Amar is 2
Today, Amar turns 2. We arranged a birthday party for him yesterday. It was a jolly sunny day perfect for the children to enjoy themselves. More on the party in my next entry.
As for now, we would like to wish Amar a very happy birthday. May you have many happy years ahead of you and continue to be a good son always.
Lots and lots of love;
Mama, Babah and Kakak Sarah.
As for now, we would like to wish Amar a very happy birthday. May you have many happy years ahead of you and continue to be a good son always.
Lots and lots of love;
Mama, Babah and Kakak Sarah.
dearest amar, a very warm birthday wish from me, kakak sarah no. 2 =) be a good boy okay!
from moscow with lovessss~
eh terlupa. what's the surprise birthday present for him? the one that u've been keeping as a secret. would like to know it asap.
p/s: mama sarah, video sajak tu dah ready dah..hehe. specially dedicated for u =)
Auntie Ju, Kak Farah, Hazman, Hazim and Nasya
Happy 2nd Birthday to darling Amar from aunty elle in sg.Semoga Amar menjadi anak soleh pada mama and baba.
ah aunty pun nak tau juga apa present yg Amar dapat?
eppi besday Amar.
from Aiman & Anas
Happy Birthday Amar..
Moga jadi anak yg cemerlang dunia dan akhirat.
Nak kepoh..present Amar boleh tak? Dapat apa dari Mama and Kakak Sarah..hihihhi..
Hugs frm
Ajzie, Alya n Ammar
Selamat Panjang umur Master Amar.
Enjoy your presents..and cake
Share ye with your friends and sister
Mesti cute dia bila tau nak sambut birthday dia... hepi, hepi... :D
Happy Birthday Amar!!
I have no doubt that Amar's in good hands. May Allah bless you all always...
ps: I dah tau presentnya apa!! Yaay!
selamat hari lahir utk amar.. semuga menjadi anak yg soleh dan menjadi kebanggaan ayah dan ibu.. amin..
Anda mungkin tidak menyedari atau memahami nya sekarang. Tapi anda sesungguhnya amat bertuah dilahirkan dalam keluarga bahagia dan mempunyai Babah dan Mama yang menyayangi mu tanpa syarat.
Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh dan dapat membahagiakan kedua orang tua mu nanti...
happy birthday amar...
aper menatang kat sebelah spiderman tuh??
jadik good boy kayyyyy
Happy birthday Amar!
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy BIRTHDAY Amarr!! muahs muahsssssssssss
happy birthday amar!!!!
Happy Birthday Amar...semoga menjadi anak yg cemerlang dunia akhirat. I'm looking for the birthday present given by his mama. Which one naa?
Oppss..dob Amar cantik (03.04.05),terbalik dr Sofiya, (04.03.05)hihi...
Happy birthday Amar!!!
with love
kak gee
Amar dearie,
Happy Birthday little boy. My my, how you have grown! Jadi good boy sokmo deh.
Hepi Birthday dear handsome boy!
Buleh tahan jugak ABG NBK masa muda2 dulu..he..he..he.. Happy B'day 2U
selamat harijadi amar...moga panjang umur dan jadi anak yang baik nanti, InsyaAllah....
Happy birthday to Ammar, semuga menjadi anak yg soleh..
Happy Belated Birthday Amar!!
Happy Belated Birthday Amar! *smooches*
happy 2nd birthday amar!!!!!!!!!! :D
Happy Birthday Amar!!! Here's abirthday gift for you.. muah~ a kiss from me. Hehhe. =D
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