babah was quite agog to visit Auntie and Uncle De in Essex. But the drab weather forecast delayed our plans until next time. It wasn't that bad spending our weekend in Coventry town centre with Arep and Dina again. They introduced us to "The Noodle Bar". The food was excellent and served in huge bowls for each and everyone of us!
Amar was asleep (as usual) three quarters of the time in the restaurant. So I had a 'peaceful' time eating my jumbo portion of Seafood Ho Fun (now, where is the picture?). Sarah had some of my Ho Fun too. In fact she had three helpings!

On Sunday we went to Toys r Us. The mission was to find Amar's birthday present. But it was Sarah who sort of gave us a long list of what she would like to have; Princess Cinderella dolly, Ariel the mermaid dolly, a Princess (toy) laptop so that she could watch her favourite DVDs, princess scooter/bicycle, a princess stationery set, a Barbie doll duvet cover set, basically she wanted anything pink or princessly.
It was not that hard to tell her that she will only be getting one item. But my heart... How I wish I could buy all of the above for her.
Amar had his eyes on this particular toy. Nothing expensive or spectacular, but we were so happy that he showed some interest and preference. You all have to wait until his birthday to know what it is. Again I have to stress, nothing extravagant - just a simple birthday present for our dear son.
Salam mama sarah,
when i was only a little sarah, i had only a few lady like dolls. u know y? because in my opinion, it looked like i forced myself to like them instead deep inside i enjoyed reading since 3! so i've no sweet memories with dolly2 things. what more to say about pink stuffs! but now, i like watching little girls in pink. pink suits them very well, isnt it?
can't wait for Amar's birthday to see what his present (and sarah's) is!
Alahai princess sorang tu...
Serupalah kita..si NAMI semua princess and pink too. BORING!!
Adik dia so far ganas sikit..but.. we'll see..
Apalah gamaknya tu ye si Amar dapat
mama sarah tak kira lah apa hadiah nya as long as it comes from the heart:)at least at this age die belum pandai memintak lagi...waduhhh si kakak punya list bukan main panjang lagi....hehe
Can't wait to find out what the agog father got his down-to-earth son for his present!
*dith dok bayang mainan plastic berwarna warni yg di pasar malam, hehe
itu mainan yg Amar pilih sendiri ek? Can't wait to know as well hehe...
it's like a never ending story kalau membelikan bebudak mainan..
alahai sarah, dia pulak yg demand macam2 yea? actually aunty anne pun cam sarah gak masa kecik2, sumer nak princess & pink2 belaka :)
& i love the pink scrappy :D :D
bukan main demand lagi sarah, ammar cool ajer ekk. Agaknya anak kedua lebih cool dari anak pertama, yer ker?
Seafood Ho Fun? Mcm mana tu nisak? Yelah, kenapa takde gambarnya kali ni? Dah habis makan baru teringat ker??hehe
Asking for all those toys - Sarah does sound like a princess in the making :P
ROTFL to dith's wild imagination. 'Mainan plastik berwarna warni di pasar malam indeed' :D
By the way, what is Ho Fun? Sounds Like Fun.
Heheheh. Lovely photos, are you into scrapping now Mama Sarah? I wonder if when Sarah grows up she will still love the colour pink, or otherwise? :)
cannot wait to see Amar present! Tak perlu bg hadiah yg mahal2, yg penting, from the bottom of your heart! And ikut kemampuan kan? Ikutkan hati, sume nak bg..and toys yg best2 kan?
Wah..byknya list kakak dia ye! Sofiya plak, kalu tanya color ape ni, sume PINK!sabar jelah!
Alya pun sama..kalau boleh semua dia nak beli..tp alhamdulilah dia faham dia hanya akan dapat satu sahaja. Lepas itu Alya akan cakap.. 'nanti kita datang lagi baru boleh beli yg lain lah...kan mama..kan mama'..hihihi.
Same with me also..kalau lah saya boleh belikan semua yg Alya mahu tentu anak saya akan gembira. Tetapi saya tahu itu bukan lah cara yang bijak dan bukan lah yang terbaik utk saya menunjukkan kasih sayang saya pada Alya dan Ammar sebenarnya..
so sweet...it is good to let ur kids choose their own birthday gifts...
nice..ask god to keep them on za straight side
1. Sarah My Sarah loves pink like many other girls.
2. D "I can't wait for Amar's birthday" is Sarah's favourite line at the moment.
3. K.D Sarah mmg suka pink, suka dolly, suka masak-masak. At the same time suka melompat. Suka bergymnastic, suka jerit etc...
4. Kak Elle Memang belum pandai minta. Cakap pun belum pandai!
5. DITH The agog father (and mother) wish to buy the whole Toys r Us!
memang kalau ke kedai toys bukan budak je yang yang nak beli macam-macam, mak budak pun sama naik...
apalah agaknya hadiah bday tu ekkk.
tentu seronok Amar dpt hadiah, lambat lagi ke birthday Amar?
Tak sabar nk tunggu ni... hihihi
6. Alex Lacey Amar pilih sendiri. Kita nak beli yang lain, tapi dia pegang-pegang this particular one. Babah was more than happy to get him the he chose.
7. Mummy Rizq Never ending memang! Mak bapak dia pun teringin gak!
8. Anne Girls and pink, bagai isi dengan kuku (boleh ke?)
9. Yus Ada gambar, tapi malas nak touch up! Ho fun tu Kuey Tiow je sebenarnya.
10. Hiyoshi I told the Babah, if it were my young cousins in Malaysia, they would love to have the big trucks with huge wheels. They don't mind the ones from Pasar Malam. Amar didn't give a toss with wheels.
11. KKL Pink is alright, I think. But I bet Sarah's "colour" is going to change when we all go back to Malaysia. Then, pink wouldn't suit her much.
Scrapping. Yes, have been wanting to do this for a loooonnnggg time. Will send them off for binding soon.
12. Nani Sarah masa kecik pun, the first colour yang dia belajar was Red. SEmua pun red!
HAdiah tu, kita nak belikan something yang Amar akan guna or main. (And kalau boleh tak mau lah mahal sangat!)
13. Ajzie Ya lah. Kalau duit saya tak habis pun, belum tentu saya belikan segala benda utk anak-anak (dan diri sendiri). Anak-anak tu pandai juga memujuk(psycho) kita kan. TAk alih-alih kita kesian pulak kat diaorang.
14. Simah I hope so. (Selagi benda yang bermanfaat boleh dirunding)
15. Copa I'm always praying for the best for the children and the rest of the family.
16. LuJordan Ya benar. Ikut hati dan perasaan ni memang macam-macam nak beli. Oh yang ini boleh membantu dia berjalan. Yang ini membantu dia membaca etc... last-last semua pun nak angkut!
17. Mama Faris Hehe... tak de apa special pun. TApi sesuatu yang nampak seperti Amar berkenan sangat.
Birthday dia 3 April. Next Tuesday!
MamaSarah..memang lah kekadang ada rasa kesian kalau kita tak beli kan..kan..dan ada rasa bersalah pula kalau tgk mood mereka bertukar, tp kena pujuk diri sendiri juga dan kena pandai pujuk dan cakap pada mereka, kenapa dan mengapa tak bolah beli. Takan satu kedai kita nak angkut kan. Hahaha..
Ehh tak sabar lah nak tunggu birthday present Amar.. Tentu Amar relax and cool aje auntie ajzie yg sibuk2 and kepoh2 nih..hihhi
Noodle Bar?...mesti ade macam2 noodle kan? Yummy....sedapnya...kak lady memang hantu noodle...hehehe
22. Ajzie Eh, present biasa aje. Sekarang ni tengah hide. Nak wrap dulu (padahal Amar dah tengok pun!)
23. Kak Lady Ha ah macam2 ada. Tapi saya pilih Ho fun/kuey tiow aje. Next time boleh try lain pulak.
I once had a pink panther which I'm really really really fond of to the brink of love. But it got lost in time. Sometimes... I miss him. =(
bila birthday ni? cepat2, nak tengok toy present Amar.
25. Afie Pink Panther... love the classic cartoon.
26. Dyanna 3 April, next Tuesday. Present Amar ke present babah dia... entahlah tu!
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