Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Dear all, we've been away for a few days during the Easter break recently. We had so much fun at:

Then, a revisit to:

Finally, we basked under the sun here:

We came back on Sunday night, tired but happy. On Monday night Sarah and Amar were down with fever. Hence the reason I was unable to update earlier.

Now that they are slightly better, I will update with more photos. Will be back soon!


Arifah said...

Aawwwwww. =)

k.d said...

Nice weekend you had there. Legoland.... nice!!

Hope when they're better, the parents tak sakit lak...

Take care :)

Anonymous said...

Aaaah finally an update!

wait, wait..LEGOLAND?!?
uu suddenly got extra excited. ada lifesize legos eh Mama Sarah?

Cepat² fully sehat, Sarah and Amar!

Kiah Kardashian said...

wah legoland!!!

i'm sure kalau kitorang pergi bukan anak anak yang excited...bapak dier yang menggiler.

LHS said... kids must have tons of fun there..

Ajzie said...

Hari2 datang jengah tp masih tak update..Aj ckp Nisak ke Legoland..tuh yg tak sabar nak tgk gambar tuh..huhuhu.. Tentu cantik gambar2 cuaca dengan cuaca yang menarik.

Moga Sarah n Amar cepat sembuh...

Anonymous said...

glad the kids r ok now.. mama diaorang jaga jaga la diri yek..jangan sampai mama dia pulak yg sakit... walaupun babah diaorang doctor..tapi mama of the house rules... tarak mama the thouse will go haywire! :0)

Kak Elle said...

Legoland nice place kan?Hope the children getting better now...lagi pun tak susah ada doc in the house!

Anonymous said...

Hope your kids are feeling better already.. seems like kids on the other side of the world are also falling sick... here the weather's been crazy, so lotsa sickies here too...

juwaidah said...

No wonder lama senyap.. Tak sabar nak tengok gambar2.. Hope the kids are better now!

D said...

yup, can't wait for the picts!! i've also not been blogging so much recently...

Anonymous said...

Hi K'ron, It's Az here. Heard from Juey that u're in the UK as well. Btw, u've got two amazing kids. I live not far from Legoland windsor btw. Chat again soon. Feel free to visit my fp at

Mama Sarah said...

1. Afie :)

2. K.D So far so good.

3. Farah ada!

4. Zakiah haha... boleh imagine :)

5. huisia the kids had fun alright.

6. Ajzie Gambar biasa-biasa aje. RAMAI sangat orang. Cuti sekolah lah katakan...

7. Simah hihi... thank you for acknowledging the important role of a mother :)

8. Kak Elle Pretty good place :) Still tak leh lawan Disneyland, Paris.

9. Sue Ya lah. The sudden change in temperature must be one of the factors of their illness.

10. Juwaidah Pressure lah cakap camtu!

11. D I noticed.

12. Azrina Hi mate! Tak sangka dapat jumpa di sini :) leave me your email add - we'll catch up there.

Anonymous said...

so nice....get to have fun at so many places during the easter break....!

Mummy Rizq said...

waaa.. geramnya tengok dua beradik tu tido.. tenang jer...

Anonymous said...

k' iman kena cken pox pulak! sedih tgk dia...uhuk...but it won't stop him from jalan sana sini...tgh seronok baru dpt kaki...dulu jalan jatuh bangun...sekarang dah steady sikit...
u guys take care...hope to see sarah n amar as their usual self soon!.

Music Gates said...

that's awesome but i didnt celebrate wiz da easter i was studing gr8 pics
and happy easter

zino said...

seronok dapat jalan jalan...

oldtown~Smell the Roses said...

wah ramainya manusia kat Legoland tu!
tak sabar nak tgk gmbr2 lagi.

Hope Amar & Sarah cepat sembuh!

silversarina said...

cuti panjang sikit kalau tak jalan tak sah rasa...rugi....

Syok jalan-jalan..... :)

Idham said...

looks like u and family ahd a wodnerful weekend...:)

more pics...please.


maklang said...

mesti best punya tu...

maklang teringat mamasarah nak pesan apa2 tak. Alang said dia nak keCOventry end May. Kalau ada nak apa2 kalau boleh bawakkan dia bawaklaa...Please email maklang at

Mulan said...

great time!! syok nya pi legoland tu.. bila la nak sampai ni??

cikdinz said...

dah tua-tua nih pon suka kat lego gaks...

Anonymous said...

i nak pi LEGOLAND juga!!!!

lelakhalidah said...

Kak Nisak,

Legoland kat situ sama mcm kak azie kat german ker??

Unknown said...


Kesian Sarah dan Amar, sampai demam, mesti mereka penat campur seronok tu. More pictures please!!..hehe

NBK466 said...

Eh..tak leh amik gambar ke dlm LEGOLAND tuh? takde pic pun....

Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

legoland! rindunye tempat tu!

may the 2 cuties get well soon

Mama Sarah said...

14. mom2Ashley yup! but soooo many people lah.

15. mummy rizq tenang? haha jaga2 sepakan terajang mereka.

16. DD I ni phobia dengan perkataan 'chicken pox'. boleh berjangkit melalui cyber ke? i belum pernah kena lagi. nauzubillah!

kesian iman kan? dia tak garu2 ke?

17. Copa Studying? poor you.

18. Zino sudah tentu :)

19. Nani Memang sesak! anak-anak saya masih tak sihat. hari ni dah jumaat :(

20. LuJordan Memang tak sah!

Mama Sarah said...

21. Idham more photos coming soon! anak2 down with fever lah :(

22. maklang thanks very much maklang! kalau ada, saya email cepat2.

23. Mulan masa duduk UK dulu tak pergi eh?

24. Cikdinz kat rumah cikdinz bnyk lego?

25. Misha sudah tentu legoland gembira dengar tu :)

26. lela I'm pretty sure sama!

27. yus rasa perubahan cuaca. kebetulan hari jumaat tu, memang terik betul panasnya. kita dok berjemur pulak sepanjang hari.

28. nbk466 diharap bersabar. nantikan sambungannya (yang entah bila nak diupdatekan!)

29. Sarah They are still not 100% well. Now the Babah is ill.

NorAiniJ said...

Hmm... bestnya jalan. I am sooooo missing strolling down the Tower Bridge..bilelah nak sampai London lagi nih.

nuhaafnan said...

poor babes (the abah included!) take good care, kat sini musim chicken pox

Anonymous said...


I kena la simnpan duit kalau nak pergi ke LEGOLAND tu .. :)

Anonymous said...


I kena la simnpan duit kalau nak pergi ke LEGOLAND tu .. :)

Anonymous said...

Dearest K'ron,

Ahhh.... for me this posting is a walk down memory lane. Brighton Pier, tower bridge. Isk isk isk...