Another lovely day. We didn't have any specific plans so we just called two neighbours and asked if they wanted to join us for a picnic at Longford Park. A neighbour squeezed with us in our car and we met the other neighbour and her family at the park.
Since we said that it was going to be a 'picnic', we must have food. But it was just an impromptu suggestion so we stopped at a fast food restaurant and ordered a family meal deal! The shop really took its time to prepare the food. Our other neighbour and her kids were already waiting for us at the park. Luckily they brought along some games; kites and balloons, so they were quite occupied while waiting for us.
Here are some photos of the kids. By the way, I was told that one of the children didn't quite fancy his photo being put up in blogosphere. But since I don't quite know which one is him, then I just put up all the kids' photo. Otherwise I will be judged for being impartial. But then I might get sued by this little fellow too.

Obviously this is Amar trying to climb up a bench.

Sarah with 3 fruit shoots. I gave her a long lecture about to finish one bottle at a time. Actually she took 3 bottles so that she could give them away to her friends. She had a good mind!

Friend no.1 - handy with weeding the wild flowers.

Friend no.2 - similar hobby with friend no.1.

Friend no.3 - the Princess. Always ready for the camera.

Friend no.4 - who thought that balloons will pop when they touch the grass. Didn't we all?!!
The grass was dry enough for us to lie down on it. We made the kids lie down on their back and posed for us. It was alright to direct the bigger kids, but a struggle to keep the younger one still - especially Amar.

First, there were four of them.

Four plus one plus one mystery hand but why is Sarah touching friend no.2?

Two had their eyes closed and errrrr... where is Amar?

Let's squeeze Amar in between. Alamak, now almost everyone closed their eyes!!!

Nearly perfect. Amar squashing friend no.4 and trying to make an escape.

Six minus one. Bolehlah.

It was a fun day with lovely company. There were enough space for the kids to run around. And lots of bigger kids who were willing to run after Amar if he went too far.

It may look like a speck of white dot in the above photo, but it is a kite flying in the air. To my children that must have been the first time they were introduced to a real kite. Amar was not very keen. Sarah - being quite pushy and demanding, she had a go and was quite successful.

The photo above proved that it was really her flying the kite. She had some help from a few people for the kite to lift off and to get her a steady grip of the two strings. Speaking of kids and kites just remind me of DITH's entry; 'Kite flying anyone?' written almost a year ago. My thoughts continue
there. Go read!
Salam ziarah,
Kids. They know how to have fun. And it's fun indeed being a kid. Oh I really miss those days where I don't need to think about maths and physics. I wish time-travel is real :D
Salam, sudah beberapa kali juga jadi silent reader, bloghop dari loveujordan... comel dan cute anak2 you...
best ya duduk di negara orang, dpt jalan2 luaskan pandangan dan bykkan pengalaman..
WoW!! Now so anonymous... HeHe. I don't think Friend 2 should be taken that seriously though. He was just pondering over the wonders of Internet - how ANYone ANYwhere is able to view almost EVERYthing (hope he won't sue us when he grows up!).
erm... they look that they are really having fun.. weather is good huh! bestnya.. bila lah ada kesempatan nak kesana. rugi rasanya dulu waktu kat US I didnt take the chance to go to UK.. matter what and how..they will always have fun..bestnya view kat sana, kat sini kalau picnis tu..garenti lah tepi laut atau sungai..
Lovely weather!. Kalau la di Dubai sekarang ni cuacanya macam di UK...
Gambar himpit himpit tu soooo cute.
This is the lovely thing about living in the UK - their equally lovely parks are just waiting to be filled with merry-making picnic goers.
I haven't been to a picnic in ages. Puan Mama Sarah tidak ingin menjemput saya ke satu perkelahan ke? Teringin makan sandwic yang berisi kepingan keju bersama hirisan tomato.
kids photo ? how about the parents...heheheeee....
really enjoy huhhh..
waah..banyak n3 terlepas. Lovely photos. Suka tengok budak2 tu enjoy bermain layang2 di taman
I miss UK!!!! Aaaaaa. Tensnyen tengok park yang sunggoh indah. Hehehe. If I happen to accidently pop there one day, you have to bring me to all the parks in England. ;)
enjoy sakan nampak matahari nampaknya...
as usual.. wonderful pics.. love them !
Banyak sangat gambar budak2 la..comel memang comel tapi kita nak tengok jugak gambar orang2 tua yg comel2
he he he..
Salam Mama Sarah,
I've missed a few entries since my work loads came endlessly. Plus with the exam session in the progress right now. Kids are kids. Always know how to keep mind free and enjoy the time being kids. Sangat seronok tengok diorang semua. But where's the parents? playing hide and seek? Hehe. Nice pics!!
Hahaha...amar so cute..comel sgt masa dia squeez kat kawan dia tu...
Eh! Syafika takde ke?
mesti susah nak get the all together for a decent shot...and the green grass...susahnyer nak dpt sini. either you get baked alive under the hot sun or you get dog-poop on the ground. 8/
1. mrjournal kids will be kids :)
2. nurazzah8 thanks for visiting my humble blog. ada part yang seronok di perantauan, ada yang tidak.
3. D hope not! i'll bribe him with some cupcakes if he does.
4. mummy rizq if the weather is good, mmg syok jalan.
5. atehlaila tepi sungai tak de pacat ke? huhu... ngerinya...
6. zakiah ni cerita basi. memang panas a month ago. this few weeks asyik hujan memanjang! semalam hujan air batu lagi!
7. hiyoshi di manakah tempat yang sesuai utk berkelah di malaysia utk menikmati 2 hirisan roti bersama keju dan kepingan tomato? saya jangka, pasti selepas picnic tersebut, kita akan terus menuju ke mana-mana restaurant dan membaham nasi pula dan segelas teh tarik.
sandwich is so Queen of England you know! I want curry. hihihi...
(gurau je hiyoshi... jomlah plan utk family gathering. anywhere pacat-less ok?)
8. cikdinz the parents tak tahan kena flash. mata dah tua you!
9. yus kesian kat mak-mak dan bapak budak yang kena layan jugak. esp kawan saya tu lah. asyik kena roll balik benang layang2 tu. sampai tersangkut kat atas pokok!
10. afie if we are still here, then we'll take you to at least memorial park and longford park. biasa aje sebenarnya... taman2 di malaysia pun hebat-hebat belaka :)
11. maklang ni cerita basi maklang. cerita bulan lepas. ni dok hujan ribut petir ni.
12. simah thanks.
13. halwafy alasannya ialah camera shy.
14. sarah alasan terkini, ya betul berselindung di sebalik tabir.
psst: good luck with your exams.
15. kak lady syafika tu siapa ya?
16. ibu aisyah susah mmg. yg bergerak, yg tertutup mata, yg silau etc...
i think most people here clean their dog's litter. so boleh tahan lagi lah nak duduk2 atas ground.
it'll be scorching hot in june-july.
Hmm, has Sarah taken a fancy to friend no.2? I wouldn't blame her. He's a looker too!
That aside, kite-flying takes a lot of dexterity. Sarah made it look so easy. She's a natural kite-flyer!
If we were to see life through a child's untainted eyes, the world will appear less stressful and chaotic :)
Bestnye looking at the kids' picture. They really had fun. Sayangnya orang kat malaysia ni tak boleh join. Hihi, sarah has a good mind indeed... good intention too... Kudos to sarah's mama and abah.
18. Theta I think we will get a confused answer from Sarah as to whom she fancies? No.1 or No.2. They are twins you see. (hihi you may get this often yourself eh?)
re: natural kite flyer. Not exactly. That was her first time, probably it was beginner's luck. (actually it was the twins' mom who controlled the kite first, then passed it to Sarah)
19. Jalilah Sometimes, we learn from the little ones. Their mind are innocent. The bad me sometimes mistaken her good intentions for wanting to do something mischievous!
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